Persona: Hernández Lorenzo, Laura
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Hernández Lorenzo
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14 resultados
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Publicación Nueva Luz para la problemática de Versos: Una aproximación a su léxico desde las Humanidades Digitales y los estudios de corpus(Universidad de Sevilla, 2021) Hernández Lorenzo, Laura; Montero, Juan; Ruiz Pérez, PedroPublicación The Automatic Quantitative Metrical Analysis of Spanish Poetry with Rantanplan: A Preliminary Approach(ICL CAS, 2021) Hernández Lorenzo, Laura; Sisto, Mirella De; Pérez Pozo, Álvaro; Rosa, Javier de la; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; González Blanco, Elena; Plecháč, P.; Kolár, R.; Bories,A.; Říha, J.In this paper, we present a quantitative approach to Spanish poetry and versification based on the application of our own automatic metrical tool, Rantanplan, to the complete poetic works of four early modern Spanish poets. All of the poetry of these four representative authors—Garcilaso de la Vega (1503–1536), Fernando de Herrera (1534–1597), Luis de Góngora (1561–1627), and Lope de Vega (1562–1635)—was automatically processed and stress positions were extracted. Thanks to the development of a new stanza identification feature of Rantanplan, we were able to detect metrical structures as well. By completing a quantitative analysis of the stress positions, line lengths, and stanzas used by each author, we aim to model their complete metrical profiles.Publicación Transformers analyzing poetry: multilingual metrical pattern prediction with transfomer-based language models(Springer, 2023) Rosa, Javier de la; Pérez Pozo, Álvaro; Sisto, Mirella De; Hernández Lorenzo, Laura; Díaz Paredes, Aitor; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; González Blanco, ElenaThe splitting of words into stressed and unstressed syllables is the foundation for the scansion of poetry, a process that aims at determining the metrical pattern of a line of verse within a poem. Intricate language rules and their exceptions, as well as poetic licenses exerted by the authors, make calculating these patterns a nontrivial task. Some rhetorical devices shrink the metrical length, while others might extend it. This opens the door for interpretation and further complicates the creation of automated scansion algorithms useful for automatically analyzing corpora on a distant reading fashion. In this paper, we compare the automated metrical pattern identification systems available for Spanish, English, and German, against fine-tuned monolingual and multilingual language models trained on the same task. Despite being initially conceived as models suitable for semantic tasks, our results suggest that transformers-based models retain enough structural information to perform reasonably well for Spanish on a monolingual setting, and outperforms both for English and German when using a model trained on the three languages, showing evidence of the benefits of cross-lingual transfer between the languages.Publicación Humanidades Digitales y Literatura española: 50 años de repaso histórico y panorámica de proyectos representativos(Universidade da Coruña: SIELAE, 2020-10-31) Hernández Lorenzo, LauraEste trabajo presenta un estado de la cuestión de las aplicaciones de las Humanidades Digitales a la Literatura española a través de un repaso histórico de los últimos 50 años y una panorámica de principales proyectos y líneas de investigación en este ámbito. Con este fin, la emergencia e historia de las Humanidades Digitales en España se organiza en tres fases: los orígenes (1970-2011), hacia la institucionalización (2011-2015) y consolidación y nuevos retos (2015-2020). Debido a la amplitud y variedad de los proyectos existentes, se aspira a ofrecer una muestra significativa de los más relevantes en términos de actualidad, interés para el estudio de la Literatura española (con especial atención al Siglo de Oro), visibilidad, y acceso abierto, a través de cuatro categorías fundamentales: bases de datos, bibliotecas digitales, ediciones digitales y enfoques cuantitativos.Publicación Introducción a la Estilometría: aplicaciones a la poesía de Fernando de Herrera(Dykinson, 2023) Hernández Lorenzo, Laura; Mármol Ávila, PedroPublicación PoetryLab as Infrastructure for the Analysis of Spanish Poetry(Linköping University Electronic Press, 2021-06-22) Rosa, Javier de la; Pérez Pozo, Álvaro; Hernández Lorenzo, Laura; Díaz Paredes, Aitor; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; González Blanco, ElenaThe development of the network of ontologies of the ERC POSTDATA Project brought to light some deficiencies in terms of completeness in the currently available European poetry corpora. To tackle the issue in the realm of the Spanish poetic tradition, our approach consisted in designing a set of tools that any scholar could use to automatically enrich the analysis of Spanish poetry. The effort crystallized in the PoetryLab, an extensible open source toolkit for syllabification, scansion, enjambment detection, rhyme detection, stanza identification, and historical named entity recognition for Spanish poetry. We designed the system to be interoperable, compliant with the project ontologies, easy to use by tech-savvy and non-expert researchers, and requiring minimal maintenance and setup. Furthermore, we propose the integration of the PoetryLab as a core functionality in the tool catalog of CLARIN for Spanish poetry.Publicación Stylistic Change in Early Modern Spanish Poetry Through Network Analysis (with an Especial Focus on Fernando de Herrera’s Role)(Springer, 2022-04-01) Hernández Lorenzo, LauraEarly Modern Spanish literature, also known as Golden Age Spanish literature, is a well-established period in the History of Spanish literary tradition, covering from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the end of the seventeenth century, from Renaissance to Baroque works. In the case of poetry, the stylistic change from one aesthetic to the other has been examined from a historical point of view, with some scholars considering a transitional group of poets between both stylistic movements, and many pointing to the writer Fernando de Herrera (1534–1597) as a bridge between the Renaissance style of Garcilaso de la Vega (1501–1536) and the Baroque of Luis de Góngora (1561–1627). This paper examines the stylistic change from Renaissance to Baroque in Spanish poetry and Herrera’s place on it from a quantitative, computational point of view, applying a methodology which combines Stylometry and Network Analysis to a big corpus of poems and authors writing in this period. The resulting stylometric network for Renaissance and Baroque poetry proves there is a computationally measurable chronological evolution in the texts of this period, as well as a change of style from Renaissance to Baroque, and supports the existence of a transitional group of poets between these two literary movements, one of which is Fernando de Herrera.Publicación Introducción al panorama internacional de las Humanidades Digitales(Centro Asociado de la UNED en Sevilla, 2022-05-01) Hernández Lorenzo, LauraEste trabajo presenta un estado de la cuestión del panorama internacional de las Humanidades Digitales con el objetivo de trazar y resaltar algunas de sus claves dentro de la inmensa bibliografía existente. De este modo, aspira a actuar como guía para los humanistas que deseen introducirse en este ámbito de investigación, y a servir como continuación y actualización de trabajos anteriores de otros investigadores. Con este fin, se divide en dos secciones: un primer apartado, que consta de una aproximación a la definición de las Humanidades Digitales y de sus principales características, además de una exposición de los organismos y asociaciones más relevantes alrededor de los cuales se organiza la comunidad investigadora; y un segundo apartado, con un breve repaso histórico de la disciplina a través de sus principales hitos desde sus inicios hasta la actualidad.Publicación From stage to page: Stylistic variation in fictional speech(De Gruyter, 2024) Šeļa, Artjoms; Nagy, Ben; Byszuk, Joanna; Hernández Lorenzo, Laura; Szemes, Botond; Eder, MaciejStylometryismostlyappliedtoauthorialstyle.Morerecently,researchershave begun investigating the style ofcharacters, finding that although there isdetectable stylistic variation, the variation remains within authorial bounds. Inthis article, we address the stylistic distinctiveness of characters in drama. Ourprimary contribution is methodological; we introduce and evaluate two non-parametric methods to produce a summary statistic for character distinctivenessthat can be usefully applied and compared across languages and times. This is asignificant advance – previous approaches have either been based on pairwisesimilarities (which cannot be easily compared) or indirect methods that attemptto infer distinctiveness using classification accuracy. Our first method is based onbootstrap distances between 3-gram probability distributions, the second (rem-iniscent of ‘unmasking’ techniques) on word keyness curves. Both methods arevalidated and explored by applying them to a reasonably large corpus (a subsetof DraCor): we analyze 3301 characters drawn from 2324 works, covering fivecenturies and four languages (French, German, Russian, and the works of Shake-speare). Both methods appear useful; the 3-gram method is statistically morepowerful, but the word keyness method offers rich interpretability. Both methodsare able to capture phonological differences such as accent or dialect, as well asbroad differences in topic and lexical richness. Based on exploratory analysis,we find that smaller characters tend to be more distinctive and that women arecross-linguistically more distinctive than men, with this latter finding carefullyinterrogated using multiple regression. This greater distinctiveness stems froma historical tendency for female characters to be restricted to an ‘internal nar-rative domain’ covering mainly direct discourse and family/romantic themes. Itis hoped that direct, comparable statistical measures will form a basis for moresophisticated future studies, and advances in theoryPublicación A bridge too far for artificial intelligence?: Automatic classification of stanzas in Spanish poetry(Wiley, 2022) Pérez Pozo, Álvaro; Rosa, Javier de la; Ros Muñoz, Salvador; González Blanco, Elena; Hernández Lorenzo, Laura; Sisto, Mirella deThe rise in artificial intelligence and natural language processing techniques has increased considerably in the last few decades. Historically, the focus has been primarily on texts expressed in prose form, leaving mostly aside figurative or poetic expressions of language due to their rich semantics and syntactic complexity. The creation and analysis of poetry have been commonly carried out by hand, with a few computer-assisted approaches. In the Spanish context, the promise of machine learning is starting to pan out in specific tasks such as metrical annotation and syllabification. However, there is a task that remains unexplored and underdeveloped: stanza classification. This classification of the inner structures of verses in which a poem is built upon is an especially relevant task for poetry studies since it complements the structural information of a poem. In this work, we analyzed different computational approaches to stanza classification in the Spanish poetic tradition. These approaches show that this task continues to be hard for computers systems, both based on classical machine learning approaches as well as statistical language models and cannot compete with traditional computational paradigms based on the knowledge of experts.