Publicación: El lugar del rey. La configuración del lugar del rey a partir de la Constitución de 1837
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Fundación Fermín Carnero
En este texto se analiza la reformulación de los principios básicos del liberalismo que fue preciso hacer para encontrar el lugar del rey en el cambio de modelo tras la revolución liberal; el lugar no podía ser otro que el de poder moderador, pero no interesó quitarle todavía la titularidad del poder ejecutivo. En España se materializó en la Constitución de 1837, resultado de la reforma de la mítica de 1812. Esos principios básicos fueron la soberanía y el sistema representativo, erigiéndose la opinión pública en excusa máxima para la reordenación de los poderes. Los ministros, que fueron los verdaderos beneficiarios del incremento del poder ejecutivo que se hacía en nombre del rey como titular del mismo, debieron a cambio salvaguardar escrupulosamente la irresponsabilidad y prestigio de la institución que nada podía sin ellos y estaba destinada a funciones elevadas por encima de los intereses de los partidos.
In this text there is analyzed the reformulation of the basic principles of the liberalism that was necessary to do to find the place of the king in the model’s change after the liberal revolution; the place could not be other one that of moderating power, but it was not interested in taking away the ownership of the executive power. In Spain it materialized in the Constitution of 1837, outcome from the reform of the mythical one of 1812. This basic principles was the sovereignty and the representative system, the public opinion became the main excuse for the reordering of the power. The secretaries of dispatch, who were the real beneficiaries of the increase of the executive power that was done in the name of the king as the holder of the same one, had to safeguard, however, scrupulously the irresponsibility and prestige of the institution that could do nothing without them and was intended for high functions over the interests of political parties.
In this text there is analyzed the reformulation of the basic principles of the liberalism that was necessary to do to find the place of the king in the model’s change after the liberal revolution; the place could not be other one that of moderating power, but it was not interested in taking away the ownership of the executive power. In Spain it materialized in the Constitution of 1837, outcome from the reform of the mythical one of 1812. This basic principles was the sovereignty and the representative system, the public opinion became the main excuse for the reordering of the power. The secretaries of dispatch, who were the real beneficiaries of the increase of the executive power that was done in the name of the king as the holder of the same one, had to safeguard, however, scrupulously the irresponsibility and prestige of the institution that could do nothing without them and was intended for high functions over the interests of political parties.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
poder moderador, poder ejecutivo, soberanía nacional, sistema representativo, opinión pública, neutral power, executive power, national sovereignty, repesentative system, public opinion
Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Historia Contemporánea