Persona: Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth
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Romero Martínez
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Sonia Janeth
10 resultados
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Publicación La competencia digital en profesores españoles de Primaria, Secundaria y Universidad(Universidad de Granada, 2023-03) Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Granizo González, Laura; Martínez Álvarez, Isabel;;ón: la Competencia Digital (CD) es una característica necesaria en la práctica docente, más aún en la situación actual de pandemia. Analizarla de acuerdo con variables que puedan influir en su desarrollo resulta fundamental para poder realizar propuestas de intervención y formación focalizadas en perfiles de docentes que así lo requieren. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es conocer, describir y analizar la CD (habilidades y actitudes hacia el uso pedagógico de la tecnología) de docentes españoles de diversos niveles educativos. Método: se han aplicado dos cuestionarios elaborados “ad hoc” para la presente investigación a una muestra de 241 profesores españoles de diversos niveles educativos. Se ha estudiado mediante estadística no paramétrica si existen diferencias en la CD según el género y el nivel educativo y mediante análisis de correlaciones su relación con la edad y los años de experiencia. Resultados: se ha encontrado que la CD autopercibida es mayor en hombres que en mujeres, aunque la actitud es más favorable en las mujeres. Respecto al nivel se ha encontrado que la habilidad autopercibida es similar en los docentes de primaria, secundaria y universidad, sin embargo, la actitud es más favorable en estos últimos. Finalmente hay correlación negativa entre la edad y los años de experiencia con la habilidad en el manejo de dispositivos digitales y aplicaciones multiplataforma. Discusión: se encuentra una buena valoración por parte de los docentes respecto a sus habilidades para usar la tecnología, considerando que tienen mejor habilidad en los dispositivos digitales que en las aplicaciones multiplataforma.Publicación Diagnosis of the attitudes towards ICT of education students according to gender and educational modality(Universidad de Guadalajara, México, 2020) Guillén Gámez, Francisco David; Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Ordóñez Camacho, Xavier Giovanni;; towards technology are ideas, conceptions and thoughts that guide actions and, in the case of students, can influence the learning process and academic performance. The aim of this research is to know if there are significant differences between face-to-face and completely distance learning students in relation to their attitude towards technology and according to gender. To meet this objective a non-experimental mixed research was carried out with a sample of 180 Early Childhood and Elementary Education students. Attitudes were measured and scores were compared using both parametric and non-parametric statistics. Following this methodology, the study found statistically significant differences in the average attitude towards technology depending on the educational modality and gender; specifically, men and distance learning students show more favorable attitudes in the affective dimension while face-to-face students exhibit more favorable scores in cognitive and behavioral attitudes. The conclusions derived from this study may help to develop educational interventions focused in the improvement of unfavorable attitudes.Publicación Early prediction of undergraduate Student's academic performance in completely online learning: A five-year study(ELSEVIER, 2021) Bravo-Agapito, Javier; Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Pamplona, Sonia; View this author’s ORCID profileThis decade, e-learning systems provide more interactivity to instructors and students than traditional systemsand make possible a completely online (CO) education. However, instructors could not warn if a CO student is engaged or not in the course, and they could not predict his or her academic performance in courses. This work provides a collection of models (exploratory factor analysis, multiple linear regressions, cluster analysis, and correlation) to early predict the academic performance of students. These models are constructed using Moodle interaction data, characteristics, and grades of 802 undergraduate students from a CO university. The models result indicated that the major contribution to the prediction of the academic student performance is made by four factors: Access, Questionnaire, Task, and Age. Access factor is composed by variables related to accesses of students in Moodle, including visits to forums and glossaries. Questionnaire factor summarizes variables related to visits and attempts in questionnaires. Task factor is composed of variables related to consulted and submitted tasks. The Age factor contains the student age. Also, it is remarkable that Age was identified as a negative predictor of the performance of students, indicating that the student performance is inversely proportional to age. In addition, cluster analysis found five groups and sustained that number of interactions with Moodle are closely related to performance of students.Publicación Extracurricular Physical Activities and the Condition of Being an Only Child as a Conditioning Factor in the Psychomotor Development of 5-Year-Old Children(Frontiers Media, 2021-07-06) Gil Madrona, Pedro; Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Roz Faraco, Carmen C.; early childhood education, there is a great interdependence among motor, affective, and cognitive development. A better understanding of psychomotor development and its variables by pediatricians and those who oversee educational tasks at this stage of development, such as teachers, psychologists, counselors, and parents themselves, can influence the design of educational intervention proposals. To that effect, the present study aims to analyze the influence of some family characteristics such as the condition of being an only child or having siblings and whether the child carries out extracurricular activities linked to physical activities and sports. To achieve this objective, a Checklist of Psychomotor Activities (CPA) assessment instrument was used based on the observation of a sample of 694 children aged 5 years who were enrolled in the second cycle of child education in the province of Albacete. The results show that those children who performed extracurricular activities related to physical activities and sports had a greater development of laterality and postural tonic control than those who did not attend this type of activities. At the same time, differences were found in the affective and relational levels and in the perceptual-motor aspects in favor of children who have siblings compared with children who are only children. There is no other research that addresses both issues in the same study, and this is a strength of the present studyPublicación Percepción hacia la deshonestidad académica: Propiedades psicométricas de un instrumento de medida para estudiantes universitarios(Universidad de Granada, 2021) Ordoñez Camacho, Xavier Giovanni; Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Deshonestidad Académica (DA) es una de las grandes dificultades que está teniendo la universidad en la formación de futuros profesionales pues es uno de los problemas éticos que más se está acrecentando en la actualidad. Debido a la ausencia de instrumentos con propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para evaluar la DA, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivo desarrollar y analizar las propiedades de medida de un test que mide la percepción de los alumnos frente a acciones que implican DA en el ámbito universitario, llamado Percepciones hacia la Deshonestidad Académica (PDA). En los resultados se constata que el PDA tiene una fiabilidad apropiada. Se presentan evidencias de validez de constructo de las puntuaciones en una amplia muestra de estudiantes universitarios españoles. Contar con un instrumento de medida fiable y con evidencias de validez puede servir a los investigadores del área para diseñar propuestas de intervención que fortalezcan la integridad académica a nivel universitario.Publicación Measurement properties of attitudes towards creative persons questionnaire: a reliable tool for understanding attitudes towards creative persons(Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2022-05) Ordoñez Camacho, Xavier Giovanni; Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; 21st century is characterized by challenges and opportunities and become the century of creativity. This is because the individuals develop creative tools to confront the changes that they are living. In this sense the study of attitudes towards creative persons is relevant, especially in the education context, because it permits to develop intervention programs that foster better attitudes on teachers and students. For that reason, the main objective of this research is to develop a questionnaire that allows to measure the attitudes of university students towards creative persons, and, to gather evidence about its reliability and validity. This research was made through an instrumental analytical study, with a sample of students pertaining to several faculties of the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain. At first, exploratory factor analysis, with a random half of the sample, was made. Secondly, the previous structure was confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. The results confirm the three-dimensional structure (behavioral, affective, and cognitive dimensions). The final model exhibits an optimal fit and adequate reliability. The proposed instrument is a valid and reliable measure of the attitudes of the university students towards the creative persons.Publicación Attitudes towards technology among distance education students: Validation of an explanatory model(Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 2020) Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Ordoñez Camacho, Xavier Giovanni; Guillén Gámez, Francisco David; Bravo-Agapito, Javier;;; toward technology are preconceived notions that affect the teaching-learning process and the academic-professional performance of students, in particular those who use technology. This investigation has two objectives: to test the measuring properties (reliability, factorial structure) of an instrument that measures attitudes and to propose and validate a model that hypothesizes digital competence and frequency of use of technologies have a positive impact on attitudes. The sample included 1,251 students of the Madrid Open University in a nonexperimental, explanatory study using structural equation methodology. The results indicated adequate psychometric properties for the test and good adjustment of the proposed model (χ² = 163.91, df = 37, p < .001) allowing for further exploration of the relationship between use, skill, and attitudes in the distance education context and improving the properties of measuring instruments proposed in Spanish.Publicación Análise das propriedades psicométricas do questionário epistemológico-inventário de crenças epistemológicas (CEICE) em universitários espanhóis(Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, 2020) Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Ordóñez Camacho, Xavier Giovanni;ças Epistemológicas (CE) são considerações sobre conhecimento e aprendizagem que influenciam o desempenho e a motivação dos alunos. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar as propriedades psicométricas do teste do questionário epistemológico-inventário de crenças epistemológicas (CEICE em espanhol) em estudantes universitários espanhóis, incluindo uma análise confirmatória de sua estrutura fatorial, confiabilidade e invariância fatorial de acordo com gênero, ano e área de estudo e descrição dos escores da escala. Para realizar os objetivos, o teste CEICE foi aplicado a uma amostra de 1.231 estudantes espanhóis e foi analisado por análise fatorial confirmatória, multigrupos e estatística descritiva. Los resultados confirman la estructura de cuatro factores (simpleza del conocimiento, certeza del conocimiento, velocidad del aprendizaje y habilidad innata). Los coeficientes Alpha de Cronbach muestran valores similares a los obtenidos en estudios previos y los Alpha Ordinal presentan fiabilidades más altas. A invariância fatorial entre os grupos analisados nos níveis configural e métrico é confirmada. O CEICE possui propriedades psicométricas adequadas e pode ser usado por psicólogos e educadores para medir EC e estabelecer comparações entre grupos.Publicación Actitudes hacia la Estadística en Alumnos de Educación: Análisis de Perfiles(Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes español, 2019-04-12) Ordóñez Camacho; Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Ruiz de Miguel, Covadonga;; actitudes hacia la estadística son un cúmulo de conductas, cogniciones y emociones respecto a la estadística. Las actitudes son aprendidas, mediadas por factores culturales e influyen en el aprendizaje y rendimiento de los alumnos, por ello, el objetivo del presente trabajo es realizar una descripción de dichas actitudes en una muestra de 855 alumnos universitarios de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid por medio de la identificación de perfiles que incluyen también variables de identificación, formación previa, autoconcepto académico y valoraciones sobre la estadística en su carrera y futuro profesional. La metodología que se ha utilizado combina métodos factoriales y análisis cluster. El procedimiento incluye la aplicación de dos cuestionarios (uno para medir las actitudes y otro para las demás variables), la identificación del número de componentes factoriales y de grupos y la validación y descripción de los perfiles. Se han identificado cuatro grupos: los dos primeros (61.64% de la muestra) están compuestos principalmente por mujeres del grado Educación Infantil/Primaria que presentan actitudes desfavorables, alta ansiedad, bajo autoconcepto y consideran la estadística poco útil profesionalmente. Los otros dos grupos están compuestos por alumnos que presentan actitudes favorables, alto auto-concepto y consideran que la estadística es bastante útil. El presente estudio constituye un primer paso en la identificación y caracterización de perfiles de actitud hacia la estadística en alumnos de Educación y permite crear programas educativos para despertar el interés hacia la materia en los grupos que más lo necesitan.Publicación Physical, Perceptual, Socio-Relational, and Affective Skills of Five-Year-Old Children Born Preterm and Full-Term According to Their Body Mass Index(MDPI, 2021) Gil Madrona, Pedro; Romero Martínez, Sonia Janeth; Roz Faraco, Carmen C.; main purpose of this study was to compare the psychomotor development of five-yearold children born preterm and full term. The comparison included physical-motor, perceptual-motor, and socio-relational and affective skills. As low weight is one of the variables that most influences the psychomotor development of premature infants, a secondary aim was to analyze these skills according to their current body mass index (BMI). A prospective simple ex-post facto study was conducted. The sample consisted of 672 five-year-old children enrolled in the third year of early childhood education in the province of Albacete, Spain; 35 of them was born prematurely. Children were evaluated by their teachers using the Checklist of Psychomotor Activities (CPA). The results show that children born preterm had a lower development of their physical-motor skills. In the perceptual-motor field, premature children showed lower scores in the variables related to their body image and body schema, motor dissociation, and visual-motor coordination, as well as in socio-relational and affective aspects. However, the development in laterality, dynamic coordination, motor execution, tonic-postural control, and balance were not affected. These differences were not affected by the current weight, given that the analysis of the BMI indicated no differences in preterm children. This study demonstrated the need to establish protocols oriented to the prevention of the difficulties detected in children with psychomotor high-risk and the needs to reinforce the educational programs in this area to improve the integral development of children born preterm.