Bárcena Madera, María Elena

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Bárcena Madera
Nombre de pila
María Elena

Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 6 de 6
  • Publicación
    Exploring Collaborative Reverse Subtitling for the enhancement of written production activities in English as a Second Language
    (Cambridge University Press, 2017-01) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Ibáñez Moreno, Ana; Bárcena Madera, María Elena
    This article explores the effects of collaborative reverse subtitling as an activity for the promotion of writing skills in English as a second language. An initial analysis is undertaken of the pros and cons of the role of translation in second language learning historically and the role of information and communication technology in this process, with special attention being paid to recent initiatives on the didactic use of audiovisual translation in the form of subtitling, and the evidence of their efficacy obtained so far. Subsequently, a completed research project is described, which was aimed at promoting second language learning among distance learning university students through collaborative reverse subtitling. Specifically, the project aimed to explore both the potential of a guided subtitling activity for the development of written production skills, and also the dynamics of undertaking such an activity collaboratively, in order to gain insights on the social, cognitive, metacognitive and transfer mechanisms that can be activated in collective study. Finally, we reflect on the need to accumulate evidence on multimodal translating scenarios combining individual and collective work for the development of communicative language competences, through further research and classroom use, in order to consolidate and refine these findings.
  • Publicación
    'Thinking about learning' exploring the use of metacognitive strategies in online collaborative projects for distance professional English learning
    (Universidad de Valladolid, 2014) Bárcena Madera, María Elena; Martín Monje, Elena María; Talaván Zanón, Noa
    Este artículo explora el uso de estrategias metacognitivas en un contexto de proyectos lingüísticos colaborativos en línea, partiendo de la premisa de que pueden desvelar ciertas presuposiciones falsas relativas al aprendizaje de lenguas en línea y por tanto propiciar procesos de aprendizaje autónomo documentados, auto-regulados y potencialmente efectivos. Esta investigación parte de un proyecto piloto finalizado recientemente llamado The Professional English Workbench, que incluyó agrupaciones de alumnos basadas en tareas y un proceso de evaluación (tanto propia como externa) multi-cíclico, basado en el uso de rúbricas que tenían como objetivo principal la activación y mejora del uso de la metacognición. Tal y como se explica en el artículo, en este proyecto participaron estudiantes voluntarios de tres asignaturas relacionadas con el inglés profesional del grado de Turismo de la UNED, una institución de educación superior a distancia que hace uso de metodología de aprendizaje mixto centrada en la educación en línea a través de su plataforma virtual. Tras presentar tanto el funcionamiento del proyecto como el análisis de los resultados, se da respuesta a las preguntas de investigación iniciales, relacionadas con la opinión de los alumnos acerca de las tareas de colaboración llevadas a cabo y las posibilidades de mejora de la competencia metacognitiva en el contexto del proceso de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua.
  • Publicación
    Análisis de la evaluación multicíclica en la construcción colaborativa de un repositorio digital de recursos de aprendizaje para Inglés Profesional
    (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), 2014) Bárcena Madera, María Elena; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Martín Monje, Elena María; Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, Ángeles; Santamaría Lancho, Miguel
  • Publicación
    Aprendizaje colaborativo asistido por ordenador para la transferencia de las competencias mediadora y lingüístico- comunicativa en inglés especializado
    (Peter Lang, 2014) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Bárcena Madera, María Elena; Álvaro Villarroel; Pérez Cañado, María Luisa; Ráez Padilla, Juan
  • Publicación
    Inclusive Language MOOCs
    (Graz University of Technology, 2021-05-28) Read, Timothy Martin; Sedano Cuevas, Beatriz; Bárcena Madera, María Elena
    This article discusses the application of MOOCs for refugees and migrants in order to help these groups of people develop the language competences and transverse skills which they require to improve their level of social inclusion and possibilities in the labour market, and/or access higher education in the country in which they find themselves or plan to go. Specifically, this research focuses on the way in which Language MOOCs (or LMOOCs [Martín-Monje, Barcena, 2014]) deploy on mobile devices [Read, Barcena 2015] can effectively and advantageously be used by displaced people. The study reported here outlines the design of two LMOOCs of Spanish for immediate needs, based on a previous needs analysis, developed by the ATLAS research group in collaboration with NGOs and refugee support associations in Spain.
  • Publicación
    An approximation to inclusive language in LMOOCs based on Appraisal Theory
    (De Gruyter, 2020-03-11) Bárcena Madera, María Elena; Read, Timothy Martin; Sedano Cuevas, Beatriz
    This article explores inclusive language as a form of verbal communication in an open online language course for refugees and migrants. Firstly, the existing evidence of the benefits of using inclusive language in education is analyzed. Secondly, the specific need to use this type of language in the context of online courses for displaced people is discussed. Thirdly, a first approximation towards the identification of linguistic resources that may impact both group inclusion and individual discrimination is attempted, based on principles and categories from Appraisal Theory. Fourthly, the presence and effects of these linguistic resources are analyzed in the materials and forums of a highly successful LMOOC of elementary Spanish for refugees and migrants. Fifthly and finally, conclusions are drawn on the convenienc