Publicación: OpenVend: hacia un ecosistema abierto para el vending en la era de Internet de las Cosas
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Informática y Automática
Esta tesis describe cómo aplicar los paradigmas de Internet de las Cosas (IoT) a los puntos de venta desatendidos y en concreto a las máquinas de vending. De cara a afrontar con garantías la inminente cuarta revolución industrial en el sector del vending, esta tesis propone acelerar su transformación digital. Para ello, cada máquina de vending es modelada en Internet como una tienda online, lo que permite a los usuarios comprar y pagar desde su móvil. A partir de este simple escenario se analizan y proponen diversas tecnologías web para construir una solución de uso sencillo y bajo coste. Teniendo en cuenta que el sector del vending está muy fragmentado y opera con márgenes comerciales muy bajos, parte de la tesis se centra en la búsqueda de eficiencias operacionales que justifiquen las inversiones necesarias para conectar las máquinas de vending a Internet. En esta línea, se propone una solución de bajo coste basada en dispositivos de hardware abiertos y en un modelo de software como servicio (SaaS). La solución tiene que ser muy fácil de gestionar con el objetivo de minimizar los costes de operación y mantenimiento. Para lograr estos objetivos, se ha diseñado una arquitectura en nube privada con capacidades de Big Data. Dicha arquitectura permite automatizar la provisión de los dispositivos IoT y registrar todos los flujos de información para su posterior procesado, y poder así generar analíticas avanzadas. Por otro lado, se propone un sistema de pago móvil alternativo a los actuales basados en aplicaciones nativas (Apps). No es necesario descargarse ninguna aplicación porque se usan tecnologías web (webapps). El sistema propuesto se focaliza en la usabilidad, ya que se busca la simplicidad e inmediatez de los pagos con monedas. Es un sistema universal, es decir, el usuario no tiene que estar vinculado a ninguna institución financiera en concreto, operador de telefonía móvil, o fabricante de dispositivos para poder pagar desde su teléfono móvil. El diseño de la solución debe asegurar que el consumidor, cuando realiza la compra, se encuentra delante de la máquina para recoger el producto, ya que éste se ha comprado en una tienda virtual en Internet y hay que detectar la presencia del usuario para poder dispensarlo. Bajo estas premisas, nace OpenVend, como una solución integral de software y hardware abierto que mejora la eficiencia operativa de las empresas de vending y que permite a los consumidores comprar los productos de las máquinas de vending desde sus teléfonos móviles. Este trabajo también introduce un mecanismo de auto-configuración o plug-and-play que permite crear la representación digital de un sistema complejo o servicio en Internet de forma automática. Una vez creada la representación digital del servicio o sistema, el usuario puede interactuar con el sistema físico en cuestión desde su representación digital, y todo ello, con plenas garantías de confidencialidad y privacidad de los datos del usuario. Los resultados de esta investigación pueden, por extensión, aplicarse a diferentes sectores y escenarios donde sea necesario realizar el pago de bienes y servicios de forma desatendida, o simplemente para eliminar colas. Por ejemplo: el pago de un parking, el alquiler de una bicicleta, el pago en restaurantes y supermercados, etc.
This work describes how to apply Internet of the Things (IoT) paradigms to unattended point of sales such us vending machines. In order to face the 4th industrial revolution and contribute to mitigate climate change, this thesis proposes to accelerate the digital transformation of vending sector. To this end, each vending machine is modeled on the Internet as an online shop, allowing end-users to buy and pay from their mobile. Bear in mind this simple scenario, pervasive web and mobile technologies are analyzed to build up a low cost and easy-to-use solution. Taken into account that vending sector is very fragmented and operates at very low margins, this thesis also looks for operational efficiencies which may justify the investments needed to connect all vending machines to Internet. In this sense, a low-cost solution is proposed based on open hardware devices and a software as a service (SaaS) model. The solution has to be very easy to operate to minimize maintenance cost and must be ready for Big Data. To achieve these objectives, a private cloud architecture is designed to automatize the provisioning and management of devices. On the other hand, an alternative mobile payment system is proposed that seeks the simplicity and immediacy of payments with coins. The system must be universal, i.e., the end-user does not have to be affiliated to any financial institution, mobile operator or device manufacturer in order to pay with his mobile phone in any of the vending machines connected to the Internet. The design of the solution must ensure that the consumer is in front of the machine when the purchased product is dispensed. Under these premises, OpenVend has been implemented. OpenVend is a comprehensive open source & hardware solution that improves the operational efficiency of vending operators and enables e-commerce transactions from consumers' mobile phones by modeling the machine as an online shop. The outcomes of this research can be extended and applied to different sectors and scenarios where it is necessary to pay for goods and services in an unattended manner, or simply to eliminate queues. For example: paying a parking lot, renting a bicycle, paying in restaurants and supermarkets, etc. In any of these scenarios, the digital modeling of a complex system or service (digital twin) can be instantiated in the cloud automatically through the plug-and-play mechanism presented on this work. Once the digital twin is instantiated, the end-user can interact with the physical system through his digital twin. OpenVend has been built with security by design and therefore guarantees the privacy of end-user data.
This work describes how to apply Internet of the Things (IoT) paradigms to unattended point of sales such us vending machines. In order to face the 4th industrial revolution and contribute to mitigate climate change, this thesis proposes to accelerate the digital transformation of vending sector. To this end, each vending machine is modeled on the Internet as an online shop, allowing end-users to buy and pay from their mobile. Bear in mind this simple scenario, pervasive web and mobile technologies are analyzed to build up a low cost and easy-to-use solution. Taken into account that vending sector is very fragmented and operates at very low margins, this thesis also looks for operational efficiencies which may justify the investments needed to connect all vending machines to Internet. In this sense, a low-cost solution is proposed based on open hardware devices and a software as a service (SaaS) model. The solution has to be very easy to operate to minimize maintenance cost and must be ready for Big Data. To achieve these objectives, a private cloud architecture is designed to automatize the provisioning and management of devices. On the other hand, an alternative mobile payment system is proposed that seeks the simplicity and immediacy of payments with coins. The system must be universal, i.e., the end-user does not have to be affiliated to any financial institution, mobile operator or device manufacturer in order to pay with his mobile phone in any of the vending machines connected to the Internet. The design of the solution must ensure that the consumer is in front of the machine when the purchased product is dispensed. Under these premises, OpenVend has been implemented. OpenVend is a comprehensive open source & hardware solution that improves the operational efficiency of vending operators and enables e-commerce transactions from consumers' mobile phones by modeling the machine as an online shop. The outcomes of this research can be extended and applied to different sectors and scenarios where it is necessary to pay for goods and services in an unattended manner, or simply to eliminate queues. For example: paying a parking lot, renting a bicycle, paying in restaurants and supermarkets, etc. In any of these scenarios, the digital modeling of a complex system or service (digital twin) can be instantiated in the cloud automatically through the plug-and-play mechanism presented on this work. Once the digital twin is instantiated, the end-user can interact with the physical system through his digital twin. OpenVend has been built with security by design and therefore guarantees the privacy of end-user data.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Internet of Things, vending, OpenVend, Cloud Computing, Big Data, mobile computing, pervasive computing, HTML5, webapps, Web of Things, cashless payments, mobile payments, Near Field Communications, Digital Twin
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática