Publicación: Respuesta dinámica de estructuras con amortiguadores híbridos obtenida mediante ensayos con mesa vibrante
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['Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España)', 'Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica']
La estrategia convencional de proyecto sismorresistente actual permite que frente a sismos severos las estructuras plastifiquen y sufran daños importantes pero sin colapsar. Esta estrategia esta siendo fuertemente cuestionada por los enormes daños materiales que involucra y su fuerte impacto medioambiental. Desde principios del siglo XXI se esta produciendo un cambio de paradigma hacia el denominado Proyecto Basado en Prestaciones (PBP), uno de cuyos principales objetivos es el control del daño. Una manera eficiente de materializar los objetivos del PBP es incorporar en las estructuras dispositivos de disipación de energía que absorban la mayor parte de la energía que introduce el sismo, minimizando o evitando los daños en la estructura principal. Este trabajo presenta un nuevo dispositivo disipador de energía híbrido que combina componentes viscoelásticas e histeréticas. Se exponen ensayos dinámicos con mesa vibrante realizados para investigar la respuesta de estructuras equipadas con el nuevo dispositivo.
The conventional seismic design of structures allows severe damage in structures subjected to intense earthquakes, as far as collapse in prevented. This approach is questioned in the light of the very large damage caused by recent ground motions. Since the beguiling of the XXI century, the seismic engineering is moving towards the new paradigms called “Performance Based Design (PBD)” that is aimed, not only to prevent casualties, but also to control and reduce economic loses. The innovative technology of the energy dissipation devices has proven a very efficient solution to materialize the objectives of the PBD (i.e. protect constructions against damage and increase their resilience). This paper presents a new hybrid energy dissipation device that combines in parallel two components: the hysteretic part and the viscoelastic part. The efficiency of the new damper is assessed through dynamic shake table tests.
The conventional seismic design of structures allows severe damage in structures subjected to intense earthquakes, as far as collapse in prevented. This approach is questioned in the light of the very large damage caused by recent ground motions. Since the beguiling of the XXI century, the seismic engineering is moving towards the new paradigms called “Performance Based Design (PBD)” that is aimed, not only to prevent casualties, but also to control and reduce economic loses. The innovative technology of the energy dissipation devices has proven a very efficient solution to materialize the objectives of the PBD (i.e. protect constructions against damage and increase their resilience). This paper presents a new hybrid energy dissipation device that combines in parallel two components: the hysteretic part and the viscoelastic part. The efficiency of the new damper is assessed through dynamic shake table tests.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
disipadores de energía, estructuras sismorresistentes, proyecto basado en prestaciones
E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales