Publicación: Redes sociales y apoyo social en las mujeres mayores durante el confinamiento por covid-19
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Derecho
Los estudios demográficos realizados se muestran unánimes en cuanto al progresivo envejecimiento de la población, población que es mayoritariamente femenina, dada la mayor esperanza de vida de la mujer respecto del hombre. En paralelo se confirma el aumento progresivo de la autonomía residencial de los mayores, y del número de éstos que viven solos, en el que sobresalen los hogares formados por mujeres solas. Sin embargo, a medida que aumenta la edad de los mayores, aumenta su vulnerabilidad social. En diciembre del año 2019 se identificó un nuevo coronavirus que originó la pandemia del COVID-19. El alto riesgo de contagio unido a la peligrosidad de la enfermedad, especialmente en los mayores, obligó a los países a tomar medidas drásticas para frenar su transmisión. Como consecuencia, en España se declaró el estado de alarma, que recluyó a todos en sus casas. En este estudio se analizan los apoyos sociales que ayudaron a sobrellevar el aislamiento a 14 mujeres mayores entrevistadas, con distintas características vivenciales.
The demographic studies carried out are unanimous regarding the progressive aging of the population, a population that is mainly female, given the greater life expectancy of women compared to men. In parallel, a notable progressive increase in the residential autonomy of the elderly population is confirmed, as also the increasing number of individuals living alone, from which most households are composed of single women due to the demographic evolutions. However, as the age of the elderly increases, their social vulnerability increases too. In December 2019, a new coronavirus was identified that caused the COVID-19 pandemic. The high risk of contagion together with the dangerousness of the disease, especially in the elderly population, forced countries to take drastic measures to stop its transmission. As a consequence, a state of alarm was declared in Spain, which confined 4 everyone at homes. This study analyses the social supports that helped 14 elderly women interviewed, with different experiential characteristics, to cope with isolation.
The demographic studies carried out are unanimous regarding the progressive aging of the population, a population that is mainly female, given the greater life expectancy of women compared to men. In parallel, a notable progressive increase in the residential autonomy of the elderly population is confirmed, as also the increasing number of individuals living alone, from which most households are composed of single women due to the demographic evolutions. However, as the age of the elderly increases, their social vulnerability increases too. In December 2019, a new coronavirus was identified that caused the COVID-19 pandemic. The high risk of contagion together with the dangerousness of the disease, especially in the elderly population, forced countries to take drastic measures to stop its transmission. As a consequence, a state of alarm was declared in Spain, which confined 4 everyone at homes. This study analyses the social supports that helped 14 elderly women interviewed, with different experiential characteristics, to cope with isolation.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
mujeres mayores, redes sociales, apoyos sociales, pandemia COVID-19, elderly woman, social networks, social supports, pandemic COVID-19
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Derecho
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