Publicación: El impacto del Estado Islámico en Irak. Análisis de la intervención de Irán en la lucha contra Daesh en el Estado Iraquí
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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Instituto Universitario "General Gutiérrez Mellado"
Irak ha constituido a lo largo de los últimos años el país más afectado por el impacto del terrorismo. El Global Terrorism Index (GTI) refleja cómo Estado Islámico, a pesar de su rápida expansión por el mundo desde junio de 2014, ha sido en suelo iraquí donde ha desarrollado la mayoría de sus acciones, aprovechando el caos estatal imperante. En este contexto se gestó el apoyo de la coalición internacional liderada por EEUU que, bajo la denominación de Operación Inherent Resolve, aún continúa actuando en Irak. Es una realidad que el desmoronamiento progresivo de Estado Islámico atiende a la labor de esta coalición, además de a otros motivos como la influencia incesante de Irán, que desde bastante años atrás, especialmente tras la caída de Saddam Hussein y posteriormente el auge del Daesh, ha perseguido una Irak que garantice su hegemonía regional, su seguridad o la autonomía energética, entre otros intereses.
Irak has been the most affected country by the impact of terrorism in recent years. The Global Terrorism Index reflects how the Islamic State, despite its rapid expansion around the world since June 2014, has been on Iraqi soil where it has developed most of its actions, taking advantage of the prevailing state chaos. In this context, the support of the international coalition led by the US was created, which, under the name Operation Inherent Resolve, continues to operate in Iraq. It is a fact that the progressive collapse of the Islamic State attends to the work of this coalition, in addition to other reasons such as the incessant influence of Iran, which for many years, especially after the fall of Saddam Hussein and later the rise of Daesh, it has pursued an Iraq that guarantees its regional hegemony, its security or energy autonomy, among other interests
Irak has been the most affected country by the impact of terrorism in recent years. The Global Terrorism Index reflects how the Islamic State, despite its rapid expansion around the world since June 2014, has been on Iraqi soil where it has developed most of its actions, taking advantage of the prevailing state chaos. In this context, the support of the international coalition led by the US was created, which, under the name Operation Inherent Resolve, continues to operate in Iraq. It is a fact that the progressive collapse of the Islamic State attends to the work of this coalition, in addition to other reasons such as the incessant influence of Iran, which for many years, especially after the fall of Saddam Hussein and later the rise of Daesh, it has pursued an Iraq that guarantees its regional hegemony, its security or energy autonomy, among other interests
Categorías UNESCO
Palabras clave
Irak, Estado Islámico, Irán, terrorismo, coalición internacional, seguridad, Iraq, Islamic State, terrorism, international coalition, security
Institutos y centros de investigación::Instituto Universitario Gutierrez Mellado (IUGM )