Publicación: Storytelling digital personalizado en sistemas recomendadores educativos afectivos sensibles al contexto
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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Inteligencia Artificial
El gran auge experimentado en la actualidad por el aprendizaje online ha suscitado un creciente interés acerca de los sistemas recomendadores educativos enfocados a la recomendación de cursos y materiales educativos adaptados a las características y preferencias de cada estudiante. Sin embargo, en el ámbito de la educación a distancia existe una problemática común no presente en los estudios convencionales y que se asocia con las características de este perfil de estudiante y su contexto particular de estudio. En concreto los estudiantes a distancia tienen que hacer frente a un conjunto de responsabilidades, más allá de las académicas, como las laborales y familiares que pueden influir de manera negativa en el rendimiento académico del alumno y en su estado anímico. En esta investigación se pone de manifiesto la significativa carencia de trabajos existentes en el ámbito de la educación a distancia que se centren en atender los aspectos emocionales o anímicos de estos estudiantes y que reflejen las características y los contextos particulares en los que los alumnos desarrollan sus estudios. Por ello el principal objetivo de esta investigación es enriquecer el paradigma de los sistemas recomendadores educativos afectivos sensibles al contexto a través de una arquitectura para la integración de storytelling digital personalizado, interactivo y dinámico en plataformas de e-learning. Esta arquitectura permitirá ofrecer sesiones de coaching afectivo en línea a través de storytelling para proporcionar historias personalizadas en sintonía con las características particulares del estudiante y de su contexto de estudio y que estarán dotadas de una alta carga psicoterapéutica. Por otro lado, la arquitectura propuesta en este trabajo será genérica y reutilizable por lo que su uso puede ser extendido a cualquier aplicación en el ámbito educativo para su utilización como medio digital de enseñanza y aprendizaje. A través de la experimentación llevada a cabo en este trabajo ponemos también de manifiesto el gran potencial de los sistemas de razonamiento basados en casos en esta arquitectura como elementos recomendadores para la recuperación de soluciones a través de funciones de similitud que miden las semejanzas entre las características de los perfiles de usuario y sus contextos de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos en nuestra prueba de concepto demuestran que la idea de reutilizar la experiencia previa para la adaptación de nuevas soluciones supone un enfoque novedoso y muy prometedor en el ámbito de los sistemas recomendadores educativos afectivos que tienen por finalidad ofrecer contenido digital dinámico y personalizable para propósitos académicos.
The boom experienced nowadays in the e-learning domain has provoked a growing interest in the field of e-learning recommender systems focused on making recommendations of courses and educative materials adapted to the characteristics and preferences of each student. However, in the e-learning domain there are some difficulties not present in the conventional studies due to the student profile and his particular study context. These problems are associated with the special characteristics of this kind of student that sometimes has to deal with a set of responsibilities (apart from academics) that can affect negatively in his academic performance and his state of mind. In this investigation we bring to light the significant lack of existent works in the e-learning field focused on attending the emotions and state of mind of these students. Our investigation also brings to light the lack of e-learning recommender systems that have into account the particular context in which these students carry out their studies. For these reasons, the main goal of our investigation is to enrich the paradigm of the context-aware e-learning recommender systems proposing an architecture for the integration of customized, interactive and dynamic digital storytelling in e-learning platforms. The proposed architecture will allow offering online and emotional coaching sessions using storytelling in order to provide personalized stories based on the current student context and his profile and offering a high psychotherapeutic load. Furthermore, our proposed architecture will be generic and reusable in the academic field so its use could be extended to any application in the e-learning scope for its use as training and learning digital media. By means of the experimentation we carry through on this work we lay bare the potential utility of the case-based reasoning systems in the proposed architecture as the key component for the recovery of solutions through similarity functions that measure the similarities between the user’s characteristics and their particular study context. The results obtained in our test show that the idea of reusing prior experiences for the adaptation of new solutions supposes an original and promising approach in the scope of affective e-learning systems that try to offer dynamic and customized digital content for educational purposes.
The boom experienced nowadays in the e-learning domain has provoked a growing interest in the field of e-learning recommender systems focused on making recommendations of courses and educative materials adapted to the characteristics and preferences of each student. However, in the e-learning domain there are some difficulties not present in the conventional studies due to the student profile and his particular study context. These problems are associated with the special characteristics of this kind of student that sometimes has to deal with a set of responsibilities (apart from academics) that can affect negatively in his academic performance and his state of mind. In this investigation we bring to light the significant lack of existent works in the e-learning field focused on attending the emotions and state of mind of these students. Our investigation also brings to light the lack of e-learning recommender systems that have into account the particular context in which these students carry out their studies. For these reasons, the main goal of our investigation is to enrich the paradigm of the context-aware e-learning recommender systems proposing an architecture for the integration of customized, interactive and dynamic digital storytelling in e-learning platforms. The proposed architecture will allow offering online and emotional coaching sessions using storytelling in order to provide personalized stories based on the current student context and his profile and offering a high psychotherapeutic load. Furthermore, our proposed architecture will be generic and reusable in the academic field so its use could be extended to any application in the e-learning scope for its use as training and learning digital media. By means of the experimentation we carry through on this work we lay bare the potential utility of the case-based reasoning systems in the proposed architecture as the key component for the recovery of solutions through similarity functions that measure the similarities between the user’s characteristics and their particular study context. The results obtained in our test show that the idea of reusing prior experiences for the adaptation of new solutions supposes an original and promising approach in the scope of affective e-learning systems that try to offer dynamic and customized digital content for educational purposes.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
Inteligencia Artificial