Publicación: La racionalidad en Ciencia y (en la ciencia del) Derecho
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía
El Derecho con frecuencia debe enfrentarse a la regulación de diversas materias que escapan de los constructos dogmáticos a los que acostumbra acudir para solventar los problemas interpretativos y, en consecuencia, no son pocas las dificultades que surgen a la hora de aplicar diversos preceptos legales. En este sentido, el campo de la tecnociencia es el que mayores dificultades presenta dadas las radicales diferencias que existen entre ambos fenómenos. La clave para poder superar estas aparentes contrariedades radica en el análisis del proceso de racionalidad ya que condicionará tanto el desarrollo de las disciplinas como el apropiado entendimiento de su proceder. En este trabajo se aborda el estudio de los diferentes modos de entender la racionalidad que se han sucedido a lo largo del siglo XX, íntimamente ligados a las distintas concepciones que mantenidas de la ciencia y determinantes, a su vez, de la propia construcción de la cientificidad jurídica –y, con ella, de su racionalidad. Los caminos paralelos seguidos por sendas disciplinas, han ido acercándose a lo largo del tiempo hasta encontrar un punto de unión en la racionalidad acotada que, con las consideraciones que a cada campo pertenecen, es capaz de ofrecer, sino las soluciones, al menos una explicación de los factores más relevantes a tener en cuenta en cada caso.
The law is often called to regulate different matters whose interpretation can not be done by attending to usual dogmatic constructs; consequently, there are many difficulties that arise when applying various legal precepts. In this sense, the technoscience field is one of the most problematic ones due to radical differences between both phenomena. The key to overcoming these apparent contradictions lies in the analysis of the process of rationality as it will determine both the development of disciplines such as proper understanding of its actions. This work studies the different ways of understanding rationality that have happened throughout the twentieth century, closely linked to the different conceptions of science maintained, and determinants, in turn, to the possible scientific qualities of Law-and with it, its rationality. The parallel paths followed by respective disciplines, have been approaching along time to find a junction on bounded rationality; the only one, in my view, capable of offer not solutions but, at least, an explanation of the most important factors to consider in each case.
The law is often called to regulate different matters whose interpretation can not be done by attending to usual dogmatic constructs; consequently, there are many difficulties that arise when applying various legal precepts. In this sense, the technoscience field is one of the most problematic ones due to radical differences between both phenomena. The key to overcoming these apparent contradictions lies in the analysis of the process of rationality as it will determine both the development of disciplines such as proper understanding of its actions. This work studies the different ways of understanding rationality that have happened throughout the twentieth century, closely linked to the different conceptions of science maintained, and determinants, in turn, to the possible scientific qualities of Law-and with it, its rationality. The parallel paths followed by respective disciplines, have been approaching along time to find a junction on bounded rationality; the only one, in my view, capable of offer not solutions but, at least, an explanation of the most important factors to consider in each case.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
racionalidad, racionalidad en ciencia, racionalidad jurídica, racionalidad acotada, rationality, scientific rationality, rationality in law, bounded rationality
Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Filosofía
Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia