Publicación: Caravaca de la Cruz e o Camiño de Levante (Murcia): impactos sociais e económicos do primeiro itinerario espiritual e cultural do sueste (SE) español, en fase de consolidación
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Universidad de Santiago de Compostela: Facultade de Ciencias Económicas e Empresariais
O século XIII considérase a data inicial do xurdimento de Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) como lugar de peregrinacións. Tras o seu nomeamento in perpetuum como cidade xubilar no ano 1998, este enclave incrementou de forma exponencial o número de peregrinos e turistas, converténdose no primeiro itinerario espiritual e cultural do SE español. As diversas iniciativas na potenciación turística fixaron un proceso de valorización continuado con importantes fases de estancamento nos anos non xubilares. Por todo isto, precísase unha maior consolidación e fixación deste produto turístico. Os indicadores e datos utiliza-dos sinalan, a través da ferramenta DAFO, unha serie de accións en áreas de mellora imprescindibles para a potenciación turística, que axudarían a mellorar o desenvolvemento local, o nivel de benestar, o aumento do emprego ou a recuperación patrimonial nunha cidade e nunha comarca que se atopan por baixo dos indicadores socioeconómicos a nivel rexional e esta-tal, pero con enormes potencialidades como espazo atractivo para o turismo relixioso, cultural e de natureza.
The thirteenth century is considered the instigation of the emergence of Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) as a place of pilgrimages. After its appointment “in perpetuum” as a jubilee city in 1998, this enclave has exponentially increased the number of pilgrims and tourists, becoming the first spiritual and cultural itinerary of the Spanish SE. The various initiatives in the promotion of tourism have established a process of continued valorization with important phases of stagnation in the non-jubilee years. Therefore, a greater consolidation and fixation of this tourist product is required. The indicators and data used indicate through the SWOT tool a series of actions in areas of essential improvement for the promotion of tourism that would help to improve local development, level of well-being, increase in employment or recovery of heritage in a city and region that is It is below the socioeconomic indicators at the regional and state level but with enormous potential as an attractive space for religious, cultural and nature tourism.
The thirteenth century is considered the instigation of the emergence of Caravaca de la Cruz (Murcia) as a place of pilgrimages. After its appointment “in perpetuum” as a jubilee city in 1998, this enclave has exponentially increased the number of pilgrims and tourists, becoming the first spiritual and cultural itinerary of the Spanish SE. The various initiatives in the promotion of tourism have established a process of continued valorization with important phases of stagnation in the non-jubilee years. Therefore, a greater consolidation and fixation of this tourist product is required. The indicators and data used indicate through the SWOT tool a series of actions in areas of essential improvement for the promotion of tourism that would help to improve local development, level of well-being, increase in employment or recovery of heritage in a city and region that is It is below the socioeconomic indicators at the regional and state level but with enormous potential as an attractive space for religious, cultural and nature tourism.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
peregrinacións, turismo, economía, Caravaca de la Cruz, desenvolvemento local, pilgrimages, tourism, economy, local development
Morales Yago, Francisco José, 2021. Caravaca de la Cruz y el Camino de Levante (Murcia), impactos sociales y económicos del primer itinerario espiritual y cultural del SE Español, en fase de consolidación, Revista Galega de Economía, 30(3) Páginas: 1-19,
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