López-Rey García-Rojas, África

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López-Rey García-Rojas
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  • Publicación
    Technical approach for the inclusion of superconducting magnetic energy storage in a smart city
    (Elsevier, 2018-09-01) Molina Ibáñez, Enrique Luis; Rosales Asensio, Enrique; Colmenar Santos, Antonio; López-Rey García-Rojas, África
    Smart grids are a concept which is evolving quickly with the implementation of renewable energies and concepts such as Distributed Generation (DG) and micro-grids. Energy storage systems play a very important role in smart grids. The characteristics of smart cities enhance the use of high power density storage systems, such as SMES systems. Because of this, we studied the possibility of adapting these systems in this kind of electrical topology by simulating the effects of an energy storage system with high power density (as SMES). An electrical and control adaptation circuit for storing energy was designed. The circuit consisted of three blocks. The first one was a passive filter LCL. The second was a converter system that allows rectifying of the signal when the system runs in charge mode but acts as an inverter when it changes to discharge mode. Finally, there is a chopper that allows the current levels to be modified. Throughout simulations, we have seen the possibility of controlling the energy supply so as the storage. This permits to adapt to different contingencies which may induce the wiring of the charge in the net, as well as different types of charges. Despite the technical contribution of this kind of systems in the Spanish electrical network, there are big obstacles that would prevent its inclusion in the network, such as the high cost of manufacturing and maintenance compared with other cheaper systems such as superconductors or the low energy density, which limits their use.
  • Publicación
    Electric vehicle charging strategy to support renewable energy sources in Europe 2050 low-carbon scenario
    (Elsevier, 2019-09-15) Muñoz Gómez, Antonio Miguel; Rosales Asensio, Enrique; Colmenar Santos, Antonio; López-Rey García-Rojas, África
    The EU has undertaken a thorough reform of its energy model. Current EU 2050 climate commitment sets an 80–95% GHG reduction goal. To reach this goal, the EU must make continued progress towards a low-carbon society. Renewable energy sources and electric vehicle play an important role for a gradual transition. The power grid faces a challenging future due to intermittency and the non-dispatchable nature of wind and solar energy production, but flexibility needs can migrate from generation to load, with the expansion of demand-side resources and storage technologies. A novel grid technique is presented and evaluated in this paper for the optimal integrated operation of renewable resources and electric vehicle to increase penetration of renewable energy. It is proposed a distribute control system to manage a charge and discharge strategy to support mismatching between load and renewable generation thru V2G technology. Demand response, peak saving and ancillary services are introduced to keep a reliable power quality, stable frequency and flatten load profile.
  • Publicación
    Influencia del marco regulatorio en la implantación de la generación distribuida (Resumen)
    (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Internacional de Doctorado. Programa de Doctorado en Tecnologías Industriales, 2016) López-Rey García-Rojas, África; Castro Gil, Manuel Alonso; Colmenar Santos, Antonio