Publicación: When names cross the border. Reflections of the inequality in the name of the person in the case "Losonci-Rose c. Switzerland" and in the ECJ cases
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El Sr. Losonci (nacional húngaro residente en Suiza casado con nacional suiza) se vio privado de la posibilidad de elegir la ley aplicable a su nombre como resultado del ejercicio por parte de su mujer de la opción material del cambio del nombre de la familia: ¿sufrió por ello una discriminación por razón de sexo en los términos del CEDH? El TEDH va a entrar a conocer de esta posible discriminación en un caso que podríamos calificar como “atípico” en la medida en que pone de relieve, respectivamente, la fuerza de las normas sobre no discriminación por razón de sexo y su interacción con las normas de conflicto y la privación de beneficios establecidos por normas materiales. El interés de la incompatibilidad entre las normas de conflicto y un especifico principio de no discriminación por razón de sexo rara vez se materializa. El caso Losonci Rose & Rose nos muestra que no es una cuestión meramente especulativa. Por otra parte, en el contexto de la Unión Europea, la no discriminación por razón de nacionalidad unida a los derechos derivados de la ciudadanía de la Unión empieza a tomar mayor peso desde que los casos que afectan a la atribución de los apellidos traspasan la frontera. La reflexión acerca de la discriminación en materia de nombres y apellidos a la luz de los asuntos sometidos al TEDH y al TJUE y constituye el objeto de este trabajo.
Mr. Losonci (Hungarian citizen domiciled in Switzerland married to a Swiss citizen, Mrs. Rose) was deprived of the possibility to choose the law applicable to his name, as a result of the exercise by his wife of the right to materially change the family name. Does he suffer for this reason discrimination on grounds of gender in the terms of the ECHR? The ECtHR has dealt with this possible discrimination in a case that could be described as "atypical": it highlights, respectively, the strength of the rules on non-discrimination on grounds of sex and its interaction with the rules of conflict of laws and deprivation of material benefits included in others material rules. The interest of the inconsistency between the rules of conflict of laws and a specific prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex rarely materializes. Losonci Rose & Rose shows that it is not a mere speculative question. Moreover, in the context of the European Union, non-discrimination on grounds of nationality together with the fundamental rights on EU citizenship begins to take more weight when we have cross-border cases involving the attribution of surnames. This paper focuses on the discrimination through the attribution of names and surnames in the light of the ECtHR and the ECJ case-law.
Mr. Losonci (Hungarian citizen domiciled in Switzerland married to a Swiss citizen, Mrs. Rose) was deprived of the possibility to choose the law applicable to his name, as a result of the exercise by his wife of the right to materially change the family name. Does he suffer for this reason discrimination on grounds of gender in the terms of the ECHR? The ECtHR has dealt with this possible discrimination in a case that could be described as "atypical": it highlights, respectively, the strength of the rules on non-discrimination on grounds of sex and its interaction with the rules of conflict of laws and deprivation of material benefits included in others material rules. The interest of the inconsistency between the rules of conflict of laws and a specific prohibition of discrimination on grounds of sex rarely materializes. Losonci Rose & Rose shows that it is not a mere speculative question. Moreover, in the context of the European Union, non-discrimination on grounds of nationality together with the fundamental rights on EU citizenship begins to take more weight when we have cross-border cases involving the attribution of surnames. This paper focuses on the discrimination through the attribution of names and surnames in the light of the ECtHR and the ECJ case-law.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
atribución del nombre tras el matrimonio, discriminación por razón de sexo, derecho a la vida en familia, ciudadanía europea, derechos fundamentales y libertades comunitarias, principio de reconocimiento mutuo, attribution of names following marriage, discrimination on grounds of gender, right to family life, European citizenship, EU fundamental rights and freedoms, principle of mutual recognition
Facultad de Derecho
Derecho de la Empresa