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Wicha, Nicole Y. Y., Moreno, Eva M. y Kutas, Marta . (2003) Expecting Gender: An Event Related Brain Potential Study on the Role of Grammatical Gender in Comprehending a Line Drawing Within a Written Sentence in Spanish.  0.40 28  
González Sánchez, Santiago . (2014) La participación de eclesiásticos castellanos en las empresas bélicas de la regencia y del reinado de Fernando I de Aragón = Participation of castilian clergy in the military campaigns of the regency and reign of Fernando I of Aragón.  0.40 573 211
Fernández Fernández, Samuel and Iglesias García, María Teresa . (2008) Tipología de la dependencia de las personas con discapacidad atendidas en centros residenciales, de día y ocupacionales.  0.40 536 256
Presedo Garazo, Antonio . (2004) Dinámica de casa y reproducción social en la hidalguía gallega durante el siglo XVIII.  0.40 594 2378
Millán Ruiz, David. (2010). Workforce Distribution in Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial.  0.40 248 98
Mustafa, Sara. Demanding Independence: The case of the Kurdistan Region Independence Referendum : Political Party Dynamics and Timing . 2022. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia Política  0.40 313 944
Ucha, Marcos, Coria, Santiago M., Núñez, Adrián E. y et al. . (2019) Morphine self-administration alters the expression of translational machinery genes in the amygdala of male Lewis rats.  0.40 27 15
Lasaosa Pardo, Elena . (2013) Vajilla de mesa (terra sigillata y cerámica engobada) de la ciudad romana de Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza) = Roman Pottery (terra sigillata and engobada) at the archaeological site of Los Bañales (Uncastillo, Zaragoza).  0.40 579 1475
Otte, Marcel . (2012) L’extension africaine en Europe Méridionale: le Solutréen = African expansion into Southern Europe: the Solutrean.  0.40 574 152
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio, Guinduláin-Argandoña, Tomás, Rosales-Asensio, Enrique, Molina-Ibáñez, Enrique-Luis y Blanes-Peiró, Jorge-Juan . (2018) Simulation of modeling of multi-megawatt photovoltaic plants with high voltage direct current grid integration.  0.40 51 7
Loff, Manuel . (2013) Dios, Patria, Autoridad : la Iglesia Católica y la fascistización de los regímenes ibéricos, 1933-1945 = God, Fatherland, Authority : Catholic Church and Iberian fascisticised regimes, 1933-45.  0.40 620 323
Merayo, David, Rodríguez Prieto, Álvaro y Camacho, Ana María . (2020) Prediction of Mechanical Properties by Artificial Neural Networks to Characterize the Plastic Behavior of Aluminum Alloys.  0.40 47 14
Martínez Sahuquillo, Irene . (2011) La novela de formación de Hermann Hesse como testimonio de una identidad y una filosofía de la vida : la construcción del outsider en "El lobo estepario".  0.40 844 3432
Wicha, Nicole Y. Y., Bates, Elizabeth A., Moreno, Eva M. y Kutas, Marta . (2003) Potato not Pope: human brain potentials to gender expectation and agreement in Spanish spoken sentences.  0.40 43 7
Balaguer-Romano, Rodrigo . (2022) A semi-mechanistic model for predicting daily variations in species-level live fuel moisture content.  0.40 205 63
Priego Wood, Martín. (2015). Ondas inerciales de gravedad Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias  0.40 716 899
Varas-Fuente, Oscar Javier, Arguedas-Sanz, Raquel y Rodrigo-Moya, Beatriz . (2022) Analysis of the Influence of the Moment the Internationalization Process Begins on the Internationalization Intensity of Family and Nonfamily Businesses: An Approach Using a Tobit Model.  0.40 41 9
Ferreiro Lago, Emilio y Osuna-Acedo, Sara . (2017) Factors Affecting the Participation of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in e-Learning and Their Satisfaction: A Quantitative Study.  0.40 606 258
Escámez de Vera, Diego . (2012) Tito Flavio Vespasiano y Júpiter Óptimo Máximo : la justificación propagandísticoreligiosa de una nueva dinastía imperial en Roma.  0.40 827 1933
Javier Muñoz, Francisco, Márquez Mora, Belén and Ripoll López, Sergio . (2012) La punta de aletas y pedúnculo del solutrense extracantábrico: De los “dimonis” al arco = Barbed and tanged point of extracantabrian Solutrean: From “dimonis” to the bow.  0.40 593 1898
Carmona, Enrique J. y Molina Casado, José M. . (2021) Simultaneous segmentation of the optic disc and fovea in retinal images using evolutionary algorithms.  0.40 30 7
Seoane Amigo, Paloma . (2012) Participación electoral femenina en la victoria del Frente Popular y su contribución a la protesta social en la primavera del 36.  0.40 627 1332
Manya Orellana, Marlon Vicente y González Rabanal, Miryam de la Concepción . (2022) The International Economic Double Taxation of Dividens: Its handing in The Convention between Ecuador and Spain. Journal of Tax Administration.  0.40 49 18
Paniagua González, Gema, Fernández Hernando, Pilar y Durand Alegría, J. S. . (2006) A morphological study of molecularly imprinted polymers using the scanning electron microscope.  0.40 36 5
Carrera, Pilar, Caballero, Amparo, Fernández Sedano, Itziar y Muñoz, Dolores . (2017) Abstractness leads people to base their behavioral intentions on desired attitudes.  0.40 44 10
Paniagua González, Gema, Fernández Hernando, Pilar y Durand Alegría, J. S. . (2009) An optical sensor for the determination of digoxin in serum samples based on a molecularly imprinted polymer membrane..  0.40 28 5
Martínez Albertos, Pablo, Sauvan, Patrick, Bergman, J., Loughlin, M., Le Tonqueze, Y., Thompson, M. y Juárez, Rafael . (2023) Nuclear scoping analysis of ITER bioshield top lid toward its preliminary design review.  0.40 62 17
Schames Kreitchmann, Rodrigo, Sorrel, Miguel A. y Abad, Francisco J. . (2023) On bank assembly and block selection in multidimensional forced-choice adaptive assessments.  0.40 31 21
Sainz, Mario, Martínez, Rocío, Rodríguez-Bailón, Rosa y Moya, Miguel . (2019) Where Does the Money Come From? Humanizing High Socioeconomic Status Groups Undermines Attitudes Toward Redistribution.  0.40 37 8
Colmenar-Santos, Antonio, Linares-Mena, Ana-Rosa, Molina-Ibáñez, Enrique-Luis, Rosales-Asensio, Enrique y Borge-Diez, David . (2020) Technical challenges for the optimum penetration of grid-connected photovoltaic systems: Spain as a case study.  0.40 54 9
Martínez Río, Javier, Carmona, Enrique J., Cancelas, Daniel, Novo, Jorge y Ortega, Marcos . (2021) Robust multimodal registration of fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography angiography images using evolutionary algorithms.  0.40 34 5
León, J. A., Martínez-Huertas, José Ángel, Moreno, J. D. y Martín, L. A . (2023) Strong versus weak embodiment: Spatial iconicity in physical, abstract, and social semantic categories.  0.40 38 7
Montes, M.J., Guedez, R., Linares, J.I. y Reyes-Belmonte, M.A. . (2023) Advances in solar thermal power plants based on pressurised central receivers and supercritical power cycles.  0.40 58  
González Peinado, Carmen . (2010) El inicio del juicio de residencia a don Alonso de Granada Venegas (Ocaña, Toledo, 1597) : algunas notas sobre su procedimiento.  0.40 703 544
Fernández García, Sandra y Sánchez Valle, Francisco . (2022) "Informal Infrastructure" of Prototyping: Practicing Organisation by Performing Materiality.  0.40 93 21
López-Tolsa, Gabriela E. y Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo . (2021) Assessment of the “timing” function of schedule-induced behavior on fixed-interval performance..  0.40 54 8
Chacón Beltrán, Rubén . (2018) Vocabulary learning strategies outside the classroom context: what adults learn in a technology-based learner-centred environment.  0.40 51 8
Vieira Da Almeida, Pedro . (2006) Sistemas de teorías : esquema de Modernidades.  0.40 667 555
Pérez Alberdi, María Reyes . (2013) La delimitación del derecho de sufragio activo por el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos = Demarcation of the right to vote by european Court of Human Rights.  0.40 686 248
Marta-Lazo, Carmen, Frau-Meigs, Divina y Osuna-Acedo, Sara . (2019) A collaborative digital pedagogy experience in the tMOOC “Step by Step”.  0.40 697 150
Navío Marco, Julio, Ibar Alonso, Raquel y Bujidos Casado, María . (2021) Interlinkages between coopetition and organisational innovation in Europe.  0.40 44 16
Macartney, Hilary . (2002) Ut Pictura Poesis : dialéctica entre palabras e imagen en Sir William Sterling Maxwell.  0.40 654 1395
Filipa M.B., Lã, Howard, David, Davidson, Jane, Ledger, William y Jones, Georgina . (2007) A case-study on the effects of the menstrual cycle and the use of a combined oral contraceptive pill on the performance of a western classical singer: an objective and subjective overview.  0.40 70 14
Lorente Martínez, Javier, Navío Marco, Julio y Rodrigo Moya, Beatriz . (2022) Are retailers leveraging in-store analytics? An exploratory study.  0.40 48 46
Sánchez-de-Castro-Fernández, Alejandro, Araujo, Lourdes y Martinez-Romo, Juan . (2023) RoBERTime: un nuevo modelo para la detección de expresiones temporales en español.  0.40 53 13
Díaz Sánchez, Pilar . (2007) El trabajo en la confección-textil : un oficio de mujeres.  0.40 1121 2392
Gutiérrez de los Rios, Luis Manuel. (2021). General drawbacks in Deep Learning for COVID-19 Time Series Forecasting Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial  0.40 187 63
Galera, Susana . (2013) The right to a fair trial in the EU: lights and shadows = El derecho a un juicio justo en el Derecho de la Unión Europea: luces y sombras.  0.40 617 528
Camacho Conde, José Antonio y Galán López, José Manuel . (2020) Depression and Cognitive Impairment in Institutionalized Older Adults.  0.40 27 11
Díez, Francisco Javier, Luque, Manuel, Arias, Manuel y Pérez-Martín, Jorge . (2021) Cost-effectiveness analysis with unordered decisions.  0.40 38 16

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