Publicación: Editor de modelos eléctricos en lenguaje Modelica
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
Cuando estudiamos un sistema físico, recurrimos a expresarlo mediante un modelo matemático. La simulación sobre este modelo nos permite extraer resultados o conclusiones en función de los parámetros que gobiernen el sistema analizado. El modelado y la simulación juegan un papel muy importante en el desarrollo de los procesos de ingeniería, facilitando el diseño y la evaluación de diferentes escenarios. Modelica es un lenguaje de modelado de sistemas complejos y dinámicos, basado en ecuaciones y orientado a objetos. Está concebido para describir modelos compuestos por ecuaciones algebraico diferenciales y eventos, y es un referente en el modelado de sistemas del mundo físico, que pueden ayudarnos a analizar cómo se comportan componentes eléctricos, térmicos, hidráulicos o mecánicos entre otros. Este trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de una herramienta, la cual proporcionará una traducción de un modelo gráfico diseñado por el usuario a lenguaje Modelica. La aplicación proporcionará una codificación del modelo que posibilitará la simulación para analizar y predecir el comportamiento de un sistema, identificando problemas o puntos de optimización en el diseño del modelo además de facilitar la comprensión de estudiantes y profesionales. El diseño del modelo gráfico y la interfaz de usuario se desarrollarán mediante tecnologías de programación web modernas. En nuestra aplicación usaremos el dominio eléctrico, ofreciendo una serie de componentes analógicos, distribuidos sobre una paleta, que podrán seleccionarse e interrelacionarse para construir un modelo completo mediante una interfaz gráfica con objetos conectables. Los componentes podrán ser parametrizados modificando sus propiedades, además, este modelo tendrá que superar una serie de comprobaciones para verificar su corrección. Una vez comprobadas estas reglas, el modelo podrá describirse como un modelo matemático o modelo atómico, o bien, como un modelo de objetos o modelo compuesto en lenguaje Modelica, generando todo el código necesario con el que podremos trabajar desde cualquier editor de Modelica realizando las simulaciones pertinentes. Hemos de distinguir entre Modelica, el lenguaje de modelado en sí, y los entornos de trabajo donde llevaremos a cabo las simulaciones. Entre estos entornos destacaremos OpenModelica, herramienta de código abierto, muy extendida, capaz de asignar la causalidad computacional y la ordenación del modelo, esto permitirá la traducción de Modelica a un sistema de ecuaciones. La solución implementada abarca el uso de la plataforma .NET persistiendo los modelos y la información necesaria en bases de datos SQL server. Usaremos ASP.NET y JavaScript como lenguajes en el diseño de la interfaz de usuario y dotaremos de una capa de abstracción en C# para la lógica de traducción de un modelo gráfico a lenguaje Modelica. La aplicación se ha desarrollado usando metodologías ágiles, realizando un desarrollo iterativo incremental. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten constatar cómo funciona cada componente dentro del sistema, además de dar una visión de cómo trabajan los entornos en Modelica al traducir modelos compuestos a modelos atómicos.
When we study a physical system, we resort to expressing it through a mathematical model. The simulation on this model allows us to draw results or conclusions based on the parameters that govern the analyzed system. Modeling and simulation play a very important role in the development of engineering processes, facilitating the design and evaluation of different scenarios. Modelica is an object-oriented, equation-based modeling language for complex and dynamic systems. It is designed to describe models composed of differential algebraic equations and events, and is a benchmark in modeling systems of the physical world, which can help us analyze how electrical, thermal, hydraulic, or mechanical components behave, among others. This work consists in the development of a tool, which obtained a translation of a graphic model designed by the user into Modelica language. The application will allow a coding of the model that will allow the simulation to analyze and predict the behavior of a system, identifying problems or points of optimization in the design of the model in addition to facilitating the understanding of students and professionals. The design of the graphic model and the user interface will be developed using modern web programming technologies. In our application we will use the electrical domain, offering a series of analog components, distributed on a palette, which can be selected and interrelated to build a complete model through a graphical interface with connectable objects. The components can be parameterized by modifying their properties, in addition, this model will have to pass a series of validations to verify its correctness. Once validated, the model can be translated into a mathematical model or flat model, or into an object model or composite model in Modelica language, generating all the necessary code with which we can work from any Modelica editor performing the relevant simulations. We must distinguish between Modelica, the modeling language itself, and the work environments where we will carry out the simulations. Among these environments we will highlight OpenModelica, a widely used open-source tool, capable of assigning computational causality and ordering of the model, this will allow the translation of Modelica into a system of equations. The implemented solution covers the use of the .NET platform, persisting the models and the necessary information in SQL server databases, making use of ASP.NET and JavaScript as languages in the design of the user interface and providing an abstraction layer. in C# for the translation logic of a graphical model to Modelica language. The application has been developed using agile methodologies, performing an incremental iterative development. The results obtained allow us to verify how each component works within the system, in addition to giving a vision of how the environments in Modelica work when translating compound models into flat models.
When we study a physical system, we resort to expressing it through a mathematical model. The simulation on this model allows us to draw results or conclusions based on the parameters that govern the analyzed system. Modeling and simulation play a very important role in the development of engineering processes, facilitating the design and evaluation of different scenarios. Modelica is an object-oriented, equation-based modeling language for complex and dynamic systems. It is designed to describe models composed of differential algebraic equations and events, and is a benchmark in modeling systems of the physical world, which can help us analyze how electrical, thermal, hydraulic, or mechanical components behave, among others. This work consists in the development of a tool, which obtained a translation of a graphic model designed by the user into Modelica language. The application will allow a coding of the model that will allow the simulation to analyze and predict the behavior of a system, identifying problems or points of optimization in the design of the model in addition to facilitating the understanding of students and professionals. The design of the graphic model and the user interface will be developed using modern web programming technologies. In our application we will use the electrical domain, offering a series of analog components, distributed on a palette, which can be selected and interrelated to build a complete model through a graphical interface with connectable objects. The components can be parameterized by modifying their properties, in addition, this model will have to pass a series of validations to verify its correctness. Once validated, the model can be translated into a mathematical model or flat model, or into an object model or composite model in Modelica language, generating all the necessary code with which we can work from any Modelica editor performing the relevant simulations. We must distinguish between Modelica, the modeling language itself, and the work environments where we will carry out the simulations. Among these environments we will highlight OpenModelica, a widely used open-source tool, capable of assigning computational causality and ordering of the model, this will allow the translation of Modelica into a system of equations. The implemented solution covers the use of the .NET platform, persisting the models and the necessary information in SQL server databases, making use of ASP.NET and JavaScript as languages in the design of the user interface and providing an abstraction layer. in C# for the translation logic of a graphical model to Modelica language. The application has been developed using agile methodologies, performing an incremental iterative development. The results obtained allow us to verify how each component works within the system, in addition to giving a vision of how the environments in Modelica work when translating compound models into flat models.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
lenguaje Modelica, aplicaciones web, modelado de sistemas físicos, editor de modelos, lenguaje de modelado, tecnologías .NET, Modelica language, web applications, physical systems modeling, electrical domain, model editor, modeling language, .NET technologies
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
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