Publicación: Estudio de viabilidad energético-económico de un sistema de gasificación para el aprovechamiento de cascarilla de arroz: caso estudio
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['Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España)', 'Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica']
El aprovechamiento de la cascarilla de arroz en los procesos de los molinos arroceros, para la generación de energía eléctrica que será utilizada en los procesos de producción habituales del molino, se plantea como una solución clave para el gasto energético elevado en el molino y un aprovechamiento más eficiente de este subproducto. En el molino donde se realizó el estudio, actualmente posee una gran demanda de energía eléctrica, causada por una gran variedad de motores eléctricos, que son necesarios para la producción del arroz, estos motores eléctricos van desde pequeños hasta los más grandes ubicados en turbinas y pulidores, que pueden llegar a ser hasta de 50 hp. Además de gastos energéticos en iluminación y en equipos administrativos. La cascarilla de arroz es quemada en los hornos, posterior a eso, se utiliza el aire caliente de esta combustión para ser dirigido a unos procesos de secado del arroz, que implican el uso de dicho aire caliente. Pero si en lugar de esto, ¿se incluyera un paso más en este modelo de secado? El cual constaría de la generación de energía entre la combustión de la cascarilla y el secado del arroz. De este modo se observó que la cascarilla de arroz es una alternativa potencial de energía renovable para la generación de energía eléctrica. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo realizar un estudio de viabilidad económica y energética para a utilización de un residuo como es la cascarilla de arroz y así poder reducir los costos en la energía eléctrica, que son generados en la planta, ya sea debido al uso de la maquinaria o a nivel administrativo, además de dar una utilización novedosa a este subproducto como es la cascarilla. Es un aporte ingenioso a la industria arrocera, no solo de nuestro molino, sino de todos los molinos de arroz existentes en este momento. Este proyecto es adecuado para la solución de generación de energía de forma limpia y renovable, así como la utilización eficiente de la cascarilla, que en algunas ocasiones se acumula de forma masiva, esperando a ser vendida o distribuida a otras partes. Durante el desarrollo de este proyecto, los autores han realizado un levantamiento de datos, relacionados con las actividades del proceso de producción del molino y de la cascarilla de arroz. En función de la revisión realizada en la literatura y las tecnologías eficientes energéticamente, los autores han seleccionado la tecnología de gasificación en motores para aprovechar al máximo la cascarilla de arroz, pero antes de desarrollar un proyecto para el diseño y selección, es necesario verificar la viabilidad energética y económica del proyecto, por lo cual los autores desarrollan una evaluación energética y económica basada en los indicadores correspondientes, de la cual se obtienen los resultados de un rendimiento energético del 96% se da a conocer que el proceso de gasificación planteado es eficiente. Traduciéndose en un rendimiento económico, donde existe un CAPEX de 1, 287, 373,500 millones de pesos, con un OPEX de 2, 841,893 millones de pesos y recuperando la inversión en 2 años aproximadamente. Para llegar a estos resultados los autores realizaron este estudio dividido en los siguientes pasos: Paso 1. Desarrollaron una revisión bibliográfica sobre las tecnologías de gasificación, los Modelos de evaluación, los indicadores de eficiencia energética y los procesos de producción de cascarilla de arroz; Paso 2. Realizaron una caracterización por zonas del molino y sus actividades; Paso 3. Realizaron una selección de indicadores energéticos y económicos para la evaluación del sistema de gasificación seleccionado; Paso 4. Realizaron la selección de los equipos y diseñaron la configuración más eficiente para la gasificación en el molino; Paso 5. Desarrollaron la evaluación energética y económica del sistema de gasificación seleccionado. Finalmente, desarrollaron un análisis de resultados y discusiones sobre los resultados obtenidos.
The use of the rice husk in the processes of the rice mills, for the generation of electrical energy that will be used in the usual production processes of the mill, is considered as a key solution for the high energy expenditure in the mill and a better use more efficient of this by-product. In the mill where the study was carried out, it currently has a great demand for electrical energy, caused by a great variety of electric motors, which are necessary for the production of rice, these electric motors range from small to the largest located in turbines and polishers, which can be up to 50 hp. In addition to energy costs for lighting and administrative equipment. The rice husk is burned in the ovens, after that, the hot air from this combustion is used to be directed to rice drying processes, which involve the use of said hot air. But what if instead of this, one more step was included in this model of drying? Which would consist of the generation of energy between the combustion of the husk and the drying of the rice. In this way, it was observed that the rice husk is a potential alternative of renewable energy for the generation of electrical energy. The objective of this project is to carry out an economic and energy feasibility study for the use of a residue such as rice husks and thus be able to reduce the costs of electrical energy, which are generated in the plant, either due to the use of machinery or at the administrative level, in addition to giving a novel use to this by-product such as the husk. It is an ingenious contribution to the rice industry, not only from our mill, but from all the rice mills that exist at this time. This project is suitable for the clean and renewable energy generation solution, as well as the efficient use of the husk, which sometimes accumulates massively, waiting to be sold or distributed to other parties. During the development of this project, the authors have carried out a data collection related to the activities of the production process of the mill and the rice husk. Based on the review carried out in the literature and energy efficient technologies, the authors have selected the gasification technology in engines to make the most of the rice husk, but before developing a project for the design and selection, it is necessary to verify the energy and economic viability of the project, for which the authors develop an energy and economic evaluation based on the corresponding indicators, from which the results of an energy yield of 96% are obtained, it is disclosed that the proposed gasification process is efficient . Translating into economic performance, where there is a CAPEX of 1,287,373,500 million pesos, with an OPEX of 2,841,893 million pesos and recovering the investment in approximately 2 years. To reach these results, the authors carried out this study divided into the following steps: Step 1. They developed a bibliographic review on gasification technologies, evaluation models, energy efficiency indicators and rice husk production processes; Step 2. They carried out a characterization by zones of the mill and its activities; Step 3. They made a selection of energy and economic indicators for the evaluation of the selected gasification system; Step 4. They selected the equipment and designed the most efficient configuration for gasification in the mill; Step 5. Developed the energy and economic evaluation of the selected gasification system. Finally, they developed an analysis of results and discussions about the results obtained.
The use of the rice husk in the processes of the rice mills, for the generation of electrical energy that will be used in the usual production processes of the mill, is considered as a key solution for the high energy expenditure in the mill and a better use more efficient of this by-product. In the mill where the study was carried out, it currently has a great demand for electrical energy, caused by a great variety of electric motors, which are necessary for the production of rice, these electric motors range from small to the largest located in turbines and polishers, which can be up to 50 hp. In addition to energy costs for lighting and administrative equipment. The rice husk is burned in the ovens, after that, the hot air from this combustion is used to be directed to rice drying processes, which involve the use of said hot air. But what if instead of this, one more step was included in this model of drying? Which would consist of the generation of energy between the combustion of the husk and the drying of the rice. In this way, it was observed that the rice husk is a potential alternative of renewable energy for the generation of electrical energy. The objective of this project is to carry out an economic and energy feasibility study for the use of a residue such as rice husks and thus be able to reduce the costs of electrical energy, which are generated in the plant, either due to the use of machinery or at the administrative level, in addition to giving a novel use to this by-product such as the husk. It is an ingenious contribution to the rice industry, not only from our mill, but from all the rice mills that exist at this time. This project is suitable for the clean and renewable energy generation solution, as well as the efficient use of the husk, which sometimes accumulates massively, waiting to be sold or distributed to other parties. During the development of this project, the authors have carried out a data collection related to the activities of the production process of the mill and the rice husk. Based on the review carried out in the literature and energy efficient technologies, the authors have selected the gasification technology in engines to make the most of the rice husk, but before developing a project for the design and selection, it is necessary to verify the energy and economic viability of the project, for which the authors develop an energy and economic evaluation based on the corresponding indicators, from which the results of an energy yield of 96% are obtained, it is disclosed that the proposed gasification process is efficient . Translating into economic performance, where there is a CAPEX of 1,287,373,500 million pesos, with an OPEX of 2,841,893 million pesos and recovering the investment in approximately 2 years. To reach these results, the authors carried out this study divided into the following steps: Step 1. They developed a bibliographic review on gasification technologies, evaluation models, energy efficiency indicators and rice husk production processes; Step 2. They carried out a characterization by zones of the mill and its activities; Step 3. They made a selection of energy and economic indicators for the evaluation of the selected gasification system; Step 4. They selected the equipment and designed the most efficient configuration for gasification in the mill; Step 5. Developed the energy and economic evaluation of the selected gasification system. Finally, they developed an analysis of results and discussions about the results obtained.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
gasificador, cascarilla de arroz, eficiencia energética
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales