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Carvalho, Júlio Amorim de . (2009) O ritmo na poesia de Amorim de Carvalho II : heterometria e isometria lírica em “Verbo doloroso”.  0.96 509 219
García-Franco,Jose D., Díez, Francisco J. y Carrasco Ortiz, Miguel Angel . (2022) Probabilistic graphical model for the evaluation of the emotional and dramatic personality disorders.  0.96 47 11
Martín García, Rodrigo, López Martín, Carmen y Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel . (2020) Collaborative Learning Communities for Sustainable Employment through Visual Tools.  0.96 84 21
Rodríguez Pérez, José Ramón, Acedo, Carmen, Marabel García, Miguel and Alvarez Taboada, María Flor . (2008) Localización mediante SIG de zonas potencialmente truferas en la provincia de León.  0.96 1105 2736
Domingo, Rosario, Agustina, Beatriz de y Marín, Marta M. . (2020) Study of Drilling Process by Cooling Compressed Air in Reinforced Polyether-Ether-Ketone.  0.96 38 13
Ortega Santiago, Carlos . (2014) La anulación total o parcial de los actos legislativos comunitarios por el Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea = The partial or total invalidity of the European Union acts.  0.96 656 256
Prado-Cerqueira, José Luis, Diéguez, José Luis, Rodríguez-Prieto, Álvaro, María Aragón, Ana, Lorenzo-Martín, Cinta y Yanguas-Gil, Ángel . (2018) Analysis of Favourable Process Conditions for the 2 Manufacturing of Thin-Wall Pieces of Mild Steel 3 Obtained by Wire and Arc Additive Manufacturing 4 (WAAM).  0.96 35 11
Moro Ipola, Milagros . (2010) El fresco de la casa de Iulia Felix : anatomía de una scho.  0.96 653 2006
Grangé, Bénedicte . (1992) Les eaux guérisseuses dans l'Aquitaine augustéenne.  0.96 538 915
Sánchez-Puga, Pablo, Tajuelo, Javier, Pastor, Juan Manuel y Rubio Álvarez, Miguel Ángel . (2021) Flow field-based data analysis in interfacial shear rheometry.  0.96 36 12
Delgado, Begoña, Amor, Pedro J., Domínguez Sánchez, Francisco Javier y Holgado‑Tello, Francisco P. . (2023) Relationship between adult attachment and cognitive emotional regulation style in women and men.  0.96 43 13
Porras Ramírez, José María . (2014) Los límites a la transparencia : el menguado alcance del derecho de los ciudadanos a acceder a la información en poder de las instituciones europeas = Limits on transparency : scope of the restricted right of citizens to acces to information held by the European institutions.  0.96 672 256
Rodríguez-Hakim, Mariana, Barakat, Joseph M., Shi, Xingyi, Shaqfeh, Eric S. G. y Fuller, Gerald G. . (2019) Evaporation-driven solutocapillary flow of thin liquid films over curved substrates.  0.96 35 14
Muñoz, Marta, Rovira, Antonio y Montes, María José . (2021) Thermodynamic Cycles for Solar Thermal Power Plants: A Review.  0.96 301 577
Valdelvira González, Gregorio . (1998) Las ondas largas de la política en el siglo XX.  0.96 651 1649
Sabalete Gil, Carmen . (2002) Las crucifixiones de Bacon y Barceló.  0.96 573 1623
Rodríguez Asensio, José Adolfo, Barrera Logares, José Manuel and Aguilar Huergo, Eugenio . (2012) Las cuevas de La Lluera (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, España): elaboración mediante un SIG de una estratigrafía solutrense = La Lluera caves (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain): elaboration by GIS of a solutrean stratigraphy.  0.96 559 199
Rodríguez Asensio, José Adolfo, Barrera Logares, José Manuel and Aguilar Huergo, Eugenio . (2012) Cueva de La Lluera I (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, España): Estratigrafía Solutrense = La Lluera I cave (San Juan de Priorio, Oviedo, Asturias, Spain): Solutrean stratigraphy.  0.96 516 197
Osorio-Arjona, Joaquín y García Palomares, Juan Carlos . (2019) Social media and urban mobility: Using twitter to calculate home-work travel matrices.  0.96 46 18
Sainz, Mario, Martínez, Rocío, Rodríguez-Bailón, Rosa y Moya, Miguel . (2019) Where Does the Money Come From? Humanizing High Socioeconomic Status Groups Undermines Attitudes Toward Redistribution.  0.96 39 10
María Hormigos, Roberto, Jurado Sánchez, Beatriz y Escarpa, Alberto . (2019) Multi-Light-Responsive Quantum Dot Sensitized Hybrid Micromotors with Dual-Mode Propulsion.  0.96 34 21
Camargo, Diego, Torre, J. A. de la, Delgado-Buscalioni, Rafael, Chejne, Farid y Español, Pep . (2019) Boundary conditions derived from a microscopic theory of hydrodynamics near solids.  0.96 34 9
Pérez Alberdi, María Reyes . (2013) La delimitación del derecho de sufragio activo por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos = Demarcation of the right to vote by european Court of Human Rights.  0.96 689 251
Válles Fernández, Manuel Amalio, Menéndez Fernández, Mario, Jordá Pardo, Jesús Francisco y Cocero Matesanz, David . (2022) Study of the access routes to the Castilian plateau through the Sella River valley (Asturias, Spain) during the end of the Upper Palaeolithic.  0.96 78 90
Cabaleiro, Manuel, Conde, Borja, González-Gaya, Cristina y Barros, Brais . (2023) Removable, Reconfigurable, and Sustainable Steel Structures: A State-of-the-Art Review of Clamp-Based Steel Connections.  0.96 30 4
Sánchez Cervelló, Josep . (2007) El nudo gordiano del régimen : Marcelo Caetano y la cuestión colonial.  0.96 618 751
Paniagua González, Gema, Fernández Hernando, Pilar y Durand Alegría, J. S. . (2008) Determination of digoxin in serum samples using a flow-through fluorosensor based on a molecularly imprinted polymer.  0.96 34 12
Camacho Conde, José Antonio, Legarra, Leire, Bolinches, Vanesa M., Cano, Patricia, Guasch, Mónica, Llanos Torres, María, Serret, Vanessa, Mejía, Miguel y Climent, Gema . (2021) Assessment of Attentional Processes in Patients with Anxiety-Depressive Disorders Using Virtual Reality.  0.96 45 11
Fuentes-Bargues, J.L., Sánchez-Lite, A., Gonzalez-Gaya C. y M.A. Artacho- Ramírez . (2023) Descriptive analysis and a proposal for a predictive model of fatal occupational accidents in Spain.  0.96 33 9
Paniagua González, Gema, Fernández Hernando, Pilar y Durand Alegría, J. S. . (2009) A MIP-based flow-through fluoroimmunosensor as an alternative to immunosensors for the determination of digoxin serum samples.  0.96 39 10
Borrás Ferrán, José and Sánchez Sánchez, José . (1997) Intensificación de la ganadería porcina y problemas medioambientales en la Conca de Tremp (Pirineo Catalán).  0.96 855 2588
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio, Muñoz-Gómez, Antonio-Miguel, Rosales-Asensio, Enrique y López-Rey, África . (2019) Electric vehicle charging strategy to support renewable energy sources in Europe 2050 low-carbon scenario.  0.96 51 33
Santos Preciado, José Miguel . (1997) El planteamiento teórico multiobjetivo/multicriterio y su aplicación a la resolución de problemas medioambientales y territoriales, mediante los S.I.G. raster.  0.96 1148 3296
Fernández-Olit, Beatriz, Paredes-Gázquez, Juan Diego y Cuesta-González, Marta de la . (2018) Are social and financial exclusion two sides of the same coin? An analysis of the financial integration of vulnerable people.  0.96 60 30
Rejón, Carlos, Martin, Sergio y Robles-Gómez, Antonio . (2024) Easy Development of Industry 4.0 Remote Labs.  0.96 46 10
Tajuelo, J., Rubio Álvarez, Miguel Ángel y Pastor, Juan Manuel . (2018) Flow field based data processing for the oscillating conical bob interfacial shear rheometer.  0.96 39 24
Román López, María Teresa . (1996) Sexualidad mágica y sagrada en la India Antigua : el tantrismo.  0.96 3445 62705
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz Gómez, Luis Manuel, Arguedas Sanz, Raquel y López Martín, Carmen . (2022) The student as a prosumer of educational audio-visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience.  0.96 54 11
Sánchez Benito, José María . (2014) Nobleza territorial y política ciudadana en el siglo XV (los concejos del área del Tajo) = Territorial nobility and council politics in the fifteenth century: the town councils of the Tagus river basin.  0.96 609 212
Montes, M.J., Guedez, R., Linares, J.I. y Reyes-Belmonte, M.A. . (2023) Advances in solar thermal power plants based on pressurised central receivers and supercritical power cycles.  0.96 60  
Gómez Navarro, Soledad . (2001) Una práctica singular : herencias de derecho canónico en la España del Antiguo Régimen.  0.96 685 2290
Navío Marco, Julio, Ruiz-Gómez, Luis L., Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel y López-Martín, Carmen . (2022) The student as a prosumer of educational audio–visual resources: a higher education hybrid learning experience.  0.96 74 59
Cuesta-González, Marta de la y Morales-García, Manuel . (2022) Does finance as usual work for circular economy transition? A financiers and SMEs qualitative approach.  0.96 49 59
María-Hormigos, Roberto, Jurado-Sańchez, Beatriz y Escarpa, Alberto . (2018) Self-Propelled Micromotors for Naked-Eye Detection of Phenylenediamines Isomers.  0.96 42 24
Sánchez-Puga, Pablo, Tajuelo, Javier, Pastor, Juan Manuel y Rubio Álvarez, Miguel Ángel . (2019) BiconeDrag—A data processing application for the oscillating conical bob interfacial shear rheometer.  0.96 42 19
Roura‐Martínez, David, Ucha, Marcos, Orihuel, Javier y et al. . (2019) Central nucleus of the amygdala as a common substrate of the incubation of drug and natural reinforcer seeking.  0.96 33 12
Loff, Manuel . (2013) Dios, Patria, Autoridad : la Iglesia Católica y la fascistización de los regímenes ibéricos, 1933-1945 = God, Fatherland, Authority : Catholic Church and Iberian fascisticised regimes, 1933-45.  0.96 624 324
Sulkowski, Jaroslaw and Chmielarz-Grochal, Anna . (2014) Control de la constitucionalidad del derecho secundario de la Unión Europea en los países del «grupo Visegrad» = The constitutionality of the EU secondary law in the Visegrad Group’s countries.  0.96 619 257
Maria-Hormigos, Roberto, Pacheco, Marta, Jurado-Sánchez, Beatriz y Escarpa, Alberto . (2018) Carbon nanotubes-ferrite-manganese dioxide micromotors for advanced oxidation processes in water treatment.  0.96 42 19
Escámez de Vera, Diego . (2012) Tito Flavio Vespasiano y Júpiter Óptimo Máximo : la justificación propagandísticoreligiosa de una nueva dinastía imperial en Roma.  0.96 831 1937

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