Publicación: Contra todo pronóstico: Tanta digitalización como desconexión de la mediación. Ni MASC ni menos
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La reciente reforma de la Justicia, operada por el Real Decreto-ley 6/2023, de 19 de diciembre, por el que se aprueban medidas urgentes para la ejecución del Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia en materia, entre otras, de servicio público de Justicia, afronta una sorprendente, desafiante —e inesperada (ante la evidente dificultad de implementación en los Juzgados y/o Tribunales que carezcan de suficientes medios)— apuesta de Digitalización. Esta arrebatada apuesta por una transformación digital de la Administración de Justicia sigue la senda de digitalización del resto de Administraciones Públicas, y se consolidará, bien pronto, con otra de imprescindible interoperabilidad entre todas ellas, como paso previo a su unificación —verdadera sincronización— digital institucional con Europa. Sin embargo, esta reforma deja atrás, contra todo pronóstico, otro de los propósitos del Plan Justicia 2030: la consolidación de una Justicia como servicio público que articule —al menos— dos vías de resolución de controversias (por cierto, con mayor o menor impacto: pero en todos los órdenes jurisdiccionales): la propiamente jurisdiccional —nuestra única Jurisdicción— y la extrajurisdiccional (sea heterocompositiva o autocompositiva) —Arbitraje & Mediación y otros MASC—. En este estudio se ofrece una primera valoración crítica de esta reforma procesal urgente que prioriza la digitalización a costa —o al menos, con desatención— de la humanización, ambas de la Justicia.
The recent reform of Justice, operated by Royal Decree-Law 6/2023, of December 19, which approves urgent measures for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan in matters, among others, of public service of Justice, faces a surprising, challenging — and unexpected (given the evident difficulty of implementation in Courts and/or Tribunals that lack sufficient resources) — Digitalization commitment. This overwhelming commitment to a digital transformation of the Administration of Justice follows the path of digitalization of the rest of the Public Administrations, and will be consolidated, very soon, with another of essential interoperability between all of them, as a prior step to their digital unification — true synchronization — institutional with Europe. However, this reform leaves behind, against all odds, another of the purposes of the Justice Plan 2030: the consolidation of Justice as a public service that articulates —at least— two ways of resolving disputes (by the way, with greater or lesser impact : but in all jurisdictional orders): the properly jurisdictional —our only Jurisdiction— and the extra-jurisdictional (whether heterocompositive or self-composition) —Arbitration & Mediation and other MASC—. This study offers a first critical assessment of this urgent procedural reform that prioritizes digitalization at the expense — or at least, with neglect — of humanization, both of Justice.
The recent reform of Justice, operated by Royal Decree-Law 6/2023, of December 19, which approves urgent measures for the execution of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan in matters, among others, of public service of Justice, faces a surprising, challenging — and unexpected (given the evident difficulty of implementation in Courts and/or Tribunals that lack sufficient resources) — Digitalization commitment. This overwhelming commitment to a digital transformation of the Administration of Justice follows the path of digitalization of the rest of the Public Administrations, and will be consolidated, very soon, with another of essential interoperability between all of them, as a prior step to their digital unification — true synchronization — institutional with Europe. However, this reform leaves behind, against all odds, another of the purposes of the Justice Plan 2030: the consolidation of Justice as a public service that articulates —at least— two ways of resolving disputes (by the way, with greater or lesser impact : but in all jurisdictional orders): the properly jurisdictional —our only Jurisdiction— and the extra-jurisdictional (whether heterocompositive or self-composition) —Arbitration & Mediation and other MASC—. This study offers a first critical assessment of this urgent procedural reform that prioritizes digitalization at the expense — or at least, with neglect — of humanization, both of Justice.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Digitalización, mediación, justicia 2030, digitization, mediation, justice 2030
Calaza López, Sonia; “Contra todo pronóstico: Tanta digitalización como desconexión de la mediación. Ni MASC ni menos”, IIILALEY Mediación y arbitraje nº 18, ISSN-e 2660-7808, Madrid, abril, 2024.
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Derecho
Derecho Procesal