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Publicación A caballo entre el verso y las humanidades digitales. La evaluación de herramientas como modo de aprendizaje en el aulaRuiz Fabo, Pablo; Navarro Colorado, Borja; Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel::virtual::4600::600; Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel; Martínez Cantón, Clara Isabel; Martínez Cantón, Clara IsabelEsta comunicación presenta una experiencia docente llevada a cabo en 2016-2017 en la asignatura de “Estilística y métrica españolas” de la UNED. En ella se ofreció a los estudiantes la posibilidad de participar en la anotación métrica de un amplio corpus de sonetos, introduciéndoles mediante charlas y debates en las nociones fundamentales de las Humanidades Digitales e informándoles de las actividades de investigación y evaluación de herramientas que eran posibles gracias a la anotación del corpus en el que estaban trabajando.Publicación A historical perspective on the digital humanities in Spain(2014-11-01) Spence, Paul; González-Blanco García, ElenaPublicación A propósito del topónimo "Escarihuela"(Cehegín (Murcia): Ayuntamiento, 1998-01-01) González-Blanco García, ElenaPublicación A tribute to Stephen King: Hispanic gothic and cultural globalization(Intellect, 2019-10-01) Ordiz Alonso-Collada, InésKing: Homenaje al rey del terror (King: Homage to the King of Terror) (Cáceres, 2018) is an anthology of short stories written by Latin American and Spanish young authors in tribute to Stephen King and compiled by Ecuadorian writer Jorge Luis Cáceres. The anthology has been published in Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Argentina and Spain, and some of the texts in the collection have been translated into English by the online webzine Palabras Errantes. The stories illustrate some of the new directions that contemporary Latin American and Spanish cultural production are taking, such as the exploration of non-mimetic forms of fiction (other than magical realism), the embracing of international influences and the understanding of the local in relation to the global. As a tribute to ‘the king of terror’, the short narratives collected in the anthology use resources of the Gothic, horror, the fantastic and science fiction; I concentrate my analysis on the first two. My reading of the Gothic and horror devices in the stories is informed by recent criticism on the gothic mode, as well as contemporary theories of cultural globalization and glocalization. The aim is to recognize and analyse the processes of translation, circulation, deterritorialization and multiterritorialization exemplified in the narratives, and the different ways in which these processes define contemporary Hispanic Gothic.Publicación Aborder le défigement dans les cours de FLE(Universidad de Murcia, 2018-12-03) Català Guitart, Dolors; Fuentes, SandrineLa deslexicalización es un procedimiento que emplean de manera recurrente tanto escrito- res clásicos (Rabelais, Diderot, Shakespeare y Quevedo, entre otros) como autores más contemporáneos (Prévert, Queneau, Vian, Be- nedetti...); muchos periodistas, publicistas, le- tristas y humoristas recurren a él. Constituye una fuente de información importante sobre la fijación léxica, su corolario, lo que explica que numerosos lingüistas se hayan interesa- do por este fenómeno que pertenece tanto a la semántica como a la sintaxis, pragmática o psicolingüística. Por lo que sabemos, su aplica- ción didáctica no ha sido aún objeto de muchas investigaciones. Sin embargo, la operación de descodificación de la deslexicalización, pura- mente lingüística, solicita la conciencia lingüís- tica, discursiva y cultural que los locutores de un una lengua comparten, lo que la convierte en una herramienta interesante para desarrollar las habilidades interpretativas de los estudian- tes y mejorar su competencia lingüística e in- tercultural. Por todo ello, presentamos en este artículo una serie de ejemplos de manipulacio- nes lingüísticas, que analizamos como posible material didáctico destinado a estudiantes de Grado en Estudios Franceses.Publicación Actitudes frente a los ideales éticos corteses en la lírica castellana y catalanovalenciana de los siglos XIV y XV(Universidad de Alcalá. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2011) Coderch, MarionLa lírica amorosa catalana de los siglos XIV y XV y la lírica castellana de cancionero, además de ser manifestaciones literarias contemporáneas y próximas en el espacio, comparten algunas características: ambas se inscriben en la tradición lírica cortés en lengua romance iniciada por los trovadores provenzales. Sin embargo, ciertos rasgos definitorios de la lírica de los poetas catalanes y valencianos de estos siglos implican la puesta en cuestión de algunos planteamientos básicos de la cortesía. En ocasiones, los poetas llegan a despojar los ideales corteses de su valor original, desacreditándolos en tanto que fuente de bien y de virtudes para el amante. En este artículo partimos de la constatación de estas características para analizar la lírica castellana en busca de posibles manifestaciones similares. El análisis que llevamos a cabo se centra en tres motivos: la valoración de los usos amorosos contemporáneos, la imagen del amante cortés y la presencia en la ficción poética de otros hombres, posibles rivales del amante. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar coincidencias y diferencias en el tratamiento de estos motivos en la lírica castellana y catalana y justificar los resultados de la comparación a la luz de la realidad política y social de la época.Publicación Active audiodescription to promote speaking skills in online environments(Universitat de Lleida, 2015) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Lertola, Jennifer; on the use of audiovisual translation in foreign language education has considerably increased over the last decade. However, it has mainly covered the use of subtitles as a support, and the use of active subtitling and dubbing as a task. This paper introduces the pedagogical use of another AVT mode: active audiodescription —the oral description of visual information for blind and visually impaired people— to enhance speaking skills in distance learning education. The quasi-experimental study, developed in an online setting, involved 30 Spanish students of English for Specific Purposes (level B1). Participants were required to write the audiodescription of two tourist advertisements collaboratively online and then record their voices using the web platform ClipFlair. Reasonably valid conclusions that shed some light on the pedagogical benefits of audiodescription were obtained and they invite further research on the possibilities of revoicing techniques in L2 contexts.Publicación Actualidad de las Humanidades Digitales y un ejemplo de ensamblaje poético en la red(Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, 2013-11-01) González-Blanco García, ElenaPublicación The administrative resolution published on institutional web portals: A corpus-based analysis(Universidad de Alicante, 2022-07-19) Pistola Grille, Sara::virtual::6949::600; Cunha Fanego, Iria Da::virtual::6950::600; Pistola Grille, Sara; Cunha Fanego, Iria Da; Pistola Grille, Sara; Cunha Fanego, Iria Da; Pistola Grille, Sara; Cunha Fanego, Iria DaThe Spanish public administration communicates with its citizens through a series of specialized texts. Until a few years ago, these communications were produced in paper format. However, with the emergence of the so-called e-administration, the internet has become the main channel of communication between the administration and its citizens. This means that pre-existing administrative texts have had to be adapted using the available technical possibilities, becoming digital genres. This paper focuses on the analysis of a textual genre of the administration that is currently disseminated almost exclusively through digital media: the resolution published on institutional web portals. For this purpose, the resolutions published on the website of the Boletín Oficial del Ayuntamiento de Madrid (BOAM) are taken as the subject of study for this research. We carry out a linguistic analysis (on a textual and lexical level) of a corpus consisting of 20 texts. Likewise, a qualitative analysis of the digital features of this textual genre is performed. The main result of this study is a model structure containing the prototypical sections, titles and contents of the textual genre under analysis. In addition, a selection of phraseological units that can be used to write these contents is included. These units are adapted to plain language recommendations, which advocate for the use of simpler language by public institutions. Regarding the analysis of the digital features, some differences are observed between the publication of this type of text in paper format and on the internet. For example, with online texts it is possible to expand the information through web links or to use Secure Verification Codes (CSV).Publicación Algo más sobre el soneto ‘Venus’ (1889) de Rubén Darío: una lectura desde la semiótica(EDUCatt, 2022) Coello Gutiérrez, EmilianoEl presente artículo estudia el soneto “Venus” (1889) de Rubén Darío en contraste con la tradición crítica precedente. Intenta comprender su heterogeneidad valiéndose de la herramienta teórica de la semiótica riffaterriana, la cual concibe el acto de escribir (y asimismo el de leer) como una alteración del uso mimético de la lengua. En este aspecto, el soneto “Venus” debe analizarse como un texto polisémico donde la modificación operada por la matriz semiótica puede colegirse gracias a las agramaticalidades que se hallan en la superficie textual del soneto, las cuales lo diseminan (de su sentido primario). Por muchas causas, el soneto “Venus” debe ser reconocido como un texto pionero.Publicación Audio description and subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing. Media accessibility in foreign language learning(John Benjamins, 2022-01-31) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Lertola, Jennifer; Ibáñez Moreno, Ana; paper presents the teaching innovation project AUDIOSUB, which aimed at assessing the didactic potential of audio description (AD) and subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) in foreign language education. Within an online setting, 25 undergraduates of English Studies in a Spanish university worked collaboratively for two months and a half, in groups of five, so as to provide accessibility to complete short films. To that end, they were provided with a number of ad hoc tutorials and guidelines on technical issues related to AD and SDH, the two media accessibility modes used for this proposal. A pre-experiment was designed for data collection: pre- and post- writing and oral production tests, as well as general translation pre- and post- tests, were administered, and quantitative data were exploited using SPSS; pre-and post- questionnaires and observation were also used to triangulate and complement the analysis. The results show evidence of improvement both in written production and in general translation skills thanks to the pedagogical application of media accessibility and point towards a more systematic exploitation of didactic SDH and AD in the foreign language learning context.Publicación Audiovisual Reception and MALL: Adapting Technology to Real Needs(Universidad de Granada, 2015-06-24) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Ávila Cabrera, José JavierTeaching listening comprehension has always been a difficult task given the subjectivity that this language skill entails. This may be one of the reasons why traditional foreign language learning methodologies have most often been aimed at its assessment than at its enhancement. Nowadays, we should speak in terms of audiovisual reception skills, given the great amount of audiovisual input we receive regularly and the significant changes brought about by new technological advances. This paper offers a methodological proposal aimed at improving audiovisual reception through the use of video and audiovisual language within well-structured tasks inserted in an innovative mobile applicationPublicación Audiovisual translation (dubbing and audio description) as a didactic tool to promote foreign language learning: The case of Spanish clitic pronouns(John Benjamins, 2021) Vermeulen, Anna; Escobar Álvarez, Mª ÁngelesThis empirical study focuses on the use of Spanish clitic pronouns when they function as accusative or as dative clitics in the translation tasks performed by university students of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL). The participants were 35 Belgian Dutch-speaking students of SFL (Level B2) from the Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication of Ghent University (Belgium), who are enrolled in the Translation course. They were asked to perform two tasks: (1) to create an audio description script in Spanish, and (2) to translate the English dialogues into Spanish from a sequence taken from the film The Help (Taylor 2011). The written texts they produced were compared to those written by 39 Erasmus Spanish native students, who carried out the same tasks. The results showed that the Belgian students produced significantly fewer clitic pronouns, especially in the case of dative clitic doubling, than those produced by the Spanish natives. As for the differences between the two modes of audiovisual translation, the findings revealed that the Belgians produced more accurate results in the interlingual than in the intersemiotic task. The results of our study also made it clear that more attention should be paid to the use of redundant clitic pronouns in the SFL classroom.Publicación Audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language education(Université de Genéve, 2024-04-15) Bolaños García-Escribano, Alejandro; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Fernández Costales, Alberto;;ón Audiovisual translation as a didactic resource in foreign language education: A methodological proposal(Universidad de Alcalá, 2022-01-27) Lertola, Jennifer; Talaván Zanón, Noa; paper presents a methodological proposal designed by the TRADILEX project, which stands for Audiovisual Translation as a Didactic Resource in Foreign Language Education. The main goal of TRADILEX is to determine the degree of improvement in the foreign language learning process after including the pedagogical use of audiovisual translation (AVT) as a didactic tool. To this end, a methodological proposal has been articulated including complete lesson plans which make use of diverse AVT modes (subtitling, voice-over, dubbing, audio description and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing) in order to enhance communicative competence and mediation skills in an integrated and differentiated manner. The methodology designed by TRADILEX will be piloted with B1-B2-level English as a foreign language adult students in non-formal educational contexts, especially in language centres of the universities involved. Both the methodological proposal of didactic sequence, based on the pedagogical use of the main AVT modes, and a sample lesson plan on subtitling, will be described in this paper to present the basic elements that underlie this research project.Publicación Audiovisual translation in applied linguistics: Educational perspectives(John Benjamins, 2018) Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Laura; Lertola, Jennifer; Talaván Zanón, Noa::virtual::6793::600; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Talaván Zanón, Noa;;ón Bachelor’s Final Project in the philology field: assessment of the degree of satisfaction in the process of elaboration and tutorial function(Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior (México), 2021) Sánchez Calderón, Silvia; Escobar Álvarez, Mª ÁngelesEl objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el nivel de satisfacción de 93 estudiantes del Grado en Estudios Ingleses con una metodología de aprendizaje a distancia durante la elaboración del Trabajo de Fin de Grado, la función tutorial y el uso de los recursos en el curso virtual. A través de una encuesta en línea, los estudiantes mostraron alta satisfacción con su línea de trabajo y las orientaciones del tutor. Los recursos didácticos del curso virtual reflejaron una satisfacción media, lo que sugiere mejoras en el uso de vídeos, recursos bibliográficos y seminarios sobre la elaboración de un trabajo académico.Publicación Beyond the "Research vs. Scholarship" Dichotomy: the Emergence of a New Category of Academic Staff(Faculty Center at Georgia Southern University, 2023-12-01) Coderch, MarionThis paper deals with the role of the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) among staff on teaching-only con-tracts in UK higher education, particularly in contrast with the activities of researchactive staff. Drawing on the results of a quantitative study carried out during the summer of 2021 among modern foreign language teachers in 64 UK universities, the questions of the status and purpose of SoTL are addressed. The results of the survey show that, beyond the traditional two-tier division of academic labour based on the research vs. scholarship dichotomy, a third group of academic staff with no research or SoTL responsibilities has emerged in recent years. The paper concludes with recommendations to review the existing divisions between staff on research, SoTL and teaching-only contracts in order to create a more inclusive academic environment where individuals in different types of academic posts can fulfil their scholarly potential.Publicación Una bibliografía (selecta) para la reconstrucción de la vida escénica española en la segunda mitad del siglo XIX(Instituto de Semiótica Literaria y Teatral UNED, 2000-09-29) Romera Castillo, JoséPublicación Las biografías de autor en la construcción de la historia literaria(Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali, 2021) Aradra Sánchez, Rosa María::virtual::2698::600; Aradra Sánchez, Rosa María; Aradra Sánchez, Rosa María; Aradra Sánchez, Rosa MaríaThis article is about the relationship between the biography and the process of construction of Spanish literary history in the 18th century. Starting from the rhetorical implications of biography and the lives of the author in Classical Age, it shows how author libraries, anthologies and histories of Spanish literature from the second half of the 18th century incorporate the news about the lives of the authors. The paper also shows historians consider these biographical materials.