Maximiano Castillejo, Alfredo Miguel

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Maximiano Castillejo
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Alfredo Miguel

Resultados de la búsqueda

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  • Publicación
    Dots, circles and horses: new rock art evidences through image-based digital methods in Moro Cave
    (Elsevier, 2023-02) Barcia García, Camilo; Mas Cornellá, Martí; Maximiano Castillejo, Alfredo Miguel; Jordá Pardo, Jesús Francisco
    In the mid-1990s, Moro Cave rock-shelter became a key site to understand the rock art phenomenon in southernmost Iberia, as the discovery of Solutrean engravings settled former arguments about the presence of Upper Palaeolithic art in the region. Since then, discontinuous and unsystematic interventions in this site not only left many questions unanswered but also reduced its scientific relevance in broader reviews and discussions. In this paper, we highlight how current digital applications of image-based spatial methods are improving the study of rock art in Campo de Gibraltar and La Janda ancient lagoon area (Cádiz province, Spain). Here we present the first results of the introduction of ‘free and open-source’ image-based recording methods to research at Moro Cave, such as photogrammetric Structure from Motion, orthophotomosaics, microtopography, and statistical band-processing of raster imagery. As a result, spatial modelling of the rock-shelter, microtopography of panels, and the discovery of numerous unpublished motifs across the whole site provide promising insights for future research. This paper focuses on new faint and particular dotted painted patterns (spirals/concentric circles, alignments, and aggregations) related to the large horse on the lower floor; cultural parallels, Upper Palaeolithic adscription, taphonomic issues and future directions are discussed. As a conclusion, a Late Solutrean/Early Magdalenian chronology is proposed due to dot size and shape, arrangement and composition, comparison with other sites, and degree of degradation.
  • Publicación
    Relative and Absolute Chronologies, Iconographic Sequences. Pigments and Pictorial Micro-Stratigraphies: Aouinet Azguer 1 Rock Paintings
    (Universidad Mohamed V, 2023-06-22) Mas Cornellá, Martí; Lemjidi, Abdelkhalek; Solís Delgado, Mónica; Maura, Rafael; Parra, Enrique; Pablo Pérez, Pedro; Jawhari, Tariq; Oumouss, Ahmed; Asmahri, El Mahfoud; Oulmakki, Naima; Torra, Guadalupe; Pérez, Javier; García, María; Maximiano Castillejo, Alfredo Miguel
    Aouinet Azguer 1 is one of the most representative painting rock shelters in Morocco due to the quantity and characteristics of the images on display, which were carried out over an extended time lapse. In Aouinet Azguer 1 and 12, we find some zoomorphous figures outlined in red whose composition, size, style and technique bear no relation to the rest of the motifs. These figures correspond to an early chronocultural first phase, they were painted choosing privileged or central positions and in most cases we are not able to identify them since, even if by their volumetric shape the images seem to follow a naturalist tendency, their execution is highly conventional. In this study, the AMS 14C dating was possible on an anthropomorph of the third phase also painted in red (3770 to 3650 Cal BC, minimum age), on the basis of a well-known technique (oxalates dating). These results were completed using a methodology that combines physicochemical and micro-stratigraphic analyses used to interpret this dating, which is difficult to get it. Considering the need to put in first place the preservation of the rock paintings under study we could not get another one. Furthermore, a meaningful number of questions arise related to dating and cultural relationship to the first pictorial phase which has been defined upon traditional archaeological criteria, which we intend to propose as our leading hypothesis, by means of the analysis of archaeological environment from the Atlantic area, proposing a probable date (Later Stone Age-Early Holocene).
  • Publicación
    Magara Sanar (Marruecos). Arte rupestre en el estrecho de Gibraltar: policromía y cronología
    (Universidad de Valencia, 2023-06-23) Solís Delgado, Mónica; Mas Cornellá, Martí; Lara López, Hugo; Maura Mijares, Rafael; Lemjidi, Abdelkhalek; Oumouss, Ahmed; Pérez González, Javier; Torra Colell, Guadalupe; García Rivero, Daniel; García Algarra, María; Maximiano Castillejo, Alfredo Miguel
    Presentamos los trabajos de documentación del arte rupestre de Magara Sanar (Tánger-Tetuán-Alhucemas, Marruecos), destacando el descubrimiento de la existencia de tres tipos de tonalidades empleadas para la ejecución de sus manifestaciones plásticas: roja, ocre y blanca. Su estudio ha contribuido a la elaboración de una propuesta preliminar de secuencia gráfica, desarrollada a partir de criterios tecnomorfológicos, cuyo ordenamiento en diferentes fases cronoculturales justifica, en función de determinadas similitudes estilísticas con el arte rupestre del Campo de Gibraltar y las Sierras que bordean la antigua Laguna de la Janda, el planteamiento de hipótesis acerca de posibles relaciones o procesos análogos entre ambas orillas del Estrecho de Gibraltar en diferentes momentos de la Prehistoria.