Talaván Zanón, Noa

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  • Publicación
    Educational bases of didactic AVT in FLE
    (Routledge, 2024) Talaván Zanón, Noa::virtual::6197::600; Lertola, Jennifer; Fernández Costales, Alberto; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Talaván Zanón, Noa;;
    This chapter aims at providing a general panorama of the educational bases that support the use of didactic AVT or DAT in language education. The chapter first presents the reader with the basic educational principles that are directly approached when introducing subtitling and revoicing—to include all AVT modalities—in the language classroom. Next, it concentrates on the specific benefits of using AVT in different educational stages—ranging from primary education to university levels and bilingual education. Sample lesson plans to be used in every stage are provided, together with guidelines and comments for teachers. Then, we discuss the relevance of AVT in the framework of new teaching modalities—which include blended learning and online teaching. Finally, the closing remarks underline the main implications of using AVT for educational purposes.
  • Publicación
    Creating collaborative subtitling communities to increase access to audiovisual materials in academia
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021-02-15) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Ávila Cabrera, José Javier; Taylor & Francis
    This article presents the SONAR project (Subtitulación sOcial para proporcioNar Accesibilidad audiovisual en la univeRsidad [SOcial subtitliNg to provide Audiovisual accessibility at the univeRsity]). Conducted to assess the validity of the creation of social subtitling networks, its ultimate goal is to better understand the role that social subtitling, as a non-professional translation activity, can play in increasing access to audiovisual materials in academic environments. Following a task-based approach, 55 students from a translation module taught in the third year of the Degree in English Studies at the UNED worked online for two months and subtitled 82 videos, which had been selected from the audiovisual repository of the institution. The impact of this practice on the students’ general translation and foreign language competences as well as the participants’ degree of motivation for future related practice were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed. The results obtained from the experience are an encouraging starting point for the creation of similar collaborative subtitling experiences in higher education environments and confirm the potential impact of such a novel teaching approach.
  • Publicación
    Didactic audiovisual translation in language teaching: Results from TRADILEX
    (Grupo Comunicar, 2023-10-01) Fernández Costales, Alberto; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Tinedo Rodríguez, Antonio Jesús; https://orcid:org/0000-0002-5120-8181
    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un proyecto nacional sobre el uso de la traducción audiovisual didáctica (TAD) en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Si bien los resultados de investigaciones previas en este campo son favorables con respecto al desempeño académico del alumnado, la mayoría de los estudios analizan una única destreza lingüística y cuentan con muestras reducidas. El proyecto TRADILEX tiene como objetivo analizar el efecto del uso de diferentes modalidades de traducción audiovisual (TAV) (subtitulado, doblaje, subtitulado para sordos, audiodescripción y voces superpuestas) en las competencias orales y escritas del alumnado universitario que estudia inglés como lengua extranjera. El presente artículo analiza la efectividad de una propuesta didáctica que incluye 30 planes de estudio y que se analizó a través de una intervención con 566 participantes de ocho universidades españolas. La investigación toma un diseño cuantitativo en el que se realizaron pruebas estadísticas (estadísticos descriptivos y Test de Wilcoxon) para valorar el efecto de la TAD sobre las destrezas lingüísticas de recepción oral y escrita, producción oral y escrita del alumnado. Los resultados subrayan que hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas que demuestran que los participantes del estudio mejoran en las cuatro destrezas comunicativas analizadas. Además, los datos también confirman la evaluación positiva del rendimiento del alumnado en el transcurso del estudio, así como una percepción favorable de la intervención didáctica por parte de los participantes.
  • Publicación
    Didactic audio description and didactic free commentary
    (Routledge, 2024) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Lertola, Jennifer; Fernández Costales, Alberto;;
    This chapter focuses on didactic audio description (AD) and didactic free commentary. Firstly, it provides the reader with an overview of the main types of didactic AD (DAD) and didactic free-commentary (DFC), differentiating between intersemiotic for both modes as well as intralingual, and interlingual for free commentary. Afterwards, it presents how didactic AD and didactic free commentary can foster communicative skills mainly in terms of audiovisual production and mediation, and audiovisual reception to a certain extent. Guidelines to implement DAD and DFC are explained in detail together with a sample of assessment rubrics which can be adapted according to the learning contexts. Finally, sample lesson plans on both DAT modes are presented.
  • Publicación
    Subtitling short films to improve writing and translation skills
    (John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2024-02) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Rodríguez Arancón, Pilar
    This paper presents the results of SUBFILM, a teaching innovation project that studied the benefits of reverse didactic subtitling to improve both foreign language learning writing skills and general translation skills. Didactic subtitling is to be understood here as the active production of subtitles by the students within a guided online task. SUBFILM made use of complete short films as basic audiovisual resources, and students of a Translation course within the degree of English Studies at a Spanish university were asked to subtitle them from Spanish into English over a period of one and a half months. A total of 26 students finished the project, where interdisciplinary individual and collaborative learning were constantly being stressed. A quasi-experimental research design including diverse data gathering tools has provided sufficient evidence to prove the benefits of reverse subtitling of complete short films for the enhancement of translation skills and writing production, as well as for vocabulary and grammar proficiency. Hence, the conclusions derived from the study complement previous research and open new related paths for didactic subtitling research and practice.
  • Publicación
    Audio description and subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing. Media accessibility in foreign language learning
    (John Benjamins, 2022-01-31) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Lertola, Jennifer; Ibáñez Moreno, Ana;
    This paper presents the teaching innovation project AUDIOSUB, which aimed at assessing the didactic potential of audio description (AD) and subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing (SDH) in foreign language education. Within an online setting, 25 undergraduates of English Studies in a Spanish university worked collaboratively for two months and a half, in groups of five, so as to provide accessibility to complete short films. To that end, they were provided with a number of ad hoc tutorials and guidelines on technical issues related to AD and SDH, the two media accessibility modes used for this proposal. A pre-experiment was designed for data collection: pre- and post- writing and oral production tests, as well as general translation pre- and post- tests, were administered, and quantitative data were exploited using SPSS; pre-and post- questionnaires and observation were also used to triangulate and complement the analysis. The results show evidence of improvement both in written production and in general translation skills thanks to the pedagogical application of media accessibility and point towards a more systematic exploitation of didactic SDH and AD in the foreign language learning context.
  • Publicación
    Audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language education
    (Université de Genéve, 2024-04-15) Bolaños García-Escribano, Alejandro; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Fernández Costales, Alberto;;
  • Publicación
    Didactic audiovisual translation in teacher training
    (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2022-09-27) Lertola, Jennifer; Talaván Zanón, Noa;
    Over the last two decades, the active engagement of learners through Audiovisual Translation (AVT) in Foreign Language Learning (FLL) has received increasing attention from both scholars and teachers, and it is now known as didactic AVT. Most AVT modes — subtitling, dubbing, audio description (AD), subtitles for the deaf and the hard of hearing (SDH) and voice-over — can be employed as didactic resources in FLL and guidelines are available for practitioners (Talaván, 2013, 2020). Empirical research has focused on the benefits of didactic AVT on individual and integrated language skills, both in face-to-face and online contexts, English being the main language involved in the pedagogical proposals of most experimental studies (Lertola, 2019). Recently, a related long-term project, TRADILEX (Audiovisual Translation as a Didactic Resource in Foreign Language Education), led by the TRADIT research group at the UNED, has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for a three-year period. The main aim of TRADILEX is to evaluate the degree of FLL improvement by students in terms of communicative and mediation language skills thanks to the use of didactic AVT. With this purpose, a carefully designed methodological proposal, which includes lesson plans on diverse AVT modes, is being used with learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL), levels B1 and B2, in non-formal educational contexts, in university language centres all over Spain and in a few centres in other countries, such as England, Italy, and Switzerland. Teachers play a key role in TRADILEX as they are specifically trained facilitators of the learning process. Many teachers believe that AVT tasks could be integrated in the foreign language curriculum if proper teacher training is provided (as stated by Alonso- Pérez and Sánchez-Requena, 2018). However, it should be noted that teacher training has largely been neglected in the literature (Lertola, 2021). Within this context, this paper presents an online teacher training experience in didactic AVT, carried out by two teacher-researchers as a pilot study of TRADILEX, involving 12 FL secondary-school teachers-in-training at a higher institution in Switzerland. The one-day teacher training aimed to introduce future teachers to the pedagogical use of didactic AVT tasks by presenting and working with both a dubbing and an AD lesson plan targeted for EFL learners of B1 and B2 levels, respectively. This article analyses and discusses the data gathered through a feedback questionnaire completed by the participants, the assessment of their AVT tasks, and structured as well as non-structured observations. Class observations were collected through two ad hoc observation rubrics (one per AVT lesson plan) filled in by one of the teacher-researchers who carried out the training and the students’ lecturer, who acted as an observer-only teacher, as well as from a group interview and personal notes on the experience shared by the students taking the course. The results of this small-scale study are encouraging and call for further in-depth analysis of the potential role of the didactic AVT in teacher training, both for practitioners and for FL teacher training courses in general.
  • Publicación
    Didactic Audiovisual Translation in Online Contexts: A Pilot Study
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Rodríguez Arancón, Pilar
    The didactic applications of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) to Foreign Language Learning refer to the use of AVT modes (subtitling, dubbing, etc.) as didactic resources. It is a line of enquiry that has been receiving increasing attention in recent years, from researchers and practitioners alike. The TRADILEX Project has aimed to reinforcing this area of study by designing and testing a methodological proposal where various AVT modes (subtitling, voice-over, dubbing, and the media accessibility modes of audio description and subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing people) have been applied to enhance integrated skills in English as a foreign language. This article will offer an account of the whole online piloting process undertaken within TRADILEX. It will show how the methodological design, the lesson plans, and the instruments were confirmed as functional, reliable, and effective for integrated skills enhancement, before undertaking the pre-experimental long-term study that lays at the core of the project.
  • Publicación
    Didactic audiovisual translation (dat) in healthcare: exploring the pedagogical possibilities in speech therapy
    (Tremédica, 2022-11-29) Fernández Costales, Alberto; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Tinedo Rodríguez, Antonio Jesús;
    Esta investigación pretende realizar una contribución significativa al campo de la traducción audiovisual didáctica (tad) y la traducción audiovisual (tav) al presentar el primer estudio exploratorio en el que se analizan sus posibilidades didácticas en el ámbito sanitario, concretamente en el campo de la logopedia. En concreto, el artículo ofrece datos empíricos sobre las percepciones de los futuros logopedas acerca del uso de la tav en contextos clínicos y educativos. Tras una intervención didáctica, se pasó un cuestionario a los estudiantes, que confirman el potencial de la tad en este campo.