Publicación: Proyecto colaborativo para la mejora de la docencia en el análisis cinemático y dinámico de levas mediante hojas de cálculo
Castejón López, Miguel
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['Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España)', 'Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica']
El presente artículo expone una experiencia docente para la mejora en la docencia del análisis cinemático y dinámico de levas mediante el desarrollo de un proyecto colaborativo entre los estudiantes de la asignatura, basado en la realización de una aplicación en Excel por su sencillez de manejo y capacidad de cálculo matricial. Se aborda el estudio de los diversos tipos de levas, programas de movimiento y se analiza la respuesta cinemática y dinámica del sistema. Igualmente se aborda el dimensionamiento atendiendo a restricciones geométricas como el ángulo de presión y radio de curvatura. Todo el conjunto de tareas es realizado por los estudiantes de la Escuela de Ingenieros Industriales de la UNED. Esta experiencia se engloba en un conjunto de proyectos similares aplicados a la docencia de la teoría de elementos de máquinas para la mejora en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes implicados en estas actividades.
This paper presents a learning experience for the teaching improvement of kinematic and dynamic cam analysis through the development of a collaborative project among the students of the subject, based on the realization of an application in Excel making use of its simplicity of use and capacity of matrix calculation. The study of the various types of cams, motion programs and kinematic response curves are analyzed for a wide class of families of predefined curves. Likewise, the sizing is addressed according to geometric restrictions such as the pressure angle and radius of curvature. All described tasks are carried out by students at the UNED School of Industrial Engineering. This experience is included in a set of similar projects applied to the teaching of the theory of machine elements to improve the academic performance of the students involved in these activities.
This paper presents a learning experience for the teaching improvement of kinematic and dynamic cam analysis through the development of a collaborative project among the students of the subject, based on the realization of an application in Excel making use of its simplicity of use and capacity of matrix calculation. The study of the various types of cams, motion programs and kinematic response curves are analyzed for a wide class of families of predefined curves. Likewise, the sizing is addressed according to geometric restrictions such as the pressure angle and radius of curvature. All described tasks are carried out by students at the UNED School of Industrial Engineering. This experience is included in a set of similar projects applied to the teaching of the theory of machine elements to improve the academic performance of the students involved in these activities.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
proyectos docentes colaborativos, síntesis y análisis de mecanismos, hojas de cálculo
E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales