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Castiñeira Ezquerra, Marina . (1999) El principado de Urbino como corte-jardín : Castiglione y su tratado de cortesanía.  0.35 608 2019
Monago Maraña,Olga, Domínguez Manzano, Jaime, Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio, Durán Merás, Isabel y Muñoz de la Peña, Arsenio . (2020) Second-order calibration in combination with fluorescence fibre-optic data modelling as a novel approach for monitoring the maturation stage of plums.  0.35 42 8
Galluccio, L., Delbo, M., Angeli, F. De y Sarro Baro, Luis Manuel . (2023) Gaia Data Release 3. Reflectance spectra of Solar System small bodies.  0.35 35 3
Landini, Cecilia, Bonomo, Mariano, Leipus, Marcela and Martínez, Gustavo . (2000) Forma y función de los instrumentos líticos del sitio Paso Otero 3 (pdo. de Necochea, pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina) : un estudio comparativo.  0.35 733 1550
Filipa M.B., Lã, Polo, Nuria, Granqvist, Svante, Cova, Tania y Pais, Alberto C. . (2023) Female Voice-Related Sexual Attractiveness to Males: Does it Vary With Different Degrees of Conception Likelihood?.  0.35 74 14
Rubio Fernández, Virginia and Fernández Fernández, Antonio . (1997) Tipología de las laderas del valle del Júcar (Albacete) : factores geomorfológicos e intervención antrópica.  0.35 508 1898
Gallego, Carlos, Martín-Aragoneses, María Teresa, López-Higes, Ramón y Pisón, Guzmán . (2016) Semantic and syntactic reading comprehension strategies used by deaf children with early and late cochlear implantation.  0.35 33  
Madrigal, Pedro, Singh, Nitin K., Wood, Jason M., Gaudioso, Elena, Hernández‑del‑Olmo, Félix, Mason, Christopher E., Venkateswaran, Kasthuri y Beheshti, Afshin . (2022) Machine learning algorithm to characterize antimicrobial resistance associated with the International Space Station surface microbiome.  0.35 55 11
Martín, Folgar, Raquel, Torres Ruiz, Mónica, Alba, Mercedes de, Cañas Portilla, Ana Isabel, González, M. Carmen y Morales, Mónica . (2022) Molecular effects of polystyrene nanoplastics toxicity in zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio).  0.35 48  
Corchón, M.ª Soledad, Ortega, Paula, González Aguilera, Diego, Muñoz, Ángel, Rodríguez, Pablo, Gárate, Diego and Rivero, Olivia . (2012) Nuevas investigaciones en la cueva de La Griega (Pedraza, Segovia, España). Aportaciones de las geotecnologías al estudio del arte paleolítico = New research studies in the cave of La Griega (Pedraza, Segovia, Spain). Contribution of geotechnologies to the study of palaeolithic art.  0.35 676 1196
Velasco-González, Ismael, Lara, Enrique, Singer, David, Cos-Gandoy, Amaya de, García-Rodríguez, Manuel, Murciano, Antonio, Pérez-Uz, Blanca, Williams, Richard, Sanchez-Jimenez, Abel y Martín-Cereceda, Mercedes . (2023) Diversity of DNA Sequences from Pathogenic and Potentially Pathogenic Eukaryotic Microorganisms in Protected Granite Mountain Rocks.  0.35 37 9
Filipa M.B., Lã, Silva, Luciano S. y Granqvist, Svante . (2023) Long-Term Average Spectrum Characteristics of Portuguese Fado-Canção from Coimbra.  0.35 44 12
Hässler, Tabea, Ullrich, Johannes, Sebben, Simone, Shnabel, Nurit, Sainz, Mario y et al. . (2021) Need Satisfaction in Intergroup Contact: A Multinational Study of Pathways Toward Social Change.  0.35 35 6
Garrido Gamarro, E., Soliz Rojas, D.L., Garcinuño Martínez, Rosa María, Paniagua González, Gema y Fernández Hernando, Pilar . (2024) Occurrence of common plastic additives and contaminants in raw, steamed and canned mussel samples from different harvesting areas using MSPDHPLC methodology.  0.35 30 5
Vega, J., Murari, A., Dormido Canto, Sebastián, Hernández, F., Cruz, T., Gadariya, D., Rattá, G.A. y JET Contributors . (2019) A linear equation based on signal increments to predict disruptive behaviours and the time to disruption on JET.  0.35 32 7
Bou, Félix y Rivieccio, Umberto . (2011) The logic of distributive bilattices.  0.35 37 7
Schames Kreitchmann, Rodrigo, Abad, Francisco José y Ponsoda, Vicente . (2018) A two-dimensional multiple-choice model accounting for omissions.  0.35 35 9
Capó Fiol, Xavier, Alomar, Carme, Compa, Monserrat, Solé, Montserrat, Sanahuja, Ignasi, Soliz Rojas, Dulce Lucy, Paniagua González, Gema, Garcinuño Martínez, Rosa María y Deudero, Salud . (2022) Quantification of differential tissue biomarker responses to microplastic ingestion and plasticizer bioaccumulation in aquaculture reared sea bream Sparus aurata.  0.35 68 8
Ruiz, Francisco J., Suárez-Falcón, J. C., Peña-Vargas, A., Salazar, D. M., Ehring, T., Barreto-Zambrano, M. L. y Gómez-Barreto, M. P. . (2020) Psychometric properties and measurement invariance across gender and age-group of the Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire–Children (PTQ-C) in Colombia.  0.35 45 18
Duque Zumajo, Diego. Nanoscale hydrodynamics near solids . 2019. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias  0.35 623 241
Ucha, Marcos, Roura‑Martínez, David, Santos‑Toscano, Raquel y et al. . (2022) Effects of heroin self‑administration and forced withdrawal on the expression of genes related to the mTOR network in the basolateral complex of the amygdala of male Lewis rats.  0.35 29 10
Filipa M.B., Lã, Ramírez, Ana M., Ardura, Diego, Fiuza, Mauro B. y Polo, Nuria . (2022) Menopausal Voice-Related Work Limitation Scale (MenoVWL): development and validation.  0.35 67 16
Magallares, Alejandro, Recio, Patricia, Jáuregui-Lobera, Ignacio, Benito del Valle, Pilar, Irles, José Antonio y Hymowitz, Genna . (2023) Factor structure and measurement invariance of the Weight-Related Abuse Questionnaire (WRAQ).  0.35 65 17
Sepúlveda, Ana Rosa, Moreno-Encinas, Alba, Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel, Anastasiadou, Dimitra, Nova, Esther, Marcos, Ascensión, Gómez-Martínez, Sonia, Villa-Asensi, José Ramón, Mollejo, Encarna y Graell, Montserrat . (2021) Toward a Biological, Psychological and Familial Approach of Eating Disorders at Onset: Case-Control ANOBAS Study.  0.35 36 7
Ridder, J. De, Ripepi, V., Aerts, C., Palaversa, L. y Sarro Baro, Luis Manuel . (2023) Gaia Data Release 3. Pulsations in main sequence OBAF-type stars.  0.35 28 5
Serrano García, Irene, Olmo García, Lucía, Monago Maraña, Olga, Muñoz Cabello de Alba, Iván, León, Lorenzo, Rosa, Raúl de la, Serrano, Alicia, GómezCaravaca, Ana María y Carrasco Pancorbo, Alegría . (2023) Characterization of the metabolic profile of olive tissues (roots, stems and leaves): relationship with cultivars' resistance/susceptibility to the soil fungus Verticillium dahliae..  0.35 38 7
Etxeberría, Félix . (2011) Videojuegos violentos y agresividad.  0.35 877 2258
Díaz-Mardomingo, María del Carmen, Utrera, Lucía, Baliyan, Shishir, García-Herranz, Sara, Suárez-Falcón, Juan Carlos, Rodríguez-Fernández, Raquel, Sampedro-Piquero, Patricia, Valencia, Azucena y Venero, César . (2023) Sex-related differences in the associations between diurnal cortisol pattern and social and emotional loneliness in older adults.  0.35 47 10
Torres Ruiz, Mónica, Alba González, Mercedes de, Morales, Mónica, Martin Folgar, Raquel, González, Mª. Carmen, Cañas Portilla, Ana I. y Vieja, Antonio de la . (2023) Neurotoxicity and endocrine disruption caused by polystyrene nanoparticles in zebrafish embryo.  0.35 48 13
Nieto Gómez, Carla Isabel, Cabildo Miranda, María del Pilar, Cornago, María del Pilar, Sanz, D., Claramunt, R. M., Alkorta, I., Elguero, J., Garcia, J. A., Lopez, A. y Acuna-Castroviejo, D. . (2015) Synthesis, structure and biological activity of 3(5)-trifluoromethyl-1H-pyrazoles derived from hemicurcuminoids.  0.35 49 8
Pérez Madre, Mario. (2021). Fake News Detection using news content and user engagement Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial  0.35 393 472
Magallares, Alejandro, Benito del Valle, Pilar, Irles, José Antonio, Recio, Patricia y Jáuregui‑Lobera, Ignacio . (2022) Psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Weight Self‑Stigma Questionnaire (S‑WSSQ) in a sample of participants with obesity seeking weight loss treatment.  0.35 70 14
Romero Barriuso, A., Villena Escribano, B. María, Segarra Cañamares, M., González García, María de las Nieves y Rodríguez Sáiz, A. . (2018) Analysis and diagnosis of risk-prevention training actions in the Spanish construction sector.  0.35 52 16
Guégan, Sophie . (2012) Le Solutréen ancien en Ardèche (France): une révision critique des industries lithiques = The early Solutrean in Ardeche (France): a reappraisal of the lithique assemblages.  0.35 564 104
Martín Escorza, Carlos . (1992) La estructura geológica de la Península Ibérica y sus aguas termales.  0.35 642 3650
Pérez López, Raúl, Bañón, E., López Gutiérrez, J., Lario, Javier, Rodríguez Pascua, M.A., Martín Velázquez, S., Giner-Robles, J.L., Silva, Pablo G., Moral., B. del y Pueyo-Morer, E.L. . (2015) Positive correlation between CO2 daily peaks and micro-earthquakes occurrence in deep fault-caves: an empirical model.  0.35 333 54
Boronat, Cecilia, Correcher, Virgilio, Bravo Yagüe, Juan Carlos, Sarasola Martín, Iciar, García Guinea, Javier y Benavente Cuevas, José Francisco . (2023) Comparing the effect of electron beam, beta and ultraviolet C exposure on the luminescence emission of commercial dosimeters.  0.35 72 30
Cañaveras, Juan Carlos, Sánchez-Moral, Sergio, Duarte, Elsa, Santos-Delgado, G., Silva, Pablo G., Cuezva, Soledad, Fernández-Cortés, Ángel, Lario, Javier, Muñoz-Cervera, María Concepción y Rasilla, Marco de la . (2021) Micromorphological Study of Site Formation Processes at El Sidrón Cave (Asturias, Northern Spain): Encrustations over Neanderthal Bones.  0.35 258 3110
Contreras Felipe, Antonio, Suárez-Falcón, Juan C., Caprara, Mariagiovanna y et al. . (2023) Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of the Complex Postformal Thought Questionnaire: Developmental Pattern and Significance and Its Relationship With Cognitive and Personality Measures.  0.35 44 18
Rovira, Antonio, Sánchez, Consuelo, Valdés, Manuel, Abbas, Ruben, Barbero, Rubén, Montes, María José, Muñoz, Marta, Muñoz-Antón, Javier, Ortega, Guillermo y Varela, Fernando . (2018) Comparison of Different Technologies for Integrated Solar Combined Cycles: Analysis of Concentrating Technology and Solar Integration.  0.35 43 6
Lario, Javier, Bardají, Teresa, Silva, Pablo G., Zazo, Caridad y Goy, Jose Luis . (2016) Improving the coastal record of tsunamis in the ESI-07 scale: Tsunami Environmental Effects Scale (TEE-16 scale).  0.35 1753 3161
Martini, de P.M., Bruins, H.J., Feist, L., Goodman Tchernov, B.N., Hadler, H., Lario, Javier, Mastronuzzi, G., Obrocki, L., Pantosti, D., Paris, R., Reicherter, K., Smedile, A. y Vött, A. . (2021) The Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz as a natural laboratory for paleotsunami research: Recent advancements.  0.35 1595 3398
Morales, Mónica, Martínez Paz, Pedro, Sánchez Argüello, Paloma, Morcillo, Gloria y Martínez Guitarte José Luis . (2018) Bisphenol A (BPA) modulates the expression of endocrine and stress response genes in the freshwater snail Physa acuta.  0.35 50 3
Vidal Calés, Daniel. Evolution of sauropod dinosaur postcranial biomechanics: A virtual paleontology approach . 2019. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias  0.35 797 1134
Santiago, Rubén, Bedia, J., Moreno, D., Moya, C., Riva, J. de, Larriba, M. y Palomar, José . (2018) Acetylene absorption by ionic liquids: A multiscale analysis based on molecular and process simulation.  0.35 43 28
Pérez-González, Juan Carlos, Filella, Gemma, Soldevila, Anna, Faiad, Yasmine y Sanchez-Ruiz, MariaJose . (2022) Integrating self-regulated learning and individual differences in the prediction of university academic achievement across a three-year-long degree.  0.35 45 15
Fabregat, Hermenegildo, Duque, Andrés, Martinez-Romo, Juan y Araujo, Lourdes . (2023) Negation-based transfer learning for improving biomedical Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction.  0.35 34 10
Martínez Paz, Pedro, Negri, Viviana, Esteban Arranz, Adrian, Martínez Guitarte, José Luis, Ballesteros, Paloma y Morales, Mónica . (2019) Effects at molecular level of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) in Chironomus riparius (DIPTERA) aquatic larvae.  0.35 48 10
López Martín, Carmen. Measuring market risk though value at risk : the the role of fat-tail and skewness distributions in VaR estimate and loss functions in models comparison . 2015. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales. Departamento de Economía Aplicada y Gestión Pública  0.35 782 3501
Romero-Miguel, D., Casquero-Veiga, M., Fernández, J., Lamanna-Rama, N., Gómez-Rangel, V., Gálvez-Robleño, C., Santa Marta Pastrana, Cristina, Villar, C. J., Lombó, F., Abalo, R., Desco, M. y Soto-Montenegro, M. L. . (2023) Maternal Supplementation with N-Acetylcysteine Modulates the Microbiota-Gut-Brain Axis in Offspring of the Poly I:C Rat Model of Schizophrenia..  0.35 53 9

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