Publicación: Entorno genérico para la visualización del funcionamiento de los algoritmos
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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos. Departamento de Lenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos
Este proyecto plantea el desarrollo de un sitio web como herramienta de apoyo al aprendizaje del funcionamiento de los algoritmos. El aprendizaje del funcionamiento de los algoritmos resulta en ocasiones difícil para los estudiantes. Es fundamental para un Ingeniero en Informática entender en profundidad los mecanismos en los que se basan los algoritmos más conocidos, ya que son la base de la resolución de gran parte de los problemas que es necesario resolver en el ámbito profesional y de investigación. Ejemplos de esquemas algorítmicos importantes son voraz, divide y vencerás, programación dinámica, vuelta atrás y ramificación y poda. El presente proyecto expone el diseño y desarrollo del framework que se denominó VGA. Este permite una rápida implementación de algoritmos debido a su enfoque orientado a objetos. Asimismo, no se trata de un proyecto cerrado, sino que se diseñó para que su funcionalidad sea aumentada en función de las necesidades. Actualmente está orientado a la asignatura “Programación y Estructuras de Datos Avanzadas”, asignatura del primer cuatrimestre del segundo curso tanto del Grado en Ingeniería Informática como en el Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías de la Información de la UNED. No obstante, puede ser objeto de utilización de otras asignaturas por su posible reutilización de objetos para otros menesteres. Ejemplos de estosilustrac pueden ser “Autómatas, Gramáticas y Lenguajes”, “Aprendizaje Automático” o ambas asignaturas de inteligencia artificial.
This project proposes the development of a website as a support tool for learning how algorithms works. Learning how algorithms work is sometimes difficult for students. It is fundamental for a Computer Engineer understand in depth the mechanisms on which the most known algorithms are based, since they are the basis for solving many of the problems that need to be solved in the professional and research field. Examples of important algorithmic schemes are greedy, divide and conquer, backtracking and branch and bound. This project sets out the design and development of the framework that was called VGA. This allows for rapid implementation of algorithms due to its objectoriented approach. It is also not a closed project but was designed to increase its functionality according to needs. Currently it is oriented to the subject "Programming and Advanced Data Structures", course of the first semester of the second year of both the Degree in Computer Engineering and the Degree in Engineering in Information Technologies of UNED. However, it can be used for other subjects because of its possible reuse the objects for other needs. Examples of these can be "Automata, Grammars and Languages", "Automatic Learning" or both artificial intelligence’s courses.
This project proposes the development of a website as a support tool for learning how algorithms works. Learning how algorithms work is sometimes difficult for students. It is fundamental for a Computer Engineer understand in depth the mechanisms on which the most known algorithms are based, since they are the basis for solving many of the problems that need to be solved in the professional and research field. Examples of important algorithmic schemes are greedy, divide and conquer, backtracking and branch and bound. This project sets out the design and development of the framework that was called VGA. This allows for rapid implementation of algorithms due to its objectoriented approach. It is also not a closed project but was designed to increase its functionality according to needs. Currently it is oriented to the subject "Programming and Advanced Data Structures", course of the first semester of the second year of both the Degree in Computer Engineering and the Degree in Engineering in Information Technologies of UNED. However, it can be used for other subjects because of its possible reuse the objects for other needs. Examples of these can be "Automata, Grammars and Languages", "Automatic Learning" or both artificial intelligence’s courses.
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
VGA, Algoritmos, Dijkstra, Dinámica, Estructuras, Grafos, Visualizador, Gráfico, Web, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, BootStrap, GitLab, Framework
Facultades y escuelas::E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática
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