Publicación: El real de plata de Pedro I. Entre el prestigio y la necesidad (c. 1363 - 1369)
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Uno de los grandes interrogantes de la historia de la moneda medieval en Castilla es el momento de la aparición del real de plata y las circunstancias que la rodean. Un único documento emitido en tiempos de Pedro I avala su existencia que se añade a otra solitaria mención presente en la crónica de su reinado elaborada por Pero López de Ayala. Disponemos también de otras noticias sobre el atesoramiento de plata, en monedas o en lingotes, por el monarca castellano. Estas fuentes escritas se complementan con el estudio comparado del real con el gros tornés, la moneda francesa de plata del momento. Todas estas referencias nos permiten ofrecer una fecha aproximada de su primera acuñación
One of the great questions in the history of medieval currency in Castile is the time of the appearance of the silver real and the circumstances surrounding it. A single document issued in the time of Pedro I guarantees its existence, which is added to another solitary mention present in the chronicle of his reign produced by Pero López de Ayala. We also have other news about the treasuring of silver, in coins or ingots, by the Castilian monarch. These written sources are complemented by a comparative study of the real with the gros tournois, the French silver coin of the time. All these references allow us to provide an approximate date of first mintage.
One of the great questions in the history of medieval currency in Castile is the time of the appearance of the silver real and the circumstances surrounding it. A single document issued in the time of Pedro I guarantees its existence, which is added to another solitary mention present in the chronicle of his reign produced by Pero López de Ayala. We also have other news about the treasuring of silver, in coins or ingots, by the Castilian monarch. These written sources are complemented by a comparative study of the real with the gros tournois, the French silver coin of the time. All these references allow us to provide an approximate date of first mintage.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
crónica de Pedro I, Castilla, siglo XIV, moneda, real de plata, gros tornés, chronicle of Pedro I, Castile, 14th century, currency, silver real, gros tournois
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