Publicación: De los technopaegnia carolingios a la clerecía rabínica medieval. Nuevos horizontes en la literatura medieval a la luz de la poesía comparada
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El concepto de «mester de clerecía» se plantea aquí como un fenómeno amplio que se inicia en la poesía mediolatina no cuantitativa, en la que el cómputo silábico se convierte en un factor determinante tras la pérdida de la cantidad de las sílabas. En este trabajo analizaremos dos textos de forma comparativa: un poema latino compuesto en el período carolingio en cuartetas pentadecasilábicas y atribuido a Paulino de aquilea, que refleja ese estadio inicial de la poesía narrativa medieval «a sílabas contadas», y un poema castellano del siglo XIII en cuaderna vía escrito por un autor judío: las Coplas de Yosef. ambos textos tienen como base el mismo tema: el relato de José narrado en el Génesis, sin embargo, la formulación del mismo, así como el resultado final son muy diferentes. El análisis contrastivo de estos poemas nos lleva a determinar la ideología que subyace a cada uno de ellos, así como a plantear cuestiones claves en relación al concepto de mester de clerecía, su definición, límites y evolución.
The concept of «mester de clerecía» is exposed here as a broad phenomenon whose origins are in Medieval non-quantitative latin poetry, in which, after the lost of the vowels quantity, the number of syllables is determining. This work will analyze two texts from a comparative point of view: a latin poem composed in tetrastichs of pentadecasyllables during the carolingian period, attributed to Paulin of aquilea, which reflects the initial status of medieval narrative poetry «a sílabas contadas»; and a castilian poem composed in the 13th century in «cuaderna vía» written by a Jewish author: the Coplas de Yosef. Both have a common source: the story of Joseph narrated in the book of Genesis. However, the literary procedures used by both authors, as well as the final results are very different. The contrastive analysis of the two texts make us determine the ideology present in each of them and also make us pose key questions related to the concept of «mester de clerecía», its definition, limits and evolution.
The concept of «mester de clerecía» is exposed here as a broad phenomenon whose origins are in Medieval non-quantitative latin poetry, in which, after the lost of the vowels quantity, the number of syllables is determining. This work will analyze two texts from a comparative point of view: a latin poem composed in tetrastichs of pentadecasyllables during the carolingian period, attributed to Paulin of aquilea, which reflects the initial status of medieval narrative poetry «a sílabas contadas»; and a castilian poem composed in the 13th century in «cuaderna vía» written by a Jewish author: the Coplas de Yosef. Both have a common source: the story of Joseph narrated in the book of Genesis. However, the literary procedures used by both authors, as well as the final results are very different. The contrastive analysis of the two texts make us determine the ideology present in each of them and also make us pose key questions related to the concept of «mester de clerecía», its definition, limits and evolution.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
historia de José, mester de clerecía, cuaderna vía, Paulino de Aquilea, poesía medieval aljamiada, story of Joseph, Paulinus of Aquilea, medieval poetry written in hebrew characters
Facultad de Filología
Literatura Española y Teoría de la Literatura