Publicación: Eficacia de un programa de intervención en autocompasión sobre el rendimiento académico en la Educación Superior
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Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España). Ediciones Complutense
Introducción: La autocompasión (ACP), disposición para tratarse uno mismo de forma amable, incide en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la educación superior. El estudio analiza la relación entre la ACP y el rendimiento académico en estudiantes del Grado en Psicología. Método: Se empleó un diseño pretest-postest con dos grupos, experimental y control. El primero recibió un programa de entrenamiento en ACP durante todo el curso académico. Nuestras hipótesis fueron: 1ª, que el programa mejoraría los niveles de ACP ante dificultades que se experimentan: a) en el estudio (ACP-DE) y b) en la aplicación de contenidos curriculares a la vida cotidiana (ACP-DAVC); 2ª, una relación positiva y significativa de ambos constructos con el rendimiento académico. Se elaboraron dos escalas para la evaluación de las facetas específico-aplicadas de ACP. Resultados: El programa de intervención produjo una mejora significativa en ACP-DE y ACP-DAVC. El grupo experimental entendió el concepto y utilidad de la ACP, obteniéndose correlaciones positivas y significativas entre el cambio intraindividual en ACP-DAVC y el rendimiento académico. Por el contrario, en el grupo control, diversas medidas intraindividuales de mejora en ACP mostraron correlaciones significativas de signo negativo con el rendimiento académico. Discusión: Globalmente considerados, los resultados prestan un apoyo significativo a las hipótesis planteadas. Se discuten las bondades del programa desarrollado y se plantea la necesidad de considerar la ACP como una clave potencial de innovación educativa en el contexto del enfoque de las competencias propio del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior.
Introduction: Self-compassion (SC), disposition to treat oneself in a kind way, affects the teaching-learning processes in higher education. This study analyzes the relationship between SC and academic achievement in students of the Degree in Psychology. Method: A pretest-posttest study with both, experimental and control groups, was designed. The first one received a SC training program throughout the academic course. Two hypotheses were tested: 1st, the program would improve SC levels facing difficulties: a) in the study (SC-SD) and b) in the application of the curricular contents to the daily life (SC-ACDL); 2nd, a positive and significant relation between both constructs and academic achievement. Two scales were created in order to evaluate the specific commented facets of SC. Results: The intervention program yielded a significant improvement in SC-SD and SC– ACDL. The experimental group understood the concept and usefulness of the SC, so that positive and significant correlations between the intra-individual change in SC-ACDL and academic achievement were obtained. In the control group, on the contrary, several intra-individual improvement measures in SC reliably correlated to academic achievement, but in this case with negative sign. Discussion: Globally considered, the results lend significant support to the hypotheses proposed. Implications of the program developed are discussed and the need of considering SC as a potential key of educational innovation to take into account in the university in the context of the competences in the European Higher Education Area is suggested.
Introduction: Self-compassion (SC), disposition to treat oneself in a kind way, affects the teaching-learning processes in higher education. This study analyzes the relationship between SC and academic achievement in students of the Degree in Psychology. Method: A pretest-posttest study with both, experimental and control groups, was designed. The first one received a SC training program throughout the academic course. Two hypotheses were tested: 1st, the program would improve SC levels facing difficulties: a) in the study (SC-SD) and b) in the application of the curricular contents to the daily life (SC-ACDL); 2nd, a positive and significant relation between both constructs and academic achievement. Two scales were created in order to evaluate the specific commented facets of SC. Results: The intervention program yielded a significant improvement in SC-SD and SC– ACDL. The experimental group understood the concept and usefulness of the SC, so that positive and significant correlations between the intra-individual change in SC-ACDL and academic achievement were obtained. In the control group, on the contrary, several intra-individual improvement measures in SC reliably correlated to academic achievement, but in this case with negative sign. Discussion: Globally considered, the results lend significant support to the hypotheses proposed. Implications of the program developed are discussed and the need of considering SC as a potential key of educational innovation to take into account in the university in the context of the competences in the European Higher Education Area is suggested.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Educación superior, educación basada en competencias, intervención, rendimiento académico, innovación educativa, Higher Education, competency based education, intervention, academic achievement, educational innovation
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Psicología
Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación