Publicación: Cine y (des)educación afectiva
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Es innegable la gran influencia que ejercen las narraciones audiovisuales en la configuración de la opinión pública de una sociedad y la formación de la personalidad, sobre todo de las generaciones más jóvenes. ¿A qué se debe la viveza con que nos llega su mensaje? ¿Qué instancias humanas están implicadas directamente en la recepción del lenguaje audiovisual? ¿Por qué es más eficaz el mensaje que nos llega a través de estos medios? ¿Pueden contribuir a modular los afectos según unas finalidades que nos hayamos propuesto, o escapan a cualquier tipo de modulación por nuestra parte? Analizaremos estas cuestiones desde la perspectiva de la Antropología y la Filosofía de la Educación. En concreto, nos ocuparemos del estudio de: - La naturaleza de los afectos: respuestas mediadas por el conocimiento ante la percepción de un valor - Las bases anatómicas de la afectividad humana. - Posibilidades lógicas y anatómicas de la educación emocional, y medios para llevarla a cabo. - Las características de las narraciones que tratan sobre las “cuestiones eternas” que interesan al ser humano: Stories of Fears and Hopes (Nussbaum) - La actitud propia del ser humano en sus relaciones con las obras de ficción: “A Willing Suspensión of Disbelief” (Scruton). - La “paradoja de la ficción”: es decir, la capacidad que tiene un objeto que sabemos que no es real para provocar emociones reales. - Las propiedades del lenguaje cinematográfico, y las características las narraciones antes mencionadas cuando se expresan a través de este medio. - Las respuestas emocionales características que provocan las narraciones fílmicas, y la función que corresponde a la imaginación en este proceso. - Efectos positivos y negativos del lenguaje cinematográfico en la vida emocional de los espectadores.
Audiovisual narratives influence greatly public opinion and they play an important role in the configuration of young personalities. Why are they so powerful in transmitting their message? What human mind and body instances are directly affected in the reception of messages that reach to us through these media? Why is the message that arrives to us through them so firmly sticked to our subjectivity, and why is their influence so powerful? Are their effects out of our rational control or can films and other narratives be directed in a way that they may contribute to our emotional education? If so, what means can we employ to do so? We will address these topics from the perspective of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Education. Among other things, we would like consider: - The nature and main characteristics of emotions. - The anatomical basis of emotional life. - Logical and anatomical possibilities for emotional education, and some means to achieve it. - The main features of narratives about eternal human problems: “Stories of Fears and Hopes”. (Nussbaum). - The attitude of human beings when reading or watching fiction: “A Willing Suspension of Disbelief”. (Scruton). - “The paradox of fiction”, or the property of fictional objects to motivate real emotions. - Differences between reading a novel, or watching it on the screen. - Typical emotional responses caused by films, and the role of imagination in this process. - Effects of cinema in the emotional life of spectators.
Audiovisual narratives influence greatly public opinion and they play an important role in the configuration of young personalities. Why are they so powerful in transmitting their message? What human mind and body instances are directly affected in the reception of messages that reach to us through these media? Why is the message that arrives to us through them so firmly sticked to our subjectivity, and why is their influence so powerful? Are their effects out of our rational control or can films and other narratives be directed in a way that they may contribute to our emotional education? If so, what means can we employ to do so? We will address these topics from the perspective of Philosophical Anthropology and Philosophy of Education. Among other things, we would like consider: - The nature and main characteristics of emotions. - The anatomical basis of emotional life. - Logical and anatomical possibilities for emotional education, and some means to achieve it. - The main features of narratives about eternal human problems: “Stories of Fears and Hopes”. (Nussbaum). - The attitude of human beings when reading or watching fiction: “A Willing Suspension of Disbelief”. (Scruton). - “The paradox of fiction”, or the property of fictional objects to motivate real emotions. - Differences between reading a novel, or watching it on the screen. - Typical emotional responses caused by films, and the role of imagination in this process. - Effects of cinema in the emotional life of spectators.
Categorías UNESCO
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Facultad de Educación
Teoría de la Educación y Pedagogía Social