Publicación: Análisis forense en entornos Android orientado a la adquisición de inteligencia
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática. Departamento de Sistemas de Comunicación y Control
El presente trabajo de fin de master constituye una extensión de la asignatura Análisis Forense, focalizado en los dispositivos móviles que montan sistemas operativos Android. Por un lado, se mostrarán los fundamentos teóricos que conforman este tipo de análisis forense digital, desde la importancia que en nuestras vidas juegan estos dispositivos, hasta comprender la necesidad de un análisis forense en este ámbito, junto con ello, las diversas fases, técnicas y procedimientos que caracterizan estas actividades forenses. Por otro lado, se materializarán una serie de talleres de prácticas, buscando, no solo una muestra real de este tipo de análisis, sino una herramienta en sí misma, con el objeto de formar a cierto personal en esta disciplina, con un nivel de detalle que, partiendo del material y formación previa por parte del alumno, alcanza la propia resolución del profesorado. A lo largo del presente proyecto, se han marcado una serie de objetivos, basados en la formación en la ciencia forense sobre dispositivos móviles, así como la conformación de una serie de talleres de prácticas. Su cumplimiento ha sido viable a través de unas bases teóricas que sostienen este tipo de ciencia forense, desde el conocimiento de las bases de un sistema operativo Android, hasta el paso por una serie de buenas prácticas sobre acciones forense en estos dispositivos. Junto con lo anterior la materialización/ejemplo de acción forense sobre sistemas Android, lo cual no solo refuerza, sino que demuestra los retos que supone “enfrentarse” a este tipo de dispositivos/sistemas operativos asociados.
This master's research project is an addition to the subject Forensic Analysis, focusing on mobile devices that use Android operating systems. On the one hand, it will show the theoretical foundations that make up this type of digital forensic analysis, from the importance that these devices play in our lives, to understanding the need for forensic analysis in this area, along with the various phases, techniques and procedures that characterise these forensic activities. On the other hand, a series of practical workshops will materialise, seeking not only a real sample of this type of analysis, but a tool in itself, with the aim of training certain personnel in this discipline, with a level of detail that, starting from the material and previous training on the part of the student, reaches the very resolution of the teaching staff. Throughout this project, a series of objectives have been set, based on mobile forensic science training on mobile devices, as well as the creation of a series of practical workshops. Its fulfilment has been feasible through theoretical bases that support this type of forensic science, from the knowledge of the basics of an Android operating system, to the passage through a series of good practices on forensic actions on these devices. Along with the above, the materialisation/example of forensic action on Android systems, which not only reinforces, but also demonstrates the challenges involved in "confronting" this type of device/operating system.
This master's research project is an addition to the subject Forensic Analysis, focusing on mobile devices that use Android operating systems. On the one hand, it will show the theoretical foundations that make up this type of digital forensic analysis, from the importance that these devices play in our lives, to understanding the need for forensic analysis in this area, along with the various phases, techniques and procedures that characterise these forensic activities. On the other hand, a series of practical workshops will materialise, seeking not only a real sample of this type of analysis, but a tool in itself, with the aim of training certain personnel in this discipline, with a level of detail that, starting from the material and previous training on the part of the student, reaches the very resolution of the teaching staff. Throughout this project, a series of objectives have been set, based on mobile forensic science training on mobile devices, as well as the creation of a series of practical workshops. Its fulfilment has been feasible through theoretical bases that support this type of forensic science, from the knowledge of the basics of an Android operating system, to the passage through a series of good practices on forensic actions on these devices. Along with the above, the materialisation/example of forensic action on Android systems, which not only reinforces, but also demonstrates the challenges involved in "confronting" this type of device/operating system.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Android, análisis forense digital, artifacts, Android Debug Bridge, Android Virtual Device
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
Sistemas de Comunicación y Control