Publicación: Jewish Nationalism in the Second Temple Period? On the Legitimacy of a Category
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Universidad de Salamanca
La presente contribución tiene su punto de partida en una situación historiográfica claramente conflictiva: mientras que numerosos historiadores rechazan la aplicabilidad de los términos «nación» y «nacionalismo» al judaísmo del Segundo Templo, muchos otros los emplean sin mayores problemas, hasta el punto de que se han dedicado enteras monografías al llamado «nacionalismo judío en la Antigüedad». En tales circunstancias, el propósito del presente artículo es doble: por una parte, entender los motivos de los estudiosos que se muestran suspicaces ante el uso de tal lenguaje; por otro, y en especial, exponer y clarificar los argumentos de quienes optan por aceptarlo. El estudio concluye que puede hablarse de la existencia de un cierto nacionalismo judío al final del período helenístico y en época romana, y que esta idea permite entender mejor los movimientos de resistencia judíos al Imperio romano en los primeros tiempos del Principado.
The present contribution has its starting-point in a clearly conflicting historiographical situation: whilst many historians refuse to apply the terms «nation» and «nationalism» to Second Temple Judaism, many other colleagues use it without further ado, to the extent that several whole monographs have been devoted to the so-called «Jewish ancient nationalism». In these circumstances, the aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand, to understand the reasons of those scholars who are wary of using such language; on the other, to set forth and clarify the arguments of those who opt to accept it. The study concludes that a kind of Jewish nationalism did indeed exist at least at the end of the Hellenistic period and in the Roman age, and that this conclusion allows us to understand better the movements of Jewish resistance to the Roman Empire in the early Principate.
The present contribution has its starting-point in a clearly conflicting historiographical situation: whilst many historians refuse to apply the terms «nation» and «nationalism» to Second Temple Judaism, many other colleagues use it without further ado, to the extent that several whole monographs have been devoted to the so-called «Jewish ancient nationalism». In these circumstances, the aim of this article is twofold: on the one hand, to understand the reasons of those scholars who are wary of using such language; on the other, to set forth and clarify the arguments of those who opt to accept it. The study concludes that a kind of Jewish nationalism did indeed exist at least at the end of the Hellenistic period and in the Roman age, and that this conclusion allows us to understand better the movements of Jewish resistance to the Roman Empire in the early Principate.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
judaísmo del Segundo Templo, nacionalismo, conflicto historiográfico, época helenística, Imperio romano, Second Temple Judaism, nationalism, historiographical conflict, Hellenistic period, Roman Empire
Facultad de Geografía e Historia
Historia Antigua