Publicación: Prosopography of members of cathedral chapter of Cuenca in 1450: institutional flowchart and sociological approach
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El método prosopográfico es uno de los grandes instrumentos con los que cuenta un medievalista para profundizar en la historia social de una determinada comunidad, institución o grupo humano. De cara a la historiografía eclesiástica, se establece como un punto de partida necesario para descubrir la existencia de redes clientelares o la vinculación con ciertos grupos sociales en el interior de algunas instituciones. Este artículo pretende demostrar la necesidad de aplicar el método prosopográfico en una de ellas: el cabildo de la catedral de Cuenca. Su utilización para el año 1450 nos ha servido, a modo de ejemplo, para profundizar en el organigrama de dicha institución y, a su vez, determinar el grado que alcanzó la presencia de varios linajes urbanos dentro del cabildo conquense en el citado período. La aplicación en un marco cronológico más amplio, podría arrojarnos información muy valiosa sobre una de las instituciones más importantes de la ciudad en la época medieval.
The prosopographical method is one of the big instruments which a medievalist has to penetrate into the social history of a certain community, institution or human group. With a view to ecclesiastical historiography, it is established as a necessary starting point to discover the existence of clientelist networks or linking to certain social groups within some institutions. This article aims to show the need to apply the method prosopographical in one of them: the Chapter of the Cathedral of Cuenca. His utilization for the year 1450 has served us like example to penetrate into the flowchart of that institution and, in turn, to determine the presence of several urban lineages inside the Chapter conquense in this period. The application in a more wide chronological frame, us might throw very valuable information about one of the most important institutions of the city in the medieval epoch.
The prosopographical method is one of the big instruments which a medievalist has to penetrate into the social history of a certain community, institution or human group. With a view to ecclesiastical historiography, it is established as a necessary starting point to discover the existence of clientelist networks or linking to certain social groups within some institutions. This article aims to show the need to apply the method prosopographical in one of them: the Chapter of the Cathedral of Cuenca. His utilization for the year 1450 has served us like example to penetrate into the flowchart of that institution and, in turn, to determine the presence of several urban lineages inside the Chapter conquense in this period. The application in a more wide chronological frame, us might throw very valuable information about one of the most important institutions of the city in the medieval epoch.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
prosopografía, cabildo catedralicio de Cuenca, siglo XV, historia institucional, historia social, linajes urbanos, prosopography, Cuenca cathedral chapter, 15th century, institutional history, social history, urban lineages
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