Publicación: La evolución de la OTAN ante el intervencionismo Ruso en el espacio postsoviético
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Instituto Universitario "General Gutiérrez Mellado"
El espacio postsoviético es un área de gran interés geopolítico cuya relevancia ha ido en aumento en los últimos años. Tras la caída del Muro de Berlín, la recién nacida Federación de Rusia atraviesa una grave crisis política y económica que en principio le acerca a Occidente. En los primeros años de la década de los noventa la política exterior y de seguridad de Rusia favorecía el entendimiento con los EE. UU. y sus aliados, lo que supuso la puesta en marcha de mecanismos de cooperación en el ámbito de la seguridad y defensa europea. Sin embargo, Rusia aspiraba a un mayor protagonismo del que estaban dispuestos a concederle los países occidentales lo que unido a acontecimientos como el conflicto de Kosovo o las llamadas «Revoluciones de Colores» motivaron un enfriamiento en las relaciones entre las partes. Desde el final de la Guerra Fría, el proyecto de integración de la Unión Europea o la ampliación de la OTAN han permitido la incorporación paulatina de países de la antigua esfera soviética. La llegada al poder a principios de siglo de un líder como Putin y una mejora de la situación económica del país fueron un revulsivo para impulsar una política rusa más intervencionista en esta zona con intereses estratégicos irrenunciables. En el año 2014, el conflicto de Ucrania vuelve a tensar las relaciones entre Rusia y Occidente. La anexión de Crimea por parte de Rusia y la guerra en el Donbass suponen uno de los retos claves en el ámbito de la seguridad para garantizar la estabilidad europea en los próximos años. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo es analizar la evolución de la OTAN para hacer frente a la amenaza que representa Rusia para la Alianza. Más concretamente se pretende determinar si la OTAN ha adoptado una nueva orientación estratégica y cuenta con las capacidades necesarias para responder al intervencionismo ruso en el espacio postsoviético.
The post-Soviet space is an area of great geopolitical interest whose relevance has been increasing in recent years. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the newborn Russian Federation is going through a serious political and economic crisis that initially brings it closer to the West. In the early years of the 1990s, Russia's foreign and security policy favored understanding with the United States and its allies, which led to the implementation of cooperation mechanisms in the field of European security and defense. However, Russia aspired to a greater role than Western countries were willing to give it, which together with events such as the conflict in Kosovo or the so-called "Color Revolutions" led to a cooling in relations between the parties. Since the end of the Cold War, the project of integration of the European Union or the enlargement of NATO have allowed the gradual incorporation of countries from the former Soviet sphere. The coming to power at the beginning of the century of a leader like Putin and an improvement in the country's economic situation were a boost to promote a more interventionist Russian policy in this area with unwavering strategic interests. In 2014, the conflict in Ukraine once again strained relations between Russia and the West. The annexation of Crimea by Russia and the war in the Donbass represent one of the key challenges in the field of security to guarantee European stability in the coming years. The objective of our work is to analyze the evolution of NATO to face the threat that Russia represents to the Alliance. More specifically, the aim is to determine if NATO has adopted a new strategic orientation and has the necessary capabilities to respond to Russian interventionism in the post-Soviet space.
The post-Soviet space is an area of great geopolitical interest whose relevance has been increasing in recent years. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the newborn Russian Federation is going through a serious political and economic crisis that initially brings it closer to the West. In the early years of the 1990s, Russia's foreign and security policy favored understanding with the United States and its allies, which led to the implementation of cooperation mechanisms in the field of European security and defense. However, Russia aspired to a greater role than Western countries were willing to give it, which together with events such as the conflict in Kosovo or the so-called "Color Revolutions" led to a cooling in relations between the parties. Since the end of the Cold War, the project of integration of the European Union or the enlargement of NATO have allowed the gradual incorporation of countries from the former Soviet sphere. The coming to power at the beginning of the century of a leader like Putin and an improvement in the country's economic situation were a boost to promote a more interventionist Russian policy in this area with unwavering strategic interests. In 2014, the conflict in Ukraine once again strained relations between Russia and the West. The annexation of Crimea by Russia and the war in the Donbass represent one of the key challenges in the field of security to guarantee European stability in the coming years. The objective of our work is to analyze the evolution of NATO to face the threat that Russia represents to the Alliance. More specifically, the aim is to determine if NATO has adopted a new strategic orientation and has the necessary capabilities to respond to Russian interventionism in the post-Soviet space.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
estrategia, expansionismo, transformación militar, modernización, ciberdefensa, strategy, expansionism, military transformation, modernization, cyber defense
Institutos y centros de investigación::Instituto Universitario Gutierrez Mellado (IUGM )