Publicación: Métodos cromatográficos aplicados al análisis de aguas de consumo y residuales
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Ciencias Analíticas
El análisis del agua, ya sea destinada al consumo o residual, es una actividad imprescindible para garantizar la integridad de los ecosistemas hídricos y la salud de los consumidores. Dentro de la gran cantidad de parámetros que se evalúan para determinar la calidad del agua, existen grandes grupos de analitos que pueden determinarse utilizando las técnicas cromatográficas. La legislación aplicable a calidad de las aguas es cada vez más exigente, los valores paramétricos tienden a mantenerse o a disminuir en función de estudios y recomendaciones de organismos oficiales dedicados a preservar la salud y el medio ambiente. Asimismo, para garantizar la calidad de los resultados emitidos por los laboratorios, se han de cuidar todos los aspectos relacionados con el muestreo, conservación y tratamiento de la muestra. Habitualmente el análisis cromatográfico de muestras de agua requiere un tratamiento previo de la muestra, debido a que los analitos de interés se encuentran en concentraciones bastante bajas y/o acompañados de interferentes que deben eliminarse antes del análisis. En función de la naturaleza del analito, se debe seleccionar la técnica analítica más adecuada. En este estudio se presentan algunas investigaciones recientes relacionadas con el análisis cromatográfico de muestras de agua, haciendo especial mención a los métodos de extracción, instrumentación y condiciones cromatográficas utilizadas y sistemas de detección. También se incluyen estudios de validación de métodos cromatográficos, donde se reportan resultados de linealidad, veracidad, precisión, sensibilidad y demás parámetros de validación de interés. En definitiva, este trabajo fin de máster refleja la situación actual de las técnicas cromatográficas en los laboratorios de análisis de aguas.
The analysis of water, whether intended for consumption or waste, is an essential activity to ensure the integrity of water ecosystems and consumer’s health. Among the large number of parameters that are assessed to determine water quality, there are many groups of analytes that can be determined using chromatographic techniques. Applicable water legislation is becoming more and more strict, parametric values tend to be maintained or decreased depending on studies and recommendations from organizations dedicated to preserve human health and the environment. Likewise, in order to guarantee quality results issued by the laboratory, all facts related to sampling, sample treatment and conservation must be watched. Usually chromatographic analysis of water samples require a preliminary sample treatment, due to the fact that analytes of interest are in quite low concentrations and / or accompanied by interferences that must be removed before the analysis. Depending on the nature of the analyte, the most appropriate analytical technique should be selected. In this project some recent investigations related to the chromatographic analysis of water samples are presented, making special mention to extraction methods, instrumentation and chromatographic conditions employed and detection systems. Chromatographic methods validation studies are also included, where results of linearity, precision, accuracy, sensitivity and other validation parameters of interest are reported. Moreover, this master’s thesis reflects the current situation of chromatographic techniques in water analysis laboratories.
The analysis of water, whether intended for consumption or waste, is an essential activity to ensure the integrity of water ecosystems and consumer’s health. Among the large number of parameters that are assessed to determine water quality, there are many groups of analytes that can be determined using chromatographic techniques. Applicable water legislation is becoming more and more strict, parametric values tend to be maintained or decreased depending on studies and recommendations from organizations dedicated to preserve human health and the environment. Likewise, in order to guarantee quality results issued by the laboratory, all facts related to sampling, sample treatment and conservation must be watched. Usually chromatographic analysis of water samples require a preliminary sample treatment, due to the fact that analytes of interest are in quite low concentrations and / or accompanied by interferences that must be removed before the analysis. Depending on the nature of the analyte, the most appropriate analytical technique should be selected. In this project some recent investigations related to the chromatographic analysis of water samples are presented, making special mention to extraction methods, instrumentation and chromatographic conditions employed and detection systems. Chromatographic methods validation studies are also included, where results of linearity, precision, accuracy, sensitivity and other validation parameters of interest are reported. Moreover, this master’s thesis reflects the current situation of chromatographic techniques in water analysis laboratories.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
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