Publicación: Transformación digital y presentación de contenidos web en destinos turísticos de patrimonio industrial
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Atribución 4.0 Internacional
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Ediciones Complutense
Esta investigación estudia el nivel de transformación digital de algunos espacios de patrimonio industrial, previamente seleccionados por su gran interés histórico, arquitectónico o técnico. Se realiza una extensa revisión bibliográfica, se analizan los contenidos de las páginas web, principal recurso de información al visitante potencial o real, y se establecen tres niveles de eficacia digital a partir del cumplimiento de una serie de variables distribuidas en varios bloques temáticos. Los resultados presentan el valor de ofrecer un perfil concreto de los destinos turísticos de patrimonio industrial, apreciándose la conexión existente entre visitantes, espacios visitados y recursos disponibles; la interacción de estos tres elementos con el territorio circundante, fomentando una nueva capacidad competitiva de ámbito local; y la proyección de cada destino turístico de forma moderna y atractiva. El análisis efectuado es de fácil aplicabilidad en cualquier entorno patrimonial y ofrece el resultado de la transformación digital experimentada por el turismo cultural en los lugares de antigua industrialización.
This research studies the level of digital transformation of some industrial heritage spaces, previously selected for their great historical, architectural, or technical interest. An extensive bibliographic review is carried out, the contents of the web pages, the main source of information for the potential or real visitor, are analyzed, and three levels of digital effectiveness are established based on the fulfillment of a series of variables distributed in several thematic blocks. The results present the value of offering a specific profile of industrial heritage tourist destinations, appreciating the existing connection between visitors, visited spaces and available resources; the interaction of these three elements with the surrounding territory, fostering a new competitive capacity at the local level; and the projection of each tourist destination in a modern and attractive way. The analysis carried out is easily applicable in any heritage environment and offers the result of the digital transformation experienced by cultural tourism in places of old industrialization. ; ; ; ; .
This research studies the level of digital transformation of some industrial heritage spaces, previously selected for their great historical, architectural, or technical interest. An extensive bibliographic review is carried out, the contents of the web pages, the main source of information for the potential or real visitor, are analyzed, and three levels of digital effectiveness are established based on the fulfillment of a series of variables distributed in several thematic blocks. The results present the value of offering a specific profile of industrial heritage tourist destinations, appreciating the existing connection between visitors, visited spaces and available resources; the interaction of these three elements with the surrounding territory, fostering a new competitive capacity at the local level; and the projection of each tourist destination in a modern and attractive way. The analysis carried out is easily applicable in any heritage environment and offers the result of the digital transformation experienced by cultural tourism in places of old industrialization. ; ; ; ; .
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Destino turístico, patrimonio industrial, digitalización turística, páginas web, eficacia, Tourist destination, industrial heritage, tourist digitization, websites, effectiveness
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Geografía e Historia