Publicación: nos-Otras (las víctimas): un acercamiento con Vattimo y Dussel a la Filosofía desde las periferias
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía
El hombre agarra las riendas de su destino: dice ‘sí’ a la razón, a la técnica, al progreso. Pero resulta que la Modernidad no es lo que nos dijeron. La quiebra de la perfección moderna lo corroboran los flujos migratorios de los convertidos en miseria, la alarma ecológica, la precipitada sustitución de Dios, la condena de las periferias. Suma y sigue: la actual crisis, menos financiera que civilizatoria, y en todo caso vergonzosamente deshumanizante. El mundo se ha vuelto menos mundo. ¿Quiénes son las víctimas, por qué lo son y en qué circunstancias concretas? ¿Cómo hemos podido olvidar que todos los hombres tienen estómago? En definitiva, ¿quiénes somos y en qué nos hemos convertido?, ¿cómo nos liberamos nos-Otras (las víctimas)? Un acercamiento con Gianni Vattimo y Enrique Dussel a Otra Filosofía desde y por los arrabales.
Humankind grabs the reins of its destiny: it says ‘yes’ to the reason, to the technique, to the progress. But it turns out that modernity is not what we were told. The dismantling of the modern perfection it is confirmed by migration flows of those converted to misery, the ecological alarm, the hasty replacement of God, the condemnation of the peripheries. And it goes on and on: the current crisis, less financial than civilizing, and in any case disgracefully dehumanizing. The world has become less world. Who are the victims, why are they victims and in what specific circumstances? How could we forget that all men have stomach? Ultimately, who are we and what have we become? How could we-Others (the victims) liberate ourselves? An approach with Gianni Vattimo and Enrique Dussel to another Philosophy from and for the suburbs.
Humankind grabs the reins of its destiny: it says ‘yes’ to the reason, to the technique, to the progress. But it turns out that modernity is not what we were told. The dismantling of the modern perfection it is confirmed by migration flows of those converted to misery, the ecological alarm, the hasty replacement of God, the condemnation of the peripheries. And it goes on and on: the current crisis, less financial than civilizing, and in any case disgracefully dehumanizing. The world has become less world. Who are the victims, why are they victims and in what specific circumstances? How could we forget that all men have stomach? Ultimately, who are we and what have we become? How could we-Others (the victims) liberate ourselves? An approach with Gianni Vattimo and Enrique Dussel to another Philosophy from and for the suburbs.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Filosofía