Persona: Alvarellos Bermejo, José Enrique
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Alvarellos Bermejo
Nombre de pila
José Enrique
6 resultados
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Publicación Resonant behavior and unpredictability in forced chaotic scattering(American Chemical Society, 2018-12-10) Nieto, Alexandre R.; Seoane, Jesús M.; Sanjuán, Miguel A. F.; Alvarellos Bermejo, José EnriqueChaotic scattering in open Hamiltonian systems is a topic of fundamental interest in physics, which has been mainly studied in the purely conservative case. However, the effect of weak perturbations in this kind of system has been an important focus of interest in the past decade. In a previous work, the authors studied the effects of a periodic forcing in the decay law of the survival probability, and they characterized the global properties of escape dynamics. In the present paper, we add two important issues in the effects of periodic forcing: the fractal dimension of the set of singularities in the scattering function and the unpredictability of the exit basins, which is estimated by using the concept of basin entropy. Both the fractal dimension and the basin entropy exhibit a resonant-like decrease as the forcing frequency increases. We provide a theoretical reasoning which could justify this decreasing in the fractality near the main resonant frequency that appears for ω ≈ 1. We attribute the decrease in the basin entropy to the reduction of the area occupied by the Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) islands and the basin boundaries when the frequency is close to the resonance. On the other hand, the decay rate of the exponential decay law shows a minimum value of the amplitude, Ac, which reflects the complete destruction of the KAM islands in the resonance. Finally, we have found the existence ofWada basins for a wide range of values of the frequency and the forcing amplitude. We expect that this work could be potentially useful in research fields related to chaotic Hamiltonian pumps and oscillations in chemical reactions and companion galaxies, among others.Publicación Ergotropy and entanglement in critical spin chains(American Physical Society, 2023-02-08) Mula, Begoña; Fernández, Julio J.; Santalla, Silvia N.; Alvarellos Bermejo, José Enrique; García Aldea, David; Rodríguez Laguna, Javier; Fernández Sánchez, EvamaríaA subsystem of an entangled ground state (GS) is in a mixed state. Thus, if we isolate this subsystem from its surroundings, we may be able to extract work applying unitary transformations, up to a maximal amount which is called ergotropy. Once this work has been extracted, the subsystem will still contain some bound energy above its local GS, which can provide valuable information about the entanglement structure. We show that the bound energy for half a free fermionic chain decays as the square of the entanglement entropy divided by the chain length, thus approaching zero for large system sizes, and we conjecture that this relation holds for all one-dimensional critical states.Publicación Melting in two-dimensional systems: Characterizing continuous and first-order transitions(American Physical Society, 2022-03-16) Toledano Sanz, Óscar; Pancorbo Castro, Manuel; Alvarellos Bermejo, José Enrique; Gálvez González, ÓscarThe mechanisms underlying the melting process in bidimensional systems have been widely studied by means of experiments, theory, and simulations since Kosterlitz, Thouless, Halperin, Nelson, and Young elaborated the KTHNY theory. In the framework of this theory, melting is produced by two continuous transitions mediated by the unbinding of local defects and the appearance of an intermediate phase between solid and liquid, called “hexatic.” There are also other competing theories that could explain this process, as, e.g., the formation of grain boundaries (lines of defects), which lead to a first-order transition. In this paper, simulations of systems interacting via the Lennard Jones 6–12 and Morse potentials using the Metropolis Monte Carlo method in the NVT ensemble have been performed to study the effect of the potential shape in the melting process. Additionally, truncated Morse potentials (with only a repulsive part) have been used to investigate the effect of the long-range interactions. Transitions from solid to hexatic phases were found to be continuous for all potentials studied, but transitions from hexatic to liquid phases were found to be either continuous or first order, depending on the thermodynamic conditions and the potential interaction selected, suggesting that melting can be triggered by different mechanisms, like grain boundary formation or defect unbinding. We find that the ratio of defects at the liquid-hexatic or liquid-coexistence phase transitions could determine the nature of these transitions and the mechanism underlying the melting process. The effect of the interaction of particles with their first- and second-nearest neighbors is also discussed.Publicación Engineering large end-to-end correlations in finite fermionic chains(American Physical Society., 2018-12-14) Santos, Hernán; Alvarellos Bermejo, José Enrique; Rodríguez Laguna, JavierWe explore deformations of finite chains of noninteracting fermions at half-filling which give rise to large correlations between their extremes. After a detailed study of the Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, the tradeoff curve between end-to-end correlations and the energy gap of the chains is obtained using machine-learning techniques, paying special attention to the scaling behavior with the chain length.We find that edge-dimerized chains, where the second and penultimate hoppings are reinforced, are very often close to the optimal configurations. Our results allow us to conjecture that, given a fixed gap, the maximal attainable correlation falls exponentially with the system size. Study of the entanglement entropy and contour of the optimal configurations suggest that the bulk entanglement pattern is minimally modified from the clean case.Publicación Nanowire reconstruction under external magnetic fields(AIP, 2020-12-23) Santalla, Silvia N.; Rodríguez Laguna, Javier; Fernández Sánchez, Evamaría; Alvarellos Bermejo, José Enrique; Rodríguez Laguna, Javier; Fernández Sánchez, EvamaríaWe consider the different structures that a magnetic nanowire adsorbed on a surface may adopt under the influence of external magnetic or electric fields. First, we propose a theoretical framework based on an Ising-like extension of the 1D Frenkel–Kontorova model, which is analyzed in detail using the transfer matrix formalism, determining a rich phase diagram displaying structural reconstructions at finite fields and an antiferromagnetic–paramagnetic phase transition of second order. Our conclusions are validated using ab initio calculations with density functional theory, paving the way for the search of actual materials where this complex phenomenon can be observed in the laboratory.Publicación Entanglement detachment in fermionic systems(Springer, 2018-11-27) Santos, Hernán; Alvarellos Bermejo, José Enrique; Rodríguez Laguna, JavierThis article introduces and discusses the concept of entanglement detachment. Under some circumstances, enlarging a few couplings of a Hamiltonian can effectively detach a (possibly disjoint) block within the ground state. This detachment is characterized by a sharp decrease in the entanglement entropy between block and environment, and leads to an increase of the internal correlations between the (possibly distant) sites of the block. We provide some examples of this detachment in free fermionic systems. The first example is an edge-dimerized chain, where the second and penultimate hoppings are increased. In that case, the two extreme sites constitute a block which disentangles from the rest of the chain. Further examples are given by (a) a superlattice which can be detached from a 1D chain, and (b) a star-graph, where the extreme sites can be detached or not depending on the presence of an external magnetic field, in analogy with the Aharonov-Bohm effect. We characterize these detached blocks by their reduced matrices, specially through their entanglement spectrum and entanglement Hamiltonian.