Publicación: Modelo dinámico para el cálculo de la capacidad de carga de una bahía costera para el cultivo de bivalvos
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias
La bahía de Alfacs, situada en el noroeste del Mar Mediterráneo presenta una importante actividad acuícola. Esta actividad tiene un impacto importante, tanto en la economía de la zona como en el ecosistema donde se desarrolla. En este estudio se pretenden determinar los impactos del cultivo de moluscos en la bahía de Alfacs. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es el cálculo de la capacidad de carga de la bahía de Alfacs, mediante la creación e implementación de un modelo de depleción, que pueda explicar los cambios en la concentración de seston a lo largo del año y la aplicación de los modelos Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) y Scope For Growth (SFG). Ambos modelos han sido aplicados en distintas zonas de la costa atlántica por Filgueira et al. (2009, 2011) y los resultados fueron favorables. Se espera que los modelos sean adecuados para las aguas de la bahía de Alfacs a través de una nueva estimación del half-saturation coefficient χk, que debe tener en cuenta el amplio rango de temperaturas que tienen lugar en el interior de la bahía. Los resultados de este trabajo muestran que la depleción en el interior de la bahía de Alfacs es importante y que debe tomarse en consideración a la hora de determinar la capacidad de carga de esta bahía. El modelo de depleción muestra que los episodios de depleción más importantes tienen lugar entre abril y diciembre, cuando la actividad de los moluscos es más importante y cuando los canales de riego provenientes de los arrozales están abiertos aportando agua dulce, que se espera más rica en nutrientes. Originalmente, se aplicó el modelo DEB en ecosistemas atlánticos (por ejemplo, la costa francesa, los fiordos Noruegos y las Rías Gallegas). En esta primera aproximación se demuestra que el modelo DEB es también aplicable a una bahía costera del Mediterráneo (Bahía de Alfacs), donde se presentan profundidades inferiores y rangos de temperatura más amplios que en los ecosistemas atlánticos. La estimación del half-saturation coefficient para la bahía de Alfacs muestra que este puede estimarse con un valor constante válido para todo el año, sino que debe ser estimado para las diferentes estaciones debido a las diferencias de temperatura. En este trabajo, se ha estimado un valor del half-saturation cofficient para las diferentes estaciones del año y se ha usado este valor para la aplicación del modelo DEB, con resultados satisfactorios. La aplicación del modelo SFG en esta primera aproximación muestra que los resultados obtenidos mediante el modelo SFG no están de acuerdo con las observaciones realizadas en las condiciones ambientales de áreas mediterráneas como la bahía de Alfacs, con amplios rangos de temperatura. La razón es que el modelo SFG no presenta una correcta dependencia entre la ingestión y la temperatura, ya que éstas sólo están relacionadas entre sí mediante un factor exponencial. Además, los resultados de este estudio permiten estimar los valores de los parámetros que intervienen en el funcionamiento del ecosistema y permiten realizar simulaciones variando los valores de los parámetros para estimar la capacidad de carga de la bahía.
Alfacs Bay, in the NW Mediterranean Sea, has an important aquaculture activity. This activity has remarkable impacts on the economy of the zone and on the ecosystem where it is developed. In this study we aim to determine the effects of the mussel culture on the seston upload in Alfacs Bay. The principal objective of this work is the creation and implementation of a depletion model, which would explain the changes on the seston concentrations through the year and the application of the Dynamic Energy Budget model (DEB model) and the Scope For Growth model (SFG model). Both models have been applied in Atlantic coasts by Filgueira et al. (2011) and the results were favorable. The models are expected to be suitable for Alfacs Bay but with the new parameterization of the half-saturation coefficient χk, which has to take into consideration the wide range of temperature that occurs in the bay waters. The results of this work show that seston depletion inside Alfacs Bay has an important role and has to be considered as a variable to determine the carrying capacity of this bay. The depletion model shows that the most important seston and chlorophyll depletion episodes take place between April and December, when the mussel’s activity is most important and when the irrigation canals from the rice paddies liberate their water inside the bay, providing nutrient-rich water. Originally, the DEB model was applied in an Atlantic ecosystem (e.g. French Coast, Norway Fjords and Galician Rias). In this first approach we demonstrate that the DEB model is also applicable to a coastal bay ecosystem in the Mediterranean (Alfacs Bay), having lower depths and wider temperature ranges than the Atlantic ecosystem. The parameterization of the halfsaturation coefficient for Alfacs Bay has shown that it cannot be determined with a constant value valid for the whole year but it has to be determined for the different seasons due to the temperature differences. In this work a value for the half-saturation coefficient in the different seasons has been estimated and used to apply the DEB model, with satisfying results. The application of the SFG model in this first approximation shows that the results obtained by the SFG model are not in agreement with the observations in the environmental conditions of Mediterranean areas like Alfacs Bay, with a wide range of temperatures. The reason is that the SFG model does not present a correct dependence between ingestion and temperature, because they are only related by an exponential factor. The results of this study allow us to estimate the values of the parameters involved in the functioning of the ecosystem and to simulate different scenarios by varying the values of these parameters in order to estimate the carrying capacity of Alfacs Bay.
Alfacs Bay, in the NW Mediterranean Sea, has an important aquaculture activity. This activity has remarkable impacts on the economy of the zone and on the ecosystem where it is developed. In this study we aim to determine the effects of the mussel culture on the seston upload in Alfacs Bay. The principal objective of this work is the creation and implementation of a depletion model, which would explain the changes on the seston concentrations through the year and the application of the Dynamic Energy Budget model (DEB model) and the Scope For Growth model (SFG model). Both models have been applied in Atlantic coasts by Filgueira et al. (2011) and the results were favorable. The models are expected to be suitable for Alfacs Bay but with the new parameterization of the half-saturation coefficient χk, which has to take into consideration the wide range of temperature that occurs in the bay waters. The results of this work show that seston depletion inside Alfacs Bay has an important role and has to be considered as a variable to determine the carrying capacity of this bay. The depletion model shows that the most important seston and chlorophyll depletion episodes take place between April and December, when the mussel’s activity is most important and when the irrigation canals from the rice paddies liberate their water inside the bay, providing nutrient-rich water. Originally, the DEB model was applied in an Atlantic ecosystem (e.g. French Coast, Norway Fjords and Galician Rias). In this first approach we demonstrate that the DEB model is also applicable to a coastal bay ecosystem in the Mediterranean (Alfacs Bay), having lower depths and wider temperature ranges than the Atlantic ecosystem. The parameterization of the halfsaturation coefficient for Alfacs Bay has shown that it cannot be determined with a constant value valid for the whole year but it has to be determined for the different seasons due to the temperature differences. In this work a value for the half-saturation coefficient in the different seasons has been estimated and used to apply the DEB model, with satisfying results. The application of the SFG model in this first approximation shows that the results obtained by the SFG model are not in agreement with the observations in the environmental conditions of Mediterranean areas like Alfacs Bay, with a wide range of temperatures. The reason is that the SFG model does not present a correct dependence between ingestion and temperature, because they are only related by an exponential factor. The results of this study allow us to estimate the values of the parameters involved in the functioning of the ecosystem and to simulate different scenarios by varying the values of these parameters in order to estimate the carrying capacity of Alfacs Bay.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
Física Fundamental