Publicación: Grupos Cristalográficos no Euclídeos y superficies de Klein
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias
El presente Trabajo de Fin de Master es una introducción a los grupos cristalográficos no euclídeos (abreviados como grupos NEC), que son grupos discretos cocompactos de isometrías del plano hiperbólico. Estos grupos dan lugar a espacios de órbitas compactos con estructura de superficie de Klein. Se discuten las propiedades de sus elementos y se estudia la estructura del grupo por métodos geométricos en base a sus regiones fundamentales, a partir de las cuales se deduce una presentación. Se discute la relación entre un grupo NEC de superficie (sin períodos), su normalizador y el grupo de automorfismos del cociente. En el capítulo final se estudian los subgrupos propios del grupo de automorfismos del cociente que tengan un orden superior a cierta cota.
This Master Thesis is an introduction to non-Euclidean crystallographic groups (NEC groups, for short), which are cocompact discrete groups of isometries of the hyperbolic plane. These groups yield compact orbit spaces which can be endowed with a Klein surface structure. Properties of their elements are discussed, and the group structure itself is studied by geometric methods, through their fundamental regions, from which a presentation can be obtained. The relation between a surface NEC group (i.e. without periods), its normalizer and the automorphism group of the quotient is discussed. The final chapter is devoted to the proper subgroups of the automorphism group of the quotient, such that their order reaches certain lower bound.
This Master Thesis is an introduction to non-Euclidean crystallographic groups (NEC groups, for short), which are cocompact discrete groups of isometries of the hyperbolic plane. These groups yield compact orbit spaces which can be endowed with a Klein surface structure. Properties of their elements are discussed, and the group structure itself is studied by geometric methods, through their fundamental regions, from which a presentation can be obtained. The relation between a surface NEC group (i.e. without periods), its normalizer and the automorphism group of the quotient is discussed. The final chapter is devoted to the proper subgroups of the automorphism group of the quotient, such that their order reaches certain lower bound.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
NEC groups, NEC signatures, Klein surfaces
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
Matemáticas Fundamentales