Lario Gómez, Javier

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Mostrando 1 - 10 de 14
  • Publicación
    Los cenotes y el geoturismo: una atracción geológica mundial
    (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2021) Carcavilla, Luis; Lario Gómez, Javier
    La relevancia y, sobre todo, el valor estético y escénico de determinados elementos del patrimonio geológico puede convertirlos en recursos turísticos lo suficientemente importantes como para transformarse en uno de los principales atractivos de un determinado entorno. Por ello, en los últimos años ha ido tomando forma el concepto de geoturismo, entendido como viajar con objeto de experimentar, aprender y disfrutar el patrimonio de la Tierra (Hose, 2000), de manera que permita al visitante conocer y disfrutar del patrimonio geológico, así como fomentar y estimular en él actitudes favorables para su conservación.
  • Publicación
    Estratigrafía isotópica del último ciclo glaciar (MIS 4 - MIS 1): estadiales/interestadiales de Groenlandia; Eventos Dansgaard-Oescher y Eventos Heinrich
    (['Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario (AEQUA)', 'Sociedad Española de Geomorfología (SEG)'], 2022-12-15) Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Lario Gómez, Javier
    Los sondeos de hielo en los casquetes polares (Groenlandia y Antártida) han permitido profundizar en el conocimiento de los cambios climáticos registrados en los sondeos oceánicos profundos y el registro de los isótopos del oxígeno. La gran variedad de datos obtenidos, tanto a partir del análisis del hielo, como del aire atrapado en sus burbujas, hacen de los sondeos de hielo uno de los registros paleoclimáticos de mayor calidad. La variación de la relación isotópica del oxígeno (dO18), del deuterio (dD) y de otros elementos traza, unido a la gran precisión cronológica asociada al contaje de capas anuales y otros métodos de datación, han permitido establecer una escala cronológica de detalle para los MIS 4 a MIS 1, pobremente representados en los sondeos oceánicos. Los sondeos de hielo realizados en Groenlandia muestran una gran variabilidad climática a lo largo de este período de tiempo, identificándose eventos de calentamiento muy rápidos (eventos Dansgaard – Oeschger; Greenland interstadials) seguidos por enfriamientos más lentos (Greenland stadials), alguno de los cuales especialmente fríos (eventos Heinrich). La comparación de estos eventos con los registros coetáneos en latitudes medias permite interpretar la respuesta de diferentes medios sedimentarios ante dicha variabilidad climática. Como ejemplo se han seleccionado dos de dichos registros: un espeleotema de una cavidad kárstica y una secuencia sedimentaria poligénica.
  • Publicación
    The Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Cadiz as a natural laboratory for paleotsunami research: Recent advancements
    (Elsevier, 2021) Martini, Paolo Marco de; Bruins, H. J.; Feist, Lisa; Goodman Tchernov, Beverly N.; Hadler, H.; Mastronuzzi, G.; Obrocki, L.; Pantosti, Daniela; Paris, Raphaël; Reicherter, Klaus R.; Smedile, A.; Vött, A.; Lario Gómez, Javier
    After the 2004 Indian Ocean (IOT) and the 2011 Tohoku-oki tsunamis, new research in tsunami-related fields was strongly stimulated worldwide and also in the Mediterranean. This research growth yields substantial advancements in tsunami knowledge. Among these advancements is the “Paleotsunami” research that has marked particular progress on the reconstruction of the tsunami history of a region. As an integration of the historical documentation available in the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Cadiz areas, geological and geoarchaeological records provide the insights to define the occurrence, characteristics, and impact of tsunamis of the past. Here, we present the recent advancements done for both the onshore and offshore realms. As for the onshore, we discuss case studies dealing with recent high-resolution works based on: a) direct push in situ sensing techniques, applied to identification and characterization of typical paleotsunami deposits features; b) combined XRF-X-CT approach, implemented for the identification of fine-scale sedimentary structures useful for the definition of the causative flow dynamics; c) the geoarchaeological “new field” contribution, with the development of specific diagnostic criteria in search for tsunami impact traces in archaeological strata; d) comparison of multiple dating methods and of different modeling codes for the definition of the potential source for the displacement of boulders of exceptional dimension, identified by 3D size calculation. As for the offshore advancements, we present case studies focusing on the recognition of tsunami deposits and their sedimentary traces in the geological record from the nearshore, thanks to diver-operated coring equipment, down to the continental slope, by means of vibracorer and long gravity core sampling in deeper areas. The examples provided show a multiproxy approach with a high potential of retrieving a complete record of paleotsunami traces at least during the Holocene. This is based on the combination of multidisciplinary approaches including X-ray imaging, high-resolution measurement of physical properties, Xray fluorescence data, grain-size analysis, micropaleontology, palynological content, isotopic and optically stimulated luminescence dating methods.
  • Publicación
    Tsunami Deposits in Atlantic Iberia: A Succinct Review
    (Springer nature, 2022-06-23) Costa, Pedro J. M.; Reicherter, Klaus R.; Lario Gómez, Javier
    This chapter offers an overview of the current knowledge of the southwest Iberian tsunami geological record. Specifically, this chapter summarizes three decades of research on tsunami and storm deposit recognition, differentiation and establishing chronologies of past events. The impact and signature of the CE 1755 within coastal stratigraphic units are impressive, and its study in such a wide spatial area has provided very useful insights into tsunami dynamics. Another peculiarity addressed in this chapter is the contrast between the diverse record of tsunami or storm imprints on the Spanish part of the Gulf of Cadiz when compared with the Portuguese area. This discrepancy essentially relates to the dominance of aggrading or eroding processes favouring the preservation of deposits and also with different sediment availability during the Holocene. This allowed for a better correlation between the Spanish tsunami onshore record and its turbidite data. However, some of the deposits previously described are controversial not only sedimentologically but also because of constraints on the dates obtained. Therefore, further work is necessary on both sides of the border to establish indisputably return periods and to define a catalogue of past tsunami events affecting the southwest Iberian Peninsula during the Holocene.
  • Publicación
    Estadios Isotópicos Marinos. Estratigrafía de los isótopos del oxígeno
    (['Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario (AEQUA)', 'Sociedad Española de Geomorfología (SEG)'], 2022-12-15) Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Lario Gómez, Javier
    La estratigrafía de los isótopos del oxígeno no es un método de datación por sí mismo, sino que es necesaria la comparación de nuestros registros con secuencias isotópicas “globales “para su correlación. La proporción de los isótopos del oxígeno (O16, O18) en compuestos moleculares que contienen este elemento (p.ej. H2O, CaCO3) varía en función de la temperatura. La relación O18/O16 (δO18) nos ayuda no solo a determinar las temperaturas en el pasado geológico de la Tierra, sino también a identificar los cambios en el volumen de hielo en casquetes polares, promovidos por las variaciones en los parámetros orbitales (precesión, oblicuidad, excentricidad). La sucesión de épocas glaciares e interglaciares a lo largo del Cuaternario ha quedado registrada en sondeos oceánicos profundos (CaCO3 de los caparazones de organismos bentónicos y planctónicos) definiéndose estadios isotópicos mediante números pares (glaciares) e impares (interglaciares). La escala isotópica ha adquirido un valor cronoestratigráfico al construirse modelos de edad a partir de dataciones isotópicas (C14, series de Uranio, para los estadios isotópicos más recientes), la escala paleomagnética, y, sobre todo, mediante su ajuste astronómico. La correlación de nuestros registros con las secuencias isotópicas así establecidas nos permite establecer su cronología e interpretar la respuesta paleoclimática en nuestras latitudes ante las variaciones paleoclimáticas globales.
  • Publicación
    Some research papers on Pleistocene and Holocene geology
    (2024) Lario Gómez, Javier
    Several scientific articles by the author on Quaternary geology are presented.
  • Publicación
    Abrupt environmental changes during the last glacial cycle in Western Mediterranean (Formentera Island, Balearic archipelago, Spain)
    (Elsevier, 2022) Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Roquero García-Casal, Elvira; Cabero del Río, Ana; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Dabrio, Cristino José; Machado, María J.; Silva Barroso, Pablo Gabriel; Martínez Graña, Antonio Miguel; Lario Gómez, Javier
    A sedimentary sequence covering the entire last glacial cycle (period between Terminations I and II) outcrops along the south-eastern coast of Formentera Island. A detailed geomorphological, geological and sedimentological study, supported by geochemical, soil and soil-morphology analyses, magnetic susceptibility, phytolite content and luminescence dating (TL, OSL) allowed to reconstruct the environmental evolution of this coastal setting, and to frame it within the evolutionary pattern of the North Atlantic climate variability. Three highstands of sea level are identified in this island for MIS 5e, and a fourth one is attributed to MIS5a. MIS5 – MIS4 transition is characterized by soil development under a moist-warm climate and a descending sea level scenario. Aeolian units (72 ± 7 ka BP) developed during MIS4 under prevailing northerly winds that persisted until the beginning of MIS3, when new aeolian dunes (54 ± 5 ka BP) developed after a major sea-level lowstand. A sudden shift in prevailing winds occur within MIS3, when aeolian units (51 ± 4 ka BP) grew under the influence of S-SW winds and moister climate, evidenced by a dense root bioturbation. The greater influence of northerly winds is attributed to the weakening of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC) in North Atlantic, and enhancement of westerlies in NW Europe during colder periods. Periods of prevailing southerly winds and moister climate correlate well with warm Greenland Interstadials, and reinforcement of AMOC. Between 50 and 40ka, alluvial/colluvial sedimentary units punctuated by soil and calcrete development, witness the climatic variability recorded along this period in the North Atlantic. A sedimentary hiatus with erosion and calcrete development characterizes the transit between MIS3 and MIS2. Finally, a reddish alluvial sedimentary unit records a short span of humid and warm climate (soil development, peak in magnetic susceptibility, phytolite content) within MIS 2 (20 ± 2 ka BP – 17 + 2.4/-2.2) that contrast with the general climatic trend recorded in Western Mediterranean during the Last Glacial Maximum.
  • Publicación
    An extreme wave event in eastern Yucatan, Mexico: Evidence of a palaeotsunami event during the Mayan times
    (Wiley Online Library, 2020) Spencer, Chris; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Marchante Ortega, Ángel; Garduño Monroy, Victor Hugo; Macias, Jorge; Ortega, Sergio; Lario Gómez, Javier
    The Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, has typically been considered a tectonically stable region with little significant seismic activity. The region though, is one that is regularly affected by hurricanes. A detailed survey of ca 100 km of the eastern Yucatan and Cozumel coast identified the presence of ridges containing individual boulders measuring >1 m in length. The boulder ridges reach 5 m in height and their origin is associated with extreme wave event activity. Previously modelled tsunami waves from known seismically active zones in the region (Muertos Thrust Belt and South Caribbean Deformed Belt) are not of sufficient scale in the area of the Yucatan Peninsula to have produced the boulder ridges recorded in this study. The occurrence of hurricanes in this region is more common, but two of the most destructive (Hurricane Gilbert 1988 and Hurricane Wilma 2005) produced coastal waves too small to have created the ridges recorded here. In this paper, a new tsunami model with a source area located on the Motagua/Swan Island Fault System has been generated that indicates a tsunami event may have caused the extreme wave events that resulted in the deposition of the boulder ridges.
  • Publicación
  • Publicación
    Active landscapes of Iberia
    (Springer, 2020) Galve Arnedo , Jorge Pedro; Pérez Peña, José Vicente; Azañón, José Miguel; Insua Pereira, Diamantino M.; Cunha, Pedro P.; Pereira, Paulo; Viaplana Muzas, M.; Gracia Prieto, Francisco Javier; Remondo Tejerina, Juan; Jabaloy, Antonio; Bardají Azcárate, Teresa; Silva, Pablo G.; Zazo Cardeña, Caridad; Goy Goy, José Luis; Dabrio, Cristino José; Cabero, Ana; Ortuño Casanova, María del Rocío; Lario Gómez, Javier
    The recent geodynamic evolution of Iberia is recorded in its topography. Geomorphic markers and their dating; morphometric indices estimated through cutting-edge DEM analysis techniques; and the link of all this data with results of geophysical studies allow discussing why Iberia displays the highest average elevation in Europe and shows a particular topography with such diversity of landscapes. For example, the region of the Iberian (or Hesperian) Massif, the western sector of Iberia, shows an anomalous average elevation without a satisfactory explanation. On the other hand, different explanations about the recent evolution of the Alpine mountain ranges of the eastern sector of Iberia have come to light after macroscale landscape analyses. This is strengthening the debate on the driving force behind the actual topography of the Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains, Iberian Chain and Betics.