Talaván Zanón, Noa

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Mostrando 1 - 10 de 40
  • Publicación
    Una mirada transdisciplinar a la Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica: un recurso para formar a la ciudadanía del Siglo XXI
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2023-05-31) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Tinedo Rodríguez, Antonio Jesús
    La Traducción Audiovisual Didáctica (TAD) es una disciplina relativamente joven que se ha estado consolidando con firmeza en las últimas dos décadas. Este estudio parte de un breve recorrido histórico sobre el desarrollo de la disciplina con el objetivo de explorar y abrir nuevos campos con otras disciplinas para buscar sinergias que permitan explotar aún más el potencial pedagógico de la TAD. El bilingüismo, la transversalidad, las metodologías emergentes y la educación inclusiva suponen así ejes clave para trazar el horizonte de una disciplina que puede ser clave para aprendices de lenguas, así como para traductores e intérpretes en formación.
  • Publicación
    Audiovisual translation and media accessibility in language education
    (Université de Genéve, 2024-04-15) Bolaños García-Escribano, Alejandro; Talaván Zanón, Noa; Fernández Costales, Alberto;;
  • Publicación
    Audiovisual translation as a didactic resource in foreign language education: A methodological proposal
    (Universidad de Alcalá, 2022-01-27) Lertola, Jennifer; Talaván Zanón, Noa;
    This paper presents a methodological proposal designed by the TRADILEX project, which stands for Audiovisual Translation as a Didactic Resource in Foreign Language Education. The main goal of TRADILEX is to determine the degree of improvement in the foreign language learning process after including the pedagogical use of audiovisual translation (AVT) as a didactic tool. To this end, a methodological proposal has been articulated including complete lesson plans which make use of diverse AVT modes (subtitling, voice-over, dubbing, audio description and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing) in order to enhance communicative competence and mediation skills in an integrated and differentiated manner. The methodology designed by TRADILEX will be piloted with B1-B2-level English as a foreign language adult students in non-formal educational contexts, especially in language centres of the universities involved. Both the methodological proposal of didactic sequence, based on the pedagogical use of the main AVT modes, and a sample lesson plan on subtitling, will be described in this paper to present the basic elements that underlie this research project.
  • Publicación
    Creative Audiovisual Translation Applied to Foreign Language Education: A Preliminary Approach
    (Published by European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (ESIST), 2019-11-30) Talaván Zanón, Noa
    Creative dubbing and subtitling are presented in this article as didactic resources to improve integrated foreign language (FL) skills (specifically oral and written production). The increasing attention that the application of audiovisual translation (AVT) to FL learning has been receiving in the last two decades calls for further exploration into the potential benefits of modern AVT modes, such as funsubbing and fundubbing, understood as the creative translation of an audiovisual text, be it into subtitles or through the production of a new audio track. After considering the educational power of creative AVT and providing the corresponding theoretical justification, the article will present a methodological proposal on how to use these AVT modes in online environments. Finally, preliminary data derived from a short-term trial will be analysed and discussed.
  • Publicación
    'Thinking about learning' exploring the use of metacognitive strategies in online collaborative projects for distance professional English learning
    (Universidad de Valladolid, 2014) Bárcena Madera, María Elena; Martín Monje, Elena María; Talaván Zanón, Noa
    Este artículo explora el uso de estrategias metacognitivas en un contexto de proyectos lingüísticos colaborativos en línea, partiendo de la premisa de que pueden desvelar ciertas presuposiciones falsas relativas al aprendizaje de lenguas en línea y por tanto propiciar procesos de aprendizaje autónomo documentados, auto-regulados y potencialmente efectivos. Esta investigación parte de un proyecto piloto finalizado recientemente llamado The Professional English Workbench, que incluyó agrupaciones de alumnos basadas en tareas y un proceso de evaluación (tanto propia como externa) multi-cíclico, basado en el uso de rúbricas que tenían como objetivo principal la activación y mejora del uso de la metacognición. Tal y como se explica en el artículo, en este proyecto participaron estudiantes voluntarios de tres asignaturas relacionadas con el inglés profesional del grado de Turismo de la UNED, una institución de educación superior a distancia que hace uso de metodología de aprendizaje mixto centrada en la educación en línea a través de su plataforma virtual. Tras presentar tanto el funcionamiento del proyecto como el análisis de los resultados, se da respuesta a las preguntas de investigación iniciales, relacionadas con la opinión de los alumnos acerca de las tareas de colaboración llevadas a cabo y las posibilidades de mejora de la competencia metacognitiva en el contexto del proceso de aprendizaje de una segunda lengua.
  • Publicación
    The use of reverse subtitling as an online collaborative language learning tool
    (Taylor & Francis, 2014) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Rodríguez Arancón, Pilar
    This paper presents an experiment on the potential pedagogical benefits of collaborative reverse subtitling in foreign language education. The principal objective was to discover whether reverse subtitling used as a collaborative language learning tool could enhance general translation and writing skills. The participants involved in the study had two and a half months to subtitle two short clips and were monitored as they followed a series of steps guiding their work week by week. The findings obtained from the analysis of the language tests results, the answers given to questionnaires and the teachers’ observations are promising. Given the small size of the sample (20 students), it is difficult to make generalisations. However, the main conclusion is that writing and general translation skills can be fostered by the use of reverse subtitling within an online, collaborative learning framework. This is a very encouraging result that we believe will lead the way to further research in the field.
  • Publicación
    iDub – The potential of intralingual dubbing in foreign language learning: How to assess the task
    (Universitat Jaume I, 2017-07) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Costal Criado, Tomás;
    Research on the use of active dubbing activities in foreign language learning is gaining an increasing amount of attention. The most obvious skill to be enhanced in this context is oral production and a few authors have already mentioned the potential benefits of asking students to record their voices in a ‘semi-professional’ manner. The present project attempts to assess the potential of intralingual dubbing (English-English) to develop general oral production skills in adult university students of English B2 level in an online learning environment, and to provide general guidelines of dubbing task assessment for practitioners. To this end, a group of undergraduate pre-intermediate students worked on ten sequenced activities using short videos taken from an American sitcom over a period of two months. The research study included language assessment tests, questionnaires and observation as the basic data gathering tools to make the results as reliable and thorough as possible for this type of educational setting. The conclusions provide a good starting point for the establishment of basic guidelines that may help teachers implement dubbing tasks in the language class.
  • Publicación
    iCap: Intralingual Captioning for Writing and Vocabulary Enhancement
    (Universidad de Alicante, 2016-11-15) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Lertola, Jennifer; Costal Criado, Tomás;;
    The research on the use of active captioning or subtitling in foreign language learning has considerably increased in the course of the last decade, although there is still lack of evidence as regards the potential advantages of intralingual captioning in this context. The present project attempts to fill this void by analysing the didactic use of intralingual subtitling in a distance learning environment both in terms of written production and vocabulary acquisition. To this end, a total number of 41 undergraduate English B1 students have been working on 10 sequenced subtitling activities using short pre-selected videos taken from an American sitcom in the course of a month and a half. Peer-to-peer assessment has also been fostered during the project through active use of online forums. The conclusions confirm the expected benefits as far as writing and vocabulary skills enhancement is concerned and provide further insights into how to best implement this practice.
  • Publicación
    Didactic Audiovisual Translation in Online Contexts: A Pilot Study
    (Universidad de Córdoba, 2024) Talaván Zanón, Noa; Rodríguez Arancón, Pilar
    The didactic applications of Audiovisual Translation (AVT) to Foreign Language Learning refer to the use of AVT modes (subtitling, dubbing, etc.) as didactic resources. It is a line of enquiry that has been receiving increasing attention in recent years, from researchers and practitioners alike. The TRADILEX Project has aimed to reinforcing this area of study by designing and testing a methodological proposal where various AVT modes (subtitling, voice-over, dubbing, and the media accessibility modes of audio description and subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing people) have been applied to enhance integrated skills in English as a foreign language. This article will offer an account of the whole online piloting process undertaken within TRADILEX. It will show how the methodological design, the lesson plans, and the instruments were confirmed as functional, reliable, and effective for integrated skills enhancement, before undertaking the pre-experimental long-term study that lays at the core of the project.
  • Publicación
    Traducción audiovisual y aprendizaje de español como L2: el uso de la audiodescripción en un curso de ELE
    (Taylor & Francis, 2017) Calduch, Carme; Talaván Zanón, Noa
    En el presente estudio abordaremos el papel de la traducción audiovisual (TAV) como herramienta didáctica para la enseñanza-aprendizaje de segundas lenguas y, más concretamente, describiremos las múltiples posibilidades que ofrecen las diferentes modalidades de TAV para el desarrollo de las destrezas lingüísticas. En este marco se encuadra la audiodescripción para ciegos, una modalidad de accesibilidad audiovisual que consiste en la descripción de la información visual para espectadores invidentes, es decir, en traducir imágenes en palabras. Como muestra representativa de la aplicación didáctica de esta modalidad de TAV, ofrecemos ejemplos de tareas de audiodescripción encaminadas a fomentar la riqueza estilística con el desarrollo del vocabulario, la precisión léxica y la madurez sintáctica, y describimos su puesta en práctica y los resultados preliminares obtenidos en un curso de español como lengua extranjera.