Publicación: Evaluación del comportamiento mecánico de la articulación de cadera afectada por descalcificación ósea empleando métodos fractales
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['Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España)', 'Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica']
Las articulaciones de cadera de los enfermos de osteopenia y osteoporosis muestran un comportamiento mecánico complejo producto de la descalcificación del tejido óseo que modifica su estructura interna y sus propiedades. Las articulaciones se someten a esfuerzos porque junto con la musculatura que las rodean, soportan el peso del cuerpo en posturas estáticas y dinámicas a fatiga. Por ende, bajo ciertas condiciones de carga, la falla biomecánica de las articulaciones es el producto de las fuerzas que actúan cuando sobrepasen su capacidad de mantener el equilibrio mientras se desgastan o agrietan. El comportamiento mecánico de las articulaciones es importante porque estas pertenecen al tronco y relacionan el hueso coxal con el fémur izquierdo o derecho durante las actividades de trabajo. Entonces, a través de métodos fractales se evaluaron los resultados de densitometría ósea (imágenes médicas). Por Trazas auto-similares en Box-Dimension y en Mass-Dimensión se determinó la dimensión fractal de las superficies de desgaste de las articulaciones. La cual sirvió para cuantificar el grado de irregularidad y fragmentación de los tejidos óseos. Asimismo, describe la variación de masa ósea a través del tiempo que pasa de la condición normal hasta la osteoporosis.
The hip joints of patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis show a complex mechanical behavior due to the decalcification of the bone tissue that modifies its internal structure and its properties. The joints are subjected to stress because together with the muscles that surround them, they support the weight of the body in static and dynamic postures to fatigue. Therefore, under certain loading conditions, the biomechanical failure of the joints is the product of the forces that act when they exceed their ability to maintain balance as they wear or crack. The mechanical behavior of the joints is important because they belong to the trunk and relate the coxal bone to the left or right femur during work activities. Then, through fractal methods, the results of bone densitometry (medical images) were evaluated. By self-similar traces in Box-Dimension and in Mass-Dimension, the fractal dimension of the wear surfaces of the joints was determined. Which served to quantify the degree of irregularity and fragmentation of bone tissues. Likewise, it describes the variation of bone mass over time that passes from the normal condition to osteoporosis.
The hip joints of patients with osteopenia and osteoporosis show a complex mechanical behavior due to the decalcification of the bone tissue that modifies its internal structure and its properties. The joints are subjected to stress because together with the muscles that surround them, they support the weight of the body in static and dynamic postures to fatigue. Therefore, under certain loading conditions, the biomechanical failure of the joints is the product of the forces that act when they exceed their ability to maintain balance as they wear or crack. The mechanical behavior of the joints is important because they belong to the trunk and relate the coxal bone to the left or right femur during work activities. Then, through fractal methods, the results of bone densitometry (medical images) were evaluated. By self-similar traces in Box-Dimension and in Mass-Dimension, the fractal dimension of the wear surfaces of the joints was determined. Which served to quantify the degree of irregularity and fragmentation of bone tissues. Likewise, it describes the variation of bone mass over time that passes from the normal condition to osteoporosis.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
dimensión fractal, comportamiento fractal, desgaste, articulaciones de cadera, comportamiento mecánico y tejidos óseos
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingenieros Industriales