Publicación: Estética del poder. Del castigo y la disciplina a la política espectáculo: la evolución del dominio de masas hacia la sociedad de la apariencia
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía
Las herramientas que la estética del poder utiliza para asegurar su dominación han evolucionado y se han adaptado a los nuevos tiempos. Desde el castigo y la disciplina como métodos más antiguos, las relaciones entre la estética, la política y el poder han progresado hacia la hegemonía de lo aparente. La política espectáculo y el espectáculo en sí mismo contribuyen ahora a la dominación del nuevo verdadero poder de lo económico. Foucault, Eagleton, Schiller, Gramsci, Debord o Baudrillard son algunos de los pensadores que nos prestan su inestimable ayuda para descubrir que hoy la estética del poder nos domina, nos arrebata nuestra propia naturaleza como responsable de una sociedad de la apariencia en la que el espectáculo y lo simulado rodean nuestras vidas, las dirigen hacia el ciego consumismo de necesidades impuestas y destruyen el valor de ser para construirlo sobre los cimientos del tener encumbrados por el parecer. El dominio de las masas está garantizado mientras que los oprimidos no recuperen la estética como propia, la empleen contra su opresor y construyan una nueva hegemonía que permita luchar por una libertad verdadera, no por una simple elección de productos que consumir.
The tools, that the aesthetics of power uses to ensure its domination, have evolved and adapted to the new times. Since punishment and discipline as older methods, the relations between aesthetics, politics and power have progressed towards the hegemony of the apparent. The spectacle politics and spectacle itself contribute now to the domination of the new real economic power. Foucault, Eagleton, Schiller, Gramsci, Debord or Baudrillard are some of the thinkers who lend us their invaluable help to discover that, nowadays, the aesthetics of power dominates us. This aesthetic snatches our own nature and it is responsible for a society of the appearance where the spectacle and the simulated surround our lives, which are directed towards the blind consumption of imposed needs. Those needs destroy the value of being to build on the foundations of having extol for the appearances. Mastery of the masses is guaranteed, while the oppressed do not recover the aesthetic as their own or they could employ it against its oppressor and build a new hegemony, that allows to fight for a true freedom and not only by a simple choice of products to consume.
The tools, that the aesthetics of power uses to ensure its domination, have evolved and adapted to the new times. Since punishment and discipline as older methods, the relations between aesthetics, politics and power have progressed towards the hegemony of the apparent. The spectacle politics and spectacle itself contribute now to the domination of the new real economic power. Foucault, Eagleton, Schiller, Gramsci, Debord or Baudrillard are some of the thinkers who lend us their invaluable help to discover that, nowadays, the aesthetics of power dominates us. This aesthetic snatches our own nature and it is responsible for a society of the appearance where the spectacle and the simulated surround our lives, which are directed towards the blind consumption of imposed needs. Those needs destroy the value of being to build on the foundations of having extol for the appearances. Mastery of the masses is guaranteed, while the oppressed do not recover the aesthetic as their own or they could employ it against its oppressor and build a new hegemony, that allows to fight for a true freedom and not only by a simple choice of products to consume.
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Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Filosofía