Publicación: Prácticas contrainformativas como expresión de la ciberciudadanía ambiental
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Educación. Departamento de Didáctica, Organización Escolar y Didácticas Especiales
Esta tesis doctoral es el producto final de la investigación Prácticas contrainformativas como expresión de la ciberciudadanía en el marco del Proyecto Minero La Colosa, en Tolima, Colombia, realizada en el marco del Doctorado Comunicación y Educación en Entornos Digitales en la UNED. El análisis realizado invita a conocer una problemática social que se ancla en la realidad de muchas regiones en el planeta, la explotación minera en especial a cielo abierto y las acciones de las comunidades que, directa e indirectamente afectadas, toman la voz, actúan y se enfrentan a este tipo de dinámicas guiadas por la visión hegemónica y mercantilista de la naturaleza. Como objeto de estudio se trata de identificar si las prácticas de Contrainformación, en los contenidos que circularon a través de medios digitales relacionados con el proyecto de minería a cielo abierto, La Colosa, en el Departamento del Tolima, en Colombia, entre el 2009 y el 2015, son manifestaciones de una categoría social que cada día toma mayor relevancia, la ciberciudadanía. Al comienzo del trabajo, se plantean los ejes conceptuales, tales como sociedad del conocimiento, globalización, movimientos sociales, comunicación y contrainformación, logrando un avance al relacionarse con las teorías de la comunicación, configurando categorías de análisis, como son los conceptos Temáticas Contrainformativas y Prácticas Contrainformativas que dinamizan las herramientas y se constituyen en bases para el trabajo de campo. Luego se analiza conceptualmente la ciberciudadanía, partiendo de un rastreo histórico y teórico, identificando su esencia de “concepto en crisis”, que ha sido analizado desde la gestión administrativa y como discurso, para finalmente centrar la ciberciudadanía en el escenario de las ciudadanías emergentes. Para llevar a cabo el trabajo de campo, se analizan 225 registros de información relacionados con el proyecto minero La Colosa, ubicados en Internet a través del buscador Google, los cuales se caracterizaron y clasificaron permitiendo, a través de un estudio de caso, identificar dos prácticas contrainformativas en el proyecto, a las cuales se les aplicó un análisis de contenido. Estas prácticas luego fueron analizadas a partir de un modelo adaptado de Valencia, Arias y Vásquez (2009) para el análisis de la ciudadanía ambiental. Como resultado se identificó como, en el proyecto La Colosa, predominan los medios alternativos, hay un alto impacto de los medios masivos tradicionales en sus formatos digitales y una tendencia a la producción de Temáticas Contrainformativas. Como estudio de caso se seleccionaron dos ejemplos: el blog “No a la colosa horrorosa” y el grupo en Facebook “Conciencia Campesina” y, tras el análisis de contenido, se concluyó que son prácticas contrainformativas muy bien definidas, con un marco ideológico y agenda sustentados en su tradición social y cultural, una estructura de trabajo en red y una base comunicativa dinámica que les permite una generación constante de contenidos. También se observa que lo ambiental tensiona el concepto de ciudadanía y que la perspectiva de una ciberciudadanía ambiental se evidencia en el proyecto minero La Colosa, al ser un escenario de gestión social, política, cultural con una mediación de las tecnologías, con características de política aplicada y de gran incidencia social. Finalmente, la presente tesis doctoral establece lo que se denominan Catálisis, motivando a la reflexión de la funciónque juega la educomunicación en este tipo de situaciones sociales, si se desea trascender del activismo a los procesos de cambio.
This dissertation is the final product of the research alternative practices as an expression of cyber citizenship under the Mining Project The Colosa in Tolima, Colombia, held under the Communication and Education Doctorate in Digital Environments UNED. The analysis invites you to visit a social problem which is anchored in the reality of many regions in the world, especially mining open pit and actions of communities directly and indirectly affected, taking the voice, acting and face this type of dynamic guided by the hegemonic and mercantilist view of nature. As the object of study is to identify whether the practices of counter-information in the contents circulated through digital media related to the proposed opencast mining, La Colosa, in the department of Tolima in Colombia, between 2009 and 2015, are manifestations of a category that every day becomes more relevant, the cybercitizenship .. At the beginning of work, conceptual, such as axes knowledge society, globalization, social movements, communication and counter arise, achieving a breakthrough to relate to communication theories, setting categories of analysis, as are the concepts and themes Contrainformativas Contrainformativas practical tools that streamline and constitute basis for the fieldwork. Then the cybercitizenship sets, from a historical and theoretical tracking, identifying the essence of "concept in crisis" which has been analyzed from the administrative management and as discourse, to finally focus on stage cybercitizenship emerging citizenships. For the fieldwork, 225 records information related to the mining project La Colosa, located on the Internet through the Google search engine, which were characterized and analyzed allowing qualified through a case study to identify two contrainformativas internship project to which was applied a content analysis. Two products of digital communication that were analyzed from a model adapted Valencia, Arias and Vasquez (2009) for the analysis of environmental citizenship is then selected. As a result it was identified as the predominant Colosa The alternative media, there is a high impact of traditional media in digital formats and a tendency to produce thematic Contrainformativas. The blog "No to Colosa horrific" and the Facebook group "Peasant Consciousness" and after performing content analysis concluded that contrainformativas are well defined practices, with an ideological framework: as a case study two examples were selected Agenda and supported in their social and cultural tradition, a networking structure and dynamic communicative base allows a constant content generation. It was also found that the environmental stresses the concept of citizenship and the prospect of an environmental cybercitizenship evidenced by the mining project La Colosa, being a stage of social management, political, cultural with a mediation of the technologies, features policy set and high social impact. Finally, the bill provides what are called Catalysis, encouraging reflection of the role of media education in such situations if desired social activism transcend the processes of change.
This dissertation is the final product of the research alternative practices as an expression of cyber citizenship under the Mining Project The Colosa in Tolima, Colombia, held under the Communication and Education Doctorate in Digital Environments UNED. The analysis invites you to visit a social problem which is anchored in the reality of many regions in the world, especially mining open pit and actions of communities directly and indirectly affected, taking the voice, acting and face this type of dynamic guided by the hegemonic and mercantilist view of nature. As the object of study is to identify whether the practices of counter-information in the contents circulated through digital media related to the proposed opencast mining, La Colosa, in the department of Tolima in Colombia, between 2009 and 2015, are manifestations of a category that every day becomes more relevant, the cybercitizenship .. At the beginning of work, conceptual, such as axes knowledge society, globalization, social movements, communication and counter arise, achieving a breakthrough to relate to communication theories, setting categories of analysis, as are the concepts and themes Contrainformativas Contrainformativas practical tools that streamline and constitute basis for the fieldwork. Then the cybercitizenship sets, from a historical and theoretical tracking, identifying the essence of "concept in crisis" which has been analyzed from the administrative management and as discourse, to finally focus on stage cybercitizenship emerging citizenships. For the fieldwork, 225 records information related to the mining project La Colosa, located on the Internet through the Google search engine, which were characterized and analyzed allowing qualified through a case study to identify two contrainformativas internship project to which was applied a content analysis. Two products of digital communication that were analyzed from a model adapted Valencia, Arias and Vasquez (2009) for the analysis of environmental citizenship is then selected. As a result it was identified as the predominant Colosa The alternative media, there is a high impact of traditional media in digital formats and a tendency to produce thematic Contrainformativas. The blog "No to Colosa horrific" and the Facebook group "Peasant Consciousness" and after performing content analysis concluded that contrainformativas are well defined practices, with an ideological framework: as a case study two examples were selected Agenda and supported in their social and cultural tradition, a networking structure and dynamic communicative base allows a constant content generation. It was also found that the environmental stresses the concept of citizenship and the prospect of an environmental cybercitizenship evidenced by the mining project La Colosa, being a stage of social management, political, cultural with a mediation of the technologies, features policy set and high social impact. Finally, the bill provides what are called Catalysis, encouraging reflection of the role of media education in such situations if desired social activism transcend the processes of change.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Educación