Publicación: Incógnitas procesales persistentes en el nuevo escenario sustantivo de la discapacidad
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La asincronía entre la reforma sustantiva -valiente, disruptiva, carismática, luminosa, esperanzadora- y la reforma procesal –que posee todos los vicios procedimentales típicos: ineficiencia, ineficacia, lentitud, carestía, inhumanidad; y una sola virtud: la derivación a la Jurisdicción Voluntaria- de la Discapacidad trae tras de sí, como era de esperar, una batería de incógnitas. La primera en la frente: ¿Puede el Juez proveer un apoyo a una persona con discapacidad contra su voluntad en este nuevo reinado de “voluntad, deseos y preferencias”? Y a renglón seguido, entre otras: ¿Puede la persona con discapacidad instar el proceso contencioso cuando sabe, a ciencia cierta, desde el inicio, que habrá de soportar una intensa contradicción? ¿Cuál es el verdadero alcance de las pretensiones de las partes? ¿Deben éstas acreditar el intento, sin éxito, de un “medio adecuado de resolución de controversias”, como imprescindible requisito de procedibilidad, antes de instar el contencioso? ¿Puede el Juez del proceso contencioso derivar la provisión del apoyo a un mecanismo paraprocesal en plena litispendencia? ¿Puede eludirse la práctica de la prueba fuera del exigente -e inexplicable- supuesto de excepcionalidad tasado en la LEC? ¿Cuáles son los exactos límites de la congruencia que, en su caso, deben respetar las sentencias de provisión de apoyos? A estas primeras incógnitas procesales se destina este trabajo, con el firme convencimiento de que tan solo una reforma integral del tortuoso hábitat procesal permitiría que la reforma sustantiva se implementase conforme al verdadero dictado de la “voluntad, deseos y preferencias” procesales de las personas con discapacidad
The asynchrony between the substantive reform —brave, disruptive, charismatic, luminous, hopeful— and the procedural reform —which has all the typical procedural vices: inefficiency, ineffectiveness, slowness, scarcity, inhumanity; and a single virtue: referral to the Voluntary Jurisdiction— of Disability brings behind it, as expected, a battery of unknowns. The first in front: Can the Judge provide support to a person with a disability against his will in this new reign of «will, desires and preferences»? And a line followed, among others: Can the person with a disability initiate the contentious process when he knows, for sure, from the beginning, that he will have to endure an intense contradiction? What is the true scope of the claims of the parties? Should they prove the attempt, without success, of an «adequate means of dispute resolution», as an essential procedural requirement, before initiating the dispute? Can the Judge of the contentious process derive the provision of support to a paraprocedural mechanism in full lis pendens? Can the practice of the test be avoided outside of the demanding —and inexplicable— course of exceptionality assessed in the LEC? What are the exact limits of congruence that, in your case, must respect the sentences of provision of supports? This work is addressed to these first procedural unknowns, with the firm conviction that only a comprehensive reform of the tortuous procedural habitat would allow the substantive reform to be implemented in accordance with the true dictates of the «will, desires and preferences» of people with disabilities.
The asynchrony between the substantive reform —brave, disruptive, charismatic, luminous, hopeful— and the procedural reform —which has all the typical procedural vices: inefficiency, ineffectiveness, slowness, scarcity, inhumanity; and a single virtue: referral to the Voluntary Jurisdiction— of Disability brings behind it, as expected, a battery of unknowns. The first in front: Can the Judge provide support to a person with a disability against his will in this new reign of «will, desires and preferences»? And a line followed, among others: Can the person with a disability initiate the contentious process when he knows, for sure, from the beginning, that he will have to endure an intense contradiction? What is the true scope of the claims of the parties? Should they prove the attempt, without success, of an «adequate means of dispute resolution», as an essential procedural requirement, before initiating the dispute? Can the Judge of the contentious process derive the provision of support to a paraprocedural mechanism in full lis pendens? Can the practice of the test be avoided outside of the demanding —and inexplicable— course of exceptionality assessed in the LEC? What are the exact limits of congruence that, in your case, must respect the sentences of provision of supports? This work is addressed to these first procedural unknowns, with the firm conviction that only a comprehensive reform of the tortuous procedural habitat would allow the substantive reform to be implemented in accordance with the true dictates of the «will, desires and preferences» of people with disabilities.
Este trabajo se enmarca en el Proyecto I+D+i de generación de conocimiento y fortalecimiento científico y tecnológico, titulado «Ejes de la Justicia en tiempos de cambio», del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, del que la autora es la Investigadora Principal, con REF PID2020-113083GB-100, desde el 1 de septiembre de 2021 hasta el 30 de agosto de 2024.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Discapacidad, jurisdicción voluntaria, jurisdicción contenciosa, disability, voluntary jurisdiction, contentious jurisdiction
Calaza López, Sonia “Incógnitas procesales persistentes en el nuevo escenario sustantivo de la discapacidad”, Revista de Derecho civil nº 3, 2022, ISSN 2341-2216, pp. 53 a 85.
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Derecho
Derecho Procesal