Publicación: Los límites formales y materiales a la revisión de la constitución italiana
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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional
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Universidad de Deusto
La revisión de la Constitución italiana de 1947 resulta ser un tema particularmente complejo. Apenas son dos los preceptos que lo regulan, con algunas pautas procedimentales y un límite material que aseguran cierto grado de rigidez, pero su desarrollo y las aportaciones de la Corte Constitucional han dado lugar a un procedimiento particularmente complejo, con muchas cuestiones abiertas. A ello se suma una aplicación práctica donde incluso han tenido cabida intentos de reforma al margen de las reglas establecidas. Todo dentro de un contexto de permanente cuestionamiento de su idoneidad, ligado a una situación de crisis institucional casi endémica del país cuya superación parece complicada a la vista del actual desajuste entre los requisitos que impone la Constitución para su modificación y la coyuntura política. Este artículo busca describir de modo crítico la cuestión a través del análisis detallado de su regulación, la jurisprudencia y las múltiples contribuciones doctrinales que existen.
The revision of the Italian Constitution of 1947 is a particularly complex issue. Although it is regulated by only two provisions, with some procedural guidelines and a material limit ensuring a certain degree of rigidity, its development and the contributions from the Constitutional Court have created a particularly complex procedure, with many open questions. Additionally, practice has even shown some reform attempts outside the established rules. All this within a context of permanent questioning of its adequacy, linked to a situation of almost endemic institutional crisis in the country, which resolution seems difficult regarding the current mismatch between the requirements of the Constitution for its amendment and the political situation. The aim of this paper is to critically describe the issue through the detailed analysis of its regulation, case law and the existing doctrinal contributions.
The revision of the Italian Constitution of 1947 is a particularly complex issue. Although it is regulated by only two provisions, with some procedural guidelines and a material limit ensuring a certain degree of rigidity, its development and the contributions from the Constitutional Court have created a particularly complex procedure, with many open questions. Additionally, practice has even shown some reform attempts outside the established rules. All this within a context of permanent questioning of its adequacy, linked to a situation of almost endemic institutional crisis in the country, which resolution seems difficult regarding the current mismatch between the requirements of the Constitution for its amendment and the political situation. The aim of this paper is to critically describe the issue through the detailed analysis of its regulation, case law and the existing doctrinal contributions.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Revisión constitucional, Italia, rigidez constitucional, cláusulas de intangibilidad, referéndum, Constitutional revision, Italy, constitutional rigidity, intangibility clauses, referendum
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Derecho
Derecho Constitucional