Publicación: Érase una vez un cuento que se convirtió en mito: las cartas de los niños/as del siglo XXI al Ratón Pérez
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Educación
A lo largo del presente trabajo se pretende investigar acerca del mundialmente conocido mito del Ratón Pérez, bien reciba ese nombre o el de su homónimo en los diferentes países. Dentro de este mito encontramos gran variedad de retahílas y ritos con la finalidad de dar aviso al mágico ratoncito de que sus dientes de leche han comenzado a caerse y podrá recogerlos. De todos estos ritos, será objeto de estudio en este trabajo los referidos a la escritura infantil, y para ello se ha contado con la colaboración de la Casita Museo Ratón Pérez de Madrid, la cual nos ha permitido el acceso a una gran muestra de cartas que serán analizadas en cuanto a su forma (características materiales, gráficas y lingüísticas) y en lo referido al contenido que las mismas presentan. Para darle un fundamento teórico al trabajo, y puesto que estas cartas se incluyen dentro de lo que los especialistas en escritura epistolar definen como “cartas a los ídolos”, hablaremos de la escritura infantil dentro de la Historia Social de la Cultura Escrita, así como de las “cartas de súplica” y las “cartas a los ídolos”.
Throughout the present research we intend to investigate about the world-famous myth of “Ratón Pérez”, either receive that name or its namesake in different countries. Within this myth we find a great variety of songs and rituals in order to warn the magical mouse that their milk teeth have begun to fall and you can pick them up. Of all these rites, it will be the object of study in this research those referred to the children's writing, and for this it has been counted with the collaboration of the “Casita Museo Ratón Pérez” in Madrid, which has allowed us to access to a large sample of letters which will be analyzed in terms of their form (material, graphic and linguistic characteristics) and in relation to the content they present. In order to give a theoretical basis to the work, and since these letters are included in what epistolary writing specialists define as "letters to idols", we will talk about children's writing within the Social History of Written Culture, as well as "letters of request" and "letters to the idols."
Throughout the present research we intend to investigate about the world-famous myth of “Ratón Pérez”, either receive that name or its namesake in different countries. Within this myth we find a great variety of songs and rituals in order to warn the magical mouse that their milk teeth have begun to fall and you can pick them up. Of all these rites, it will be the object of study in this research those referred to the children's writing, and for this it has been counted with the collaboration of the “Casita Museo Ratón Pérez” in Madrid, which has allowed us to access to a large sample of letters which will be analyzed in terms of their form (material, graphic and linguistic characteristics) and in relation to the content they present. In order to give a theoretical basis to the work, and since these letters are included in what epistolary writing specialists define as "letters to idols", we will talk about children's writing within the Social History of Written Culture, as well as "letters of request" and "letters to the idols."
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
historia de la escritura infantil, correspondencia, cartas de súplica, cartas a los ídolos, Ratón Pérez, Casita Museo del Ratón Pérez de Madrid, siglo XXI, history of children's writing, correspondence, letters of request, letters to the idols, XXI century
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Educación
Historia de la Educación y Educación Comparada