Publicación: Química bioinorgánica: los elementos inorgánicos esenciales en los sistemas biológicos
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Ciencias. Departamento de Química Inorgánica y Química Técnica
De todos los elementos de la tabla periódica, los metales de transición presentan un conjunto de compuestos que son fundamentales en los sistemas biológico. En este trabajo nos centraremos únicamente en cuatro de ellos, el hierro, el cobre, el manganeso y el zinc que tienen como característica el ser fundamentales para el ser humano, por desempeñar numerosas funciones esenciales para su organismo. El hierro junto con el cobre son elementos capaces de unirse a diferentes ligandos, confiriéndoles la capacidad de intervenir en numerosas reacciones redox y haciendo que sean dos elementos indispensables para la vida, aun estando en baja concentración en el ser humano. Además, ambos forman parte de proteínas encargadas de la activación, almacenamiento y transporte de oxígeno. Por el contrario, el manganeso y el zinc son elementos que participan en diversas enzimas que son fundamentales en los procesos metabólicos en el ser humano. Sin embargo, aunque son metales muy beneficiosos para los seres humanos, un cambio en su concentración, por exceso o por defecto, pueden llevar a la existencia de diferentes enfermedades.
Of all the elements in the periodic table, transition metals present a set of compounds that are fundamental in biological systems. In this work we will focus only on four of them, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc that have as a characteristic the fundamental being for the human being, for performing numerous essential functions for his organism. Iron together with copper are elements capable of binding to different ligands, giving them the ability to intervene in numerous redox reactions and making them two indispensable elements for life, even being in low concentration in the human being. In addition, both are part of proteins responsible for the activation, storage, and transport of oxygen. On the contrary, manganese and zinc are elements that participate in various enzymes that are fundamental in metabolic processes in humans. However, although they are very beneficial metals for humans, a change in their concentration, by excess or by default, can lead to the existence of different diseases.
Of all the elements in the periodic table, transition metals present a set of compounds that are fundamental in biological systems. In this work we will focus only on four of them, iron, copper, manganese, and zinc that have as a characteristic the fundamental being for the human being, for performing numerous essential functions for his organism. Iron together with copper are elements capable of binding to different ligands, giving them the ability to intervene in numerous redox reactions and making them two indispensable elements for life, even being in low concentration in the human being. In addition, both are part of proteins responsible for the activation, storage, and transport of oxygen. On the contrary, manganese and zinc are elements that participate in various enzymes that are fundamental in metabolic processes in humans. However, although they are very beneficial metals for humans, a change in their concentration, by excess or by default, can lead to the existence of different diseases.
Categorías UNESCO
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Facultades y escuelas::Facultad de Ciencias
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