Persona: Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz
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Carrillo Urbano
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7 resultados
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Publicación Genistein early in life modifies the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus morphology differentially in male and female rats(Elsevier, 2023) Fernández García, José Manuel; Tezanos, Patricia; Pino Osuna, María José; Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz; Collado Guirao, PalomaIn the present work we analyzed the effects of postnatal exposure to two doses of genistein (10 μg/g or 50 μg/g) from postnatal (P) day 6 to P13, on the morphology of the arcuate nucleus (Arc). The analyses of Arc coronal brain sections at 90 days showed that the ArcMP had higher values in volume, Nissl-stained neurons and GPER-ir neurons in males than in females and the treatment with genistein abolished these sex differences in most of the parameters studied. Moreover, in males, but not in females, the GPER-ir neurons decreased in the ArcMP but increased in the ArcL with both doses of genistein. In the ArcLP, GPER-ir population increased with the lowest doses and decreased with the highest one in males. Our results confirm that the Arc subdivisions have differential vulnerability to the effects of genistein during development, depending on which neuromorphological parameters, dose and sex are analyzed.Publicación Genistein during Development Alters Differentially the Expression of POMC in Male and Female Rats(MDPI, 2021) Fernández García, José Manuel; Tezanos, Patricia; Pino Osuna, María José; Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz; Collado Guirao, PalomaPhytoestrogens are considered beneficial for health, but some studies have shown that they may cause adverse effects. This study investigated the effects of genistein administration during the second week of life on energy metabolism and on the circuits regulating food intake. Two different genistein doses, 10 or 50 g/g, were administered to male and female rats from postnatal day (P) 6 to P13. Physiological parameters, such as body weight and caloric intake, were then analyzed at P90. Moreover, proopiomelanocortin (POMC) expression in the arcuate nucleus (Arc) and orexin expression in the dorsomedial hypothalamus (DMH), perifornical area (PF) and lateral hypothalamus (LH) were studied. Our results showed a delay in the emergence of sex differences in the body weight in the groups with higher genistein doses. Furthermore, a significant decrease in the number of POMC-immunoreactive (POMC-ir) cells in the Arc in the two groups of females treated with genistein was observed. In contrast, no alteration in orexin expression was detected in any of the structures analyzed in either males or females. In conclusion, genistein can modulate estradiol’s programming actions on the hypothalamic feeding circuits differentially in male and female rats during development.Publicación Neonatal inhibition of androgen activity alters the programming of body weight and orexinergic peptides differentially in male and female rats(Elsevier, 2024-02-13) Fernández García, José Manuel; Grassi, Daniela; Blanco, Noemí; Ballesta, Antonio; Arevalo, María de los Ángeles; Pino Osuna, María José; Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz; García Úbeda, Rocío; Primo Chulvi, Ulises; Collado Guirao, PalomaThe involvement of androgens in the regulation of energy metabolism has been demonstrated. The main objective of the present research was to study the involvement of androgens in both the programming of energy metabolism and the regulatory peptides associated with feeding. For this purpose, androgen receptors and the main metabolic pathways of testosterone were inhibited during the first five days of postnatal life in male and female Wistar rats. Pups received a daily s.c. injection from the day of birth, postnatal day (P) 1, to P5 of Flu- tamide (a competitive inhibitor of androgen receptors), Letrozole (an aromatase inhibitor), Finasteride (a 5- alpha-reductase inhibitor) or vehicle. Body weight, food intake and fat pads were measured. Moreover, hypo- thalamic Agouti-related peptide (AgRP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), orexin, and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction assay. The inhibition of androgenic activity during the first five days of life produced a significant decrease in body weight in females at P90 but did not affect this parameter in males. Moreover, the inhibition of aromatase decreased hypothalamic AgRP mRNA levels in males while the inhibition of 5α-reductase decreased hypothalamic AgRP and orexin mRNA levels in female rats. Finally, food intake and visceral fat, but not subcutaneous fat, were affected in both males and females depending on which testosterone metabolic pathway was inhibited. Our results highlight the differential involvement of androgens in the programming of energy metabolism as well as the AgRP and orexin systems during development in male and female ratsPublicación Prenatal Low-Protein and Low-Calorie Diets Differentially Alter Arcuate Nucleus Morphology in Newborn Male Rats(Frontiers Media, 2022-06) Blanco, Noemí; Fernández García, José Manuel; Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz; Ballesta, Antonio; García Úbeda, Rocío; Collado Guirao, Paloma; Pinos, HelenaBackground: Malnutrition during the early stages of development produces alterations that can compromise the functioning of the hypothalamic circuits that regulate food intake. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects that a low-protein and low-calorie diet has on the morphology of the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the hypothalamus in newborn male and female rats. Methods: On gestational day 6 (G6), six pregnant rats were divided into two groups. One group was made up of three pregnant rats, which were fed ad libitum with a control diet (20% casein), and the other one was made up of three pregnant rats, which were fed ad libitum with a low-protein diet (8% casein) and 30% of a calorie-restricted diet. On the day of birth, pups were sacrificed, resulting in four experimental groups: control male, control female, low-protein and low-calorie diet male, and low-protein and low-calorie diet female (n = 5 in each group). The volume and number of neurons, together with the neuronal density and number of apoptotic cells, were measured. Results: Males on a low-protein and low-calorie diet showed a significant increase in the number of neurons and in the neuronal density of the ARC with regard to the rest of the groups studied. These increases were also reflected in the posterior part of the nucleus. Although the existence of sexual dimorphism was not detected in any of the parameters studied in the control groups, the number of neurons and neuronal density showed differences between males and females fed with a low-protein and low-calorie diets due to the increase in the number of neurons shown by the male. No significant differences were found in the number of apoptotic cells. Conclusion: Our results show that a low-protein and low-calorie diet during the prenatal stage produces alterations in the ARC of the hypothalamus in newborn animals and, more importantly, that the effects of malnutrition are evident in males but not in females. Therefore, it is essential to follow a balanced diet during the early stages of life to ensure optimal development of the neural circuits that regulate eating.Publicación Organizational Effects of Estrogens and Androgens on Estrogen and Androgen Receptor Expression in Pituitary and Adrenal Glands in Adult Male and Female Rats(Frontiers Media, 2022-06-22) Lagunas, Natalia; Fernández García, José Manuel; Blanco, Noemí; Ballesta, Antonio; Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz; Arevalo, Maria-Angeles; Collado Guirao, Paloma; Pinos, Helena; Grassi, DanielaSex steroid hormones, such as androgens and estrogens, are known to exert organizational action at perinatal periods and activational effects during adulthood on the brain and peripheral tissues. These organizational effects are essential for the establishment of biological axes responsible for regulating behaviors, such as reproduction, stress, and emotional responses. Estradiol (E2), testosterone, and their metabolites exert their biological action through genomic and non-genomic mechanisms, bounding to canonical receptors, such as estrogen receptor (ER)α, ERβ, and androgen receptor (AR) or membrane receptors, such as the G protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER), respectively. Expression of ERs and AR was found to be different between males and females both in the brain and peripheral tissues, suggesting a sex-dependent regulation of their expression and function. Therefore, studying the ERs and AR distribution and expression levels is key to understand the central and peripheral role of sex steroids in the establishment of sex-specific behaviors in males and females. We investigated the organizational effects of estrogens and androgens in the pituitary and adrenal glands of adult male and female rats. For this, selective blockade of AR with flutamide or 5α-reductase with finasteride or aromatase with letrozole during the first 5 days of life has been performed in male and female pups and then quantification of ERs and AR expression in both glands has been carried out in adulthood. Data show that inhibition of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and E2 production during the first five postnatal days mainly decreases the ER expression in male to female values and AR expression in female to male levels in the pituitary gland and increases AR expression in female to male levels in the adrenal gland. In contrast, blocking the action of androgens differentially modulates the ERs in males and females and decreases AR in both males and females in both glands. Altogether, the results suggest that neonatal modifications of the androgen and estrogen pathways can potentially lead to permanent modifications of the neuroendocrine functions of the pituitary and adrenal glands in the adulthood of both sexes.Publicación Activity-based anorexia alters hypothalamic POMC and orexin populations in male rats(Elsevier, 2022-08-11) Pinos, Helena; Sánchez Serrano, Ricardo; Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz; Fernández García, José Manuel; García Úbeda, Rocío; Paz Regidor, Ana María de; López Tolsa Gómez, Gabriela Eugenia; Vidal García, Pedro; Gutiérrez Ferre, Valeria Edith; Pellón Suárez de Puga, Ricardo; Collado Guirao, PalomaThe objective of this study was to investigate the orexin and POMC populations in the hypothalamic nuclei of male Wistar rats after the activity-based anorexia (ABA) procedure. Four groups were established based on food restriction and activity: activity (A), ABA, diet (D) and control (C). The ABA protocol consisted of free access to a running wheel for a period of 22 h and access to food for 1 h. When the animals in the ABA group reached the ABA criterion, were sacrificed, and their brains were collected and serially sectioned. The free-floating sections were processed for orexin and POMC immunostaining. The number of orexin A-ir cells in the perifornical-dorsomedial-hypothalamus continuum (PFD) and lateral hypothalamus (LH) and the number of POMC-ir cells in the arcuate nucleus (Arc) were estimated. Data on food intake, body weight and wheel turns were also analyzed. The ABA procedure caused a significant decrease in body weight along with a significant increase in activity. Moreover, at the end of the ABA procedure, the number of POMC-ir cells decreased in the Arc in the A group, and significantly more in the ABA group, and the number of orexin A-ir positive cells decreased in the LH in D and ABA groups. The differential decrease in POMC in the ABA group emphasizes the importance of the melanocortin system in the maintenance of ABA, but more research is needed to elucidate the involvement of this peptide in the mechanism that promotes and maintains anorexia nervosa and how increased activity may interact with all these processes.Publicación G Protein-Coupled Estrogen Receptor Immunoreactivity Fluctuates During the Estrous Cycle and Show Sex Differences in the Amygdala and Dorsal Hippocampus(Frontiers Media, 2020) Llorente, Ricardo; Marraudino, Marilena; Bonaldo, Brigitta; Simon Areces, Julia; Abellanas Pérez, Pedro; Rivero Aguilar, Marina; Fernández García, José Manuel; Pino Osuna, María José; Garcia Segura, Luis ; Grassi, Daniela; Carrillo Urbano, Beatriz; Collado Guirao, PalomaG protein-coupled estrogen receptor (GPER) in the amygdala and the dorsal hippocampus mediates actions of estradiol on anxiety, social recognition and spatial memory. In addition, GPER participates in the estrogenic regulation of synaptic function in the amygdala and in the process of adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus. While the distribution of the canonical estrogen receptors α and β in the amygdala and dorsal hippocampus are well characterized, little is known about the regional distribution of GPER in these brain regions and whether this distribution is affected by sex or the stages of the estrous cycle. In this study we performed a morphometric analysis of GPER immunoreactivity in the posterodorsal medial, anteroventral medial, basolateral, basomedial and central subdivisions of the amygdala and in all the histological layers of CA1 and the dentate gyrus of the dorsal hippocampal formation. The number of GPER immunoreactive cells was estimated in these different structures. GPER immunoreactivity was detected in all the assessed subdivisions of the amygdaloid nucleus and dorsal hippocampal formation. The number of GPER immunoreactive cells was higher in males than in estrus females in the central (P = 0.001) and the posterodorsal medial amygdala (P < 0.05); higher in males than in diestrus females in the strata orients (P < 0.01) and radiatum-lacunosum-moleculare (P < 0.05) of CA1-CA3 and in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus (P < 0.01); higher in diestrus females than in males in the basolateral amygdala (P < 0.05); higher in diestrus females than in estrus females in the central (P < 0.01), posterodorsal medial (P < 0.01) and basolateral amygdala (P < 0.01) and higher in estrus females than in diestrus females in the strata oriens (P < 0.05) and radiatum-lacunosum-moleculare (P < 0.05) of CA1-CA3 and in the molecular layer (P < 0.05) and the hilus of the dentate gyrus (P < 0.05). The findings suggest that estrogenic regulation of the amygdala and hippocampus through GPER may be different in males and in females and may fluctuate during the estrous cycle.