Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes

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Mostrando 1 - 5 de 5
  • Publicación
    Limits and possibilities in the techno-pedagogical virtualization process of Peruvian universities
    (Universidad de Extremadura, 2023-07-21) Lavandera Ponce, Silvia; Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes; Martín Cuadrado, Ana María; Mora Jaureguialde, Begoña;;
    El Consorcio universitario UTEC-UNED-TECSUP participó en la octava convocatoria del Programa de apoyo al diseño e implementación de estrategias para la continuidad del servicio educativo superior de las universidades públicas del Ministerio de educación peruano (PMESUT), cuyo objetivo era fomentar la continuidad del servicio educativo no presencial de las universidades públicas. Este artículo presenta el asesoramiento a cuatro universidades con el objetivo de garantizar la digitalización de la enseñanza tras la pandemia. Realizado el diagnóstico, se llevó a cabo la virtualización tecno-pedagógica de 138 cursos modelo en tres fases: planificación; diseño curricular y acompañamiento docente; e implementación de los cursos en el aula virtual. Las limitaciones se relacionaron con las brechas digitales existentes: escasez de tiempo, autorregulación personal y escasa formación en competencias pedagógicas y digitales de los docentes. Se buscaron medidas de apoyo y tutorización individualizadas, aumentando el número de sesiones sincrónicas que facilitaran la evaluación. El feedback persiguió la información, interacción y responsabilidad sobre lo realizado y la mejora del acto didáctico en modalidad virtual. Como conclusión se destaca la complejidad del proceso y el alto nivel de exigencia para la obtención de resultados que, siendo positivos atravesaron varios obstáculos provenientes de los diferentes agentes y elementos implicados.
  • Publicación
    Training Plan for the Continuity of Non-Presential Education in Six Peruvian Universities during COVID-19
    (MDPI, 2022-01-29) Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes; Lavandera Ponce, Silvia; Mora Jaureguialde, Begoña; Martín Cuadrado, Ana María;;
    This article shows the response offered by the UTEC-UNED-TECSUP Consortium to six Peruvian public (national) universities aimed at strengthening the digital competences of their communities, made up of managers, teachers, students, and support technicians. The contextual and situational diagnosis, which covered organizational, technological, and competence dimensions, revealed a series of cross-cutting needs related to technological skills that prevented the training or mobilization of the digital competences necessary for progress in the other dimensions under study. The response was an online training plan, consisting of three training programs and eighty-three courses. The pedagogical strategy was based on the scaling of competence achievements that ended with problem-solving and applications in daily activities. The accompaniment was carried out through virtual tutorials, distributed via synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In total, 5034 were involved—347 were teachers and managers, 4932 were students, and 25 were technical staff. The pedagogical and socio-emotional limitations of the university community, as well as the scarcity of technological resources and poor connectivity, meant that the plan was only partially implemented. Moreover, the short and intense period of development to which the universities were subjected was also a factor.
  • Publicación
    The generation of knowledge communities: the work of the RedTICPraxis
    (Universidad de Málaga, 2023-12-27) Martín Cuadrado, Ana María::virtual::6925::600; Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes::virtual::6926::600; Duarte Freitas, María do Carmo; Sgreccia, Natalia; González Fernández, María Obdulia; Martín Cuadrado, Ana María; Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes; Martín Cuadrado, Ana María; Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes; Martín Cuadrado, Ana María; Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes;;;;
    RedTICPraxis is a network interested in educational innovation linked to pre-professional practice to analyze all aspects related to technologies applied to curricular and extracurricular external practices, of the institutions participating in the network in all its modalities, functions, dimensions (administration, teaching, research) and areas (Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Technology, and Humanities) in university and professional qualifications, at international level. It arises during the "XV International Symposium on Practicum and External Practices. Present and Future Challenges" in July 2019. Each biennium a different specific work project is proposed. The second biennium took place in 2021-2023 and the focus of interest was on personal documents: the e-diary of the actors of the Practicum and External Practices. Specifically, the e-diaries of the Practicum actors have been analyzed to understand the learning process followed by the student, from a holistic approach (student, internship tutor-professional and academic-supervisor). The ICT used for the creation, communication, evaluation and reflection on the e-diaries in the Practicum were also presented. Conversely, the experiences at institutional level of the objectives of this project have been shared through video annotations and finally the level of satisfaction with the e-diary methodology, the experience through the network and the use of was recorded.
  • Publicación
    Teachers digital competences in Digcomp-based university environments
    (Universidade Federal do Paraná, 2020) Martín Cuadrado, Ana María; Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes; Jordano de la Torre, María;
    Este artículo describe una propuesta de adaptación de los descriptores sugeridos por la Unión Europea mediante el DigComp para las áreas competenciales de la Información y la Comunicación al personal docente universitario. Esta se ha llevado a cabo gracias a la retroalimentación recibida de diferentes cursos impartidos en forma de NOOC (Nano-Open Massive Courses) en diferentes ediciones desde el año académico 2016-17. De este modo, se han obtenido datos provenientes de los test de diagnóstico realizados antes de realizar cada curso, encuestas iniciales y finales a cada usuario y la propia observación de los mismos. Una de las conclusiones más relevantes del estudio ha sido la del haber recibido más cantidad de alumnos en los cursos de nivel básico, seguida del avanzado y del intermedio, en la mayoría de los casos. El estudio que aquí se presenta se centra, entre otras cosas, en tratar de encontrar las razones por las cuales se ha producido este hecho a la vez que se muestra una panorámica del grado de competencia digital con el que cuentan estos docentes en la actualidad. Esto nos permitirá seguir adaptando los descriptores anteriormente mencionados a las necesidades actuales, que incluso podrían haberse visto influenciadas por la crisis del Covid-19 que provocó que la enseñanza presencial se digitalizara en un corto periodo de tiempo.
  • Publicación
    Working Methodology with Public Universities in Peru during the Pandemic—Continuity of Virtual/Online Teaching and Learning
    (MPDI, 2021-07-14) Martín Cuadrado, Ana María; Lavandera Ponce, Silvia; Mora Jaureguialde, Begoña; Sánchez Romero, Cristina; Pérez Sánchez, Lourdes;;
    This article describes the consultancy provided by the UTEC-UNED-TECSUP University Consortium to six national universities in Peru, during the COVID-19 state of emergency. This action aims to promote the techno-pedagogical change from a face-to-face to a virtual/online educational context. The process consists of three stages that ensured the continuity of the virtual/online educational service: diagnosis, design, and training, to strengthen instructional and digital competencies, support, and techno-pedagogical monitoring. It includes the basic principles of constructivist and constructionist learning theories for active and quality teaching and learning for the agents involved, and, in addition, the guidelines set by the emerging Peruvian regulations during the pandemic to move towards a digital university model according to the times. After a 157-day intervention, the analysis of the results raises some reflections: the importance of the socio-cultural context and its influence on the concept and development of the instructional act; the concept of distance learning in territories where connectivity is the main difficulty, and the university institution, in terms of a non-presential educational model with open and versatile methodologies, which anticipates a long process, involves a scheduled follow-up, requires fluid communication and demands continuous feedback.