Publicación: Montajes de equipos de trabajo utilizando técnicas de aprendizaje automático no supervisado
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática.
Los equipos de trabajo son la unidad básica organizada para afrontar retos en cualquier ámbito. Actualmente se dispone de datos sobre las conexiones sociales que los individuos desarrollan en las redes, misma que es aprovechada para optimizar y personalizar las soluciones al problema de formación de equipos (Team Formation Problem TFP). Hasta el momento, las soluciones basadas en redes sociales han considerado a la comunicación como elemento central para la formación de equipos; sin embargo, en varios estudios se menciona indirectamente a la cohesión (familiaridad, química, sinergia, cooperación interpersonal) como un elemento significativo, por lo tanto, la propuesta que se plantea incluye a la comunicación y cohesión como criterios para formar equipos y asimismo bosqueja una forma de evaluar la cohesión mediante el contenido y características de los mensajes intercambiados. El contexto de uso de esta propuesta es el entorno académico en línea, específicamente estudios de maestría. Los mensajes compartidos en los foros virtuales sirvieron como insumo, y se utilizó análisis de redes sociales junto a una técnica de aprendizaje automático no supervisado (K-means), para dar lugar a una propuesta de tipo exógena que permita al tutor formar equipos optimizados que puedan cumplir un proyecto durante el curso. El clustering efectuado con cada criterio posibilitó hallar grupos; según la comunicación pueden existir estudiantes Comunicativos y Poco Comunicativos; y según la cohesión: Unificadores, Diplomáticos e Indiferentes. A continuación, se programan dos estrategias para la formación de equipos: a) estrategia armoniosa: busca maximizar la comunicación y cohesión; y b) estrategia extrema: pretende reunir estudiantes discordantes. Los resultados de este trabajo permiten concluir que el TFP debe solucionarse atendiendo al contexto, los objetivos del trabajo, las habilidades requeridas, el tipo de tarea y criterios específicos a ser optimizados, de modo que, una estrategia adaptable a distintos contextos y criterios no es del todo factible. Además, se promueve el uso de la cohesión como un criterio relevante a considerar en la formación de equipos. Palabras clave: Formación de equipos, redes sociales, clustering, K-means, comunicación, cohesión.
Teams are the basic organized unit to face challenges in any field. Data is now available on the social connections that individuals develop in networks, which is used to optimize and customize solutions to the Team Formation Problem (TFP). So far, solutions based on social networks have considered communication as a central element for team formation; however, in several studies cohesion (familiarity, chemistry, synergy, interpersonal cooperation) is indirectly mentioned as a significant element, therefore, this proposal includes communication and cohesion as criteria for team formation and also outlines a way to evaluate cohesion through the content and characteristics of the messages exchanged. The context of use of this proposal is the online academic environment, specifically master's degree studies. The messages shared in the virtual forums served as input, together with the use of unsupervised automatic learning techniques (K-means) and social network analysis, to give rise to an exogenous type proposal (the tutor chooses the strategy) that allows the tutor to form optimized teams that can complete a project during the course. The clustering carried out with each criterion made it possible to find groups; according to communication there can be Communicative and Poorly Communicative students; and according to cohesion: Unifying, Diplomatic and Indifferent. Two strategies for team formation are then programmed: a) harmonious strategy, which seeks to maximize both communication and cohesion; and b) extreme strategy, which seeks to bring together discordant students. The results of this work allow us to conclude that the TFP must be solved according to the context, the objectives of the work, the skills required, the type of task and specific criteria to be optimized, so that a strategy adaptable to different contexts and criteria is not entirely feasible. In addition, the use of cohesion is promoted as a relevant criterion to be considered in team building.
Teams are the basic organized unit to face challenges in any field. Data is now available on the social connections that individuals develop in networks, which is used to optimize and customize solutions to the Team Formation Problem (TFP). So far, solutions based on social networks have considered communication as a central element for team formation; however, in several studies cohesion (familiarity, chemistry, synergy, interpersonal cooperation) is indirectly mentioned as a significant element, therefore, this proposal includes communication and cohesion as criteria for team formation and also outlines a way to evaluate cohesion through the content and characteristics of the messages exchanged. The context of use of this proposal is the online academic environment, specifically master's degree studies. The messages shared in the virtual forums served as input, together with the use of unsupervised automatic learning techniques (K-means) and social network analysis, to give rise to an exogenous type proposal (the tutor chooses the strategy) that allows the tutor to form optimized teams that can complete a project during the course. The clustering carried out with each criterion made it possible to find groups; according to communication there can be Communicative and Poorly Communicative students; and according to cohesion: Unifying, Diplomatic and Indifferent. Two strategies for team formation are then programmed: a) harmonious strategy, which seeks to maximize both communication and cohesion; and b) extreme strategy, which seeks to bring together discordant students. The results of this work allow us to conclude that the TFP must be solved according to the context, the objectives of the work, the skills required, the type of task and specific criteria to be optimized, so that a strategy adaptable to different contexts and criteria is not entirely feasible. In addition, the use of cohesion is promoted as a relevant criterion to be considered in team building.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Formación de equipos, redes sociales, clustering, K-means, comunicación, cohesión, Team Formation Problem, social networks, clustering, k-means, communication, cohesion
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
Inteligencia Artificial